What Happened to THE NAME?

Why are Jews prohibited to pronounce the Holy Name of their God? Where and when did this start? Was it a law given by Moses or at some later time? Today our people are burdened with laws that they know nothing about where they were derived, laws that make little sense to the logical mind and because they conflict with the written Word of Hashem, the Bible takes a back seat and few if any understand it or give it credibility.

There is much that happened in history to remake the Jewish religion. This religion was tailor made to allow Jews to practice in the exile without a High Priest and without a temple. This was prophesied in the writings of the prophets. One of these; very specific regarding the lack of Temple service and priesthood, Hosea 3:4 says:

כי ימים רבים ישבו בני ישראל אין מלך ואין שר ואין זבח ואין מצבה ואין אפוד ותרפים׃

“For the sons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar and without ephod or household idols.”

And so it has been ever since the return from Babylon before the second temple was built. The following link will take you to a You Tube that is just now available after months of research in historical and Jewish religious books including Mishnah Talmud. This video is a must see for understanding a little of the background as to why Jews are not allowed to speak or pray in the name YHVH (יהוה). To do so carries a curse that prohibits the speaker from taking part in the world to come. To see this history, go to this YouTube channel and watch parts 1 & 2. There will soon be other videos to watch on this and other topics by Deb (Devorah Yocheved). See Bio below.

To learn the origins of the Jewish prohibition for speaking The NAME, go to the YouTube channel: Torah Origins with Deb; and watch: The NAME Unspoken: parts 1 & 2.

For part one click here

For part two click here

About Deb:
Deb and her husband moved to Israel in 2013 and presently live in northern Israel. Deb has over 28 years of trial practice as an attorney in the United States. As a commercial litigation attorney licensed in Texas, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, she was involved in cases representing Banks, Tobacco, and Big Pharma. Among other things, she dealt in cases of abuse of power by government and organized criminal activities, and the US bank liability laws.

Having witnessed corruption, deceit, fraud and abuse of power at the highest levels and in every quarter, Deb is now prepared to expose big religions, traditions and other institutions that have claimed authority in the NAME of the Creator through false swearing and deceitful lies.

Yours for an earthshaking view of History and Biblical Torah,
