Hello Darkness and Now What?

Nothing is the same as we once knew it. I remember a common-sense world where outcomes were generally predictable, where the good was exalted and evil was shunned, where crime was punished—Where boys were boys and girls were girls.

But nothing is the same anymore and I wonder when exactly we stepped into this new reality when did that which was black is now seen as white?

Today we have new vocabulary, words which some of us over 50 years of age can’t quite wrap our heads around. Our logic doesn’t work anymore either. When it is unusually cold in part of the world, it is claimed that this is the result of climate change. I find it interesting how global warming became climate change! Could it be that too many of us pointed out the illogical theory that too much ice and snow came about by the earth heating up?

Now boy babies can choose to be girl babies because they feel feminine at three years old. My six-year old daughter used to put makeup and ribbons on my two-year old son, but they were just playing and I never took them anywhere to decide if the boy was actually a girl. It was child’s play, nothing more.

In universities racial proportionality is the determining factor for those who attend, not intelligence, acumen or hard work! Football stars don’t have to show up to Economics or Basic Algebra more than once or twice in a semester and they still graduate at the end of the term.

We hear across the mainstream media that Jews are guilty of genocide for exerting efforts to defend their country and their personal right to exist. This generation doesn’t even know the meaning of the word genocide. But what do I know? The meanings of words have changed, so get used to it!

So maybe it is better to sit back and wait for this generation to destroy itself? Unfortunately, many of us have children or grandchildren that are caught up in the new mentality. What to do about it? Is there anything? Shall we all beg a ride on a UFO for a few light-years with the promise to return when the earth is in balance? The way it looks, a good balance is not going to happen, at least not in our lifetime, unless people do something about it, and soon! How? That is the difficult part!

So if the solution of leaving the planet is not feasible, then how do we deal with it? Do we go out and fight? Re-educate the woke crowd? Do we wrap ourselves in a surreal world—put on rainbow glasses and just pretend we are back in the 60s? Or worse yet, shall we all like lemmings go jump off a cliff?

I must contend that some rethinking is going to be necessary. We have a choice, accept that which we cannot change and stop complaining. Or a better way in my mind is to get out and do something about it—whether or not it is easy or possible. It seems improbable, but is anyone trying? There are some. And can we somehow get on board with those who are fighting it? Is crying out on social media enough? How about talking to real people? And what if they will not listen to us? Do we have enough confidence to keep pushing when people tell us we are wrong? Would a civil war put things right?

Upheaval–that is what has always changed the world. None are alive today that remember the attitudes that were prevalent when the first airplane came on the scene. 200 years ago the use of electricity was unknown, but it was developed and eventually made the world functional as it is today with extensive communication networks across the globe. Wireless mobile phones long ago all but replaced wall phones. Are cell phones indispensable? Communication as we know it is impossible without them. Some of these things show progress as we look back at them. But and the question looms large: what progress, what is the trade off? Though we can’t live without them, did they, somehow replace values that were attached to simple things and simple times? Were times more meaningful when you walked a few blocks to buy a quart of milk at a friendly corner store than charging up your electric car to drive across town to a super Walmart? Has anything been lost?

A logical mind will as good in these things for the most part, but there are other things. How do we value virtual reality—does it change anything? Does it make us see things that do not exist? And what about gender–can women really become men? Is it a crime to kill murderers? Is social media the new education system? Does fake news impact us and steer us where we are only automatons doing the will of whoever has the loudest voice? Does 2 plus 2 even add up to 4 anymore? What is real and what is not real? Does a person have the right to judge his own physical health and refuse medicine that he does not want?

So, are we guilty of misjudging this generation? Is there anything that shows progress now? Is there anything solid to base reality on? Are there no absolutes—things that do not change over time or things that will continue to hold their value for the future? We need to know what is real, what will stand the test of time and what needs to be incinerated. And of course as we begin to burn their books, so to speak, may we not destroy everything! Clearly it is time to think clearly and to place responsible, intelligent and wise people at the helm of the world’s future!

Thank G-d for those who fight for the right, the logical, and the true. Thank G-d for those who hold principles of justice in this chaotic world. Kudos to them and may those of us who listen and support them not give up hope. They may well bring a golden age where peace reigns and a Messiah can lead his people to better things! Will we roll up our sleeves and be a part? Or will we sit back and wring our hands as we watch the world careening off course towards oblivion?

Yours for better times,
