Step out of My Comfort Zone? Who Me?

Where will you be when the war to end all wars is upon us? Will you be doing the same thing and expecting different results? Where are you now?

People confess to me that they want their world back—the one that they grew up in. I tell them that is not possible. We have stepped into another reality and this reality is not going to be strawberry shortcake and mom’s apple pie! Is it just possible that time has sped up and the world is wobbling off course to a final disastrous end? Still, I believe there is time to make a difference!

Even now is that time and those who sit on the sidelines or straddle the fence for a bit longer will be swept away in the coming chaos. But there are those who have already stepped over the line that has been clearly drawn in the sand by the events of that fateful morning of October 7. Where do you stand my friend?

So I ask if you will support Israel in our time of trouble? Many are praying, many are making YouTube videos, or sending out newsletters to raise money and stating their decision to stand with Israel. Will you come and help even for a few weeks to bring in the harvest on farms where the owners are fighting the war? Are you a trained soldier? Can you support the soldiers in providing badly needed supplies? Their is no limit to what people can do to join this fight!

To not make a decision is to make a decision. To ride along believing that life will go back to what we were comfortable with even 10 or 20 years ago is to bury our heads in the sand. It means taking the Blue Pill and staying asleep for a little while longer.

The stark reality is that a monstrous movement is marching through the world and those who do not rise to fight it will be carried away in it’s wake. People are afraid. People join the multitudes in hate marches because they think they can hide that way, join the wrong side? Is that safety? To not buck the tide when it is going down a sink hole is to go on down with it. What? Are we going to give up our ideals to save a little bit of a life we once knew? Are we going to hide our eyes when genocide has been threatened to the People of the Book in a tiny country called the Holy Land? Do we really think it doesn’t matter in the end game of all games?

People tell me there are still safe spots in America. Hmmm…whom do they think they are kidding? In Europe and America Jews have been counseled to wear ball caps to cover their kippahs, tuck in their tzitzit, remove mezuzahs, Hanukias and Stars of David and Israeli flags that they might have on display. And who are these Jews who think that America or England, which may have been their home for many years is certainly safer than Israel? They are wrong.

We in Israel know that the God of Israel has a destiny for the Jewish people. Yes there will be losses—there already have been losses—of lives and personal wealth, people living near the borders have been evacuated for weeks now and may not be able to return to their homes for months yet, but Israel is the homeland of the sons of Jacob. And Israel will play a big part on the final earthly stage—no matter the cost. Will you be on the stage or will you be watching from a distance while the bombs fall? Will you save your own life at the cost of your brothers and sisters? Really?

It is urgent that you find a way to come to Israel. You may need to find an online job. Come for a few days or weeks even. Cook for the soldiers or volunteer to serve them coffee. Sacrifice for the good of all! You may need to sell a house or two, but by all means come; for the destiny of the world is being played out at this very moment!

As illustrated by Moses in the day after the golden calf was ground to powder, so the call is true for us today:

Exo 32:26 “Then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, ‘Whoever is on the LORD’s side–come to me!’ And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.”

Later Joshua in his last speech challenged Israel:

Jos 24:15 “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

So today, the lands of those who are governed by nations that are not worshipers of the true God, are not the lands destined for the perpetuity of the sons of Jacob. We are called to return and stand with the rest of the House of Israel. By standing together we will accomplish more than we have ever dreamed. But even if many do not come to stand by us in the land with Israel, we still will win this war for Israel! And sadly, to those who prefer the comfort and the riches of the lands that have provided a home in the exile, to those who close their ears to the cries of their greater family in Israel, all I can say is, God help them for at these moments the conditions of pre-Nazi Germany are present in every part of the globe.

Israel invites you to come home. There is a promise of a future here and nowhere else!

Shalom v’Bracha
