Bombs, Terror and Sweet Simcha

By Binjamin Casey

It’s two fifteen in the morning and the low roar of the F15s flying overhead on their constant patrols wakens me once again. Even with the gentle hum of the window fan we use for “white noise” the deep throated vibration disturbs my slumber and my body tenses from the stress of “is this just another sortie, or is this the real thing?”

The airplane banks overhead and begins its wide turn that takes it over the Hermon Mountain Range, across the Jordan valley and then down the Lebanese border back into central Israel across the Kinneret or Sea of Galilee.

Ever since October’s Black Sabbath, just over six months ago, aerial patrols and strikes into Syria and Lebanon have become a fact of life and a constant physical reminder to those of us in the Golan Heights that we are indeed at war. The noise should be reassuring and logically is, most of the time. During the daylight hours we look upward to see the aircraft as they fly overhead. It’s somewhat difficult spotting the planes as they fly so high and so fast. You have to judge elevation by the noise intensity and then look ahead of where the sound appears to be. Sometimes you are lucky and get a glimpse of an F15, F16 or F35. Other times you are fooled because an aircraft may have made a tight turn and is going back towards the sound.

But, as I said earlier, reassuring as it should be, I find the sound after six months beginning to wear on my war weary mind. This is the eleventh major conflict I have been involved in and it is the longest and most conflicted one.

A few days ago my PTSD damaged mind finally gave into the sound and I broke down in tears from the stress. As I sat in our yard with my head in my hands weeping, my long-haired German Shepherd Simcha, (joy in Hebrew), came and gently laid her massive shaggy head in my lap. She looked up at me with her big doleful eyes and gently licked me. I broke into a torrent of tears and slowly the tension began to subside. Whatever dark recess of my mind that had allowed the ghosts of the past to emerge, slowly closed their doors and the demons receded.

I’m sure many of us in Israel have felt this overwhelming sorrow of late but not all of us have a Simcha to help us through it. Sensing my change in mood it was now her turn for some attention. It was payback time and this two year old bundle of love wanted some serious playtime in return for her affection.

The days rolled on until one morning the news we had expected but dreaded arrived. Iran, the state sponsor of global terror, had finally decided to launch an attack on Israel. We were warned that a massive missile attack had been launched and that we were situated between 1 1⁄2 to two hours before the onslaught depending on which type of projectile was launched. Take your pick; UAVs, ballistic and cruise missiles–so while we waited our erstwhile cousins in Lebanon were upping their quota of Quassam and Katyusha short range rockets.

My eyes caught the view across the valley of the Yarden or River Jordan, which was as always beautiful. Below the massive mound of Mount Canaan the lights of Rosh Pina and Hazor Hagalil twinkled in the night-time darkness whilst the crown of the mountain was lit from the lights of Birya. Hazor which is where the prophet Joshua, the protege of Moses fought his final battle after entering the land some 3500 years ago after the years of exile in Egypt then the saga of the Exodus. This area was about to witness yet another onslaught against the children of Yisrael.

The lights continued to twinkle reassuringly and there was an unusual quiet to the night as if the whole countryside was holding its breath in anticipation. Either the airplanes had gone back to base to rearm and fuel or they were heading eastwards through Syria to meet the coming onslaught.

The attack itself was not entirely unexpected as saber rattling had been going on for days, if not weeks. What did surprise me though was a rush of messages from friends in Britain and even the USA asking if all was well and ensuring us that we were in their thoughts and prayers.

Since I had spent most of the night awake from my adrenaline waiting for whatever would befall us, there was nothing much to do but wait. So as any good Brit would do in a crisis, I went to  make myself a cup of tea and settle down while I waited.

At 1:45 a.m. the home front alarm on my phone started blaring out warnings of attack after attack and this now came faster than I could read them. So far, the majority of the strikes were in the south in the empty expanses of the Negev desert. Suddenly my eye caught the glow of a red orb slowly rising into the sky in the direction of Tiberius, the ancient Roman and biblical city on the Kinneret. I knew at that moment that it had started. The orb rises into the sky reminiscent of happier days long ago when people would sit and watch Roman Candles throw their orbs into the night sky on July Fourth or Bonfire Night to the delight of the children. This time though the purpose was far more deadly as a sudden bright flash indicated. At least one missile would not now reach its target thanks to the amazing Iron Dome system of air defense that has saved so many lives since its first deployment in 2011. Countless thousands of rockets have been fired into Israel since 2007 when Hamas took control of the Gaza strip and Hezbollah the Iranian proxy in Lebanon and since then  jointly fire frequent and indiscriminate rockets into Israel. The financial cost of stopping these rockets is outrageous and yet without the Iron Dome it is only a guess to calculate the cost in lost human lives. 

The sound of explosions began to echo up and down the valley and the loud boom of an exploding rocket knocked out by our defenses. The Iron Dome is able to track and compute the speed, direction and probable landing point of the incoming missiles so only fires at those that it deems are likely to hit populated areas. Even so the cost of each missile is around 60,000 dollars–Millions of dollars that could have been spent on schools, hospitals or used for scientific exploration to the benefit of mankind have been used instead to knock rockets out of the sky launched by ultra religious fanatical muslims.

Surprisingly the attack was over very quickly and the initial reports started to come in. The only reported injury was a young Bedouin girl who had sustained shrapnel injuries and some buildings which were hit on an airbase. Truly a miracle was being witnessed this night but to what extent we still did not know.

The night returned to its solemnity, the aircraft had returned to base and no more explosions were to be heard in the valley. I took one last look out of the window, amazed that so little damage or injury had been caused, then finally headed off to the comfort of my bed for a couple of hours of sleep.

Suddenly I was awakened by the shrill air raid siren rising and falling and warning us we had 30 seconds to get to our safe room. This time we were the target, we had slept in our clothes knowing that this possibility might happen so we grabbed an emergency bag and of course Simcha, who thought this was just a fun game.  We headed for our alcove beneath the stairs. This time the sound of the Iron Dome interceptions were much louder, like a clap of thunder directly over our heads, but much more ominous as we understood the danger that the shrapnel from these rockets could cause. Again after what seemed a very short time it was over, and the sudden silence reminded me of tales my Grandfather had told me about how after an artillery barrage in WW1 the sudden silence was almost as oppressive as the noise of the bombardment itself. All hell for 15 minutes then silence like the grave as your ears returned to normal. Later that morning we found out that a rocket, probably a Katushkya, had indeed landed in our town. Without taking any of the credit away from the members of the IDF and IAF who had all done an amazing job that night the real credit has to go to the Almighty without whom our country would lay a smoking patch of land with untold casualties.

The rocket that had landed in the town had impacted about two meters from a concrete and rock wall topped by an iron fence into the only patch of soft dirt in the vicinity. The rock wall directed the blast away from the houses across the street and threw small clods of dirt and small stones some two blocks away. There were several fruit trees on the piece of ground and it was easy to see how the roots of the trees also helped to contain the blast and direct it away from the houses some ten to fifteen meters away. All around the point of impact there were multi story dwellings that could easily have been hit and destroyed. Had the rocket landed on the other side of the brick wall it would have buried itself into a cobblestone road made with three kilo bricks. Each one of those bricks could have become missiles themselves and the damage they would have caused is not hard to imagine. However, the only damage and it was slight, was to a nearby car, the railing on top of the wall and several solar panels damaged by clods of dirt thrown into the air by the impact. 

Since that night, it has been confirmed that some three hundred projectiles were fired at Israel on that occasion. The vast majority were either shot down by the armed forces of Israel and the Iron Dome and possibly some of our so-called allies, while others were allowed to fall into open areas.

Thanks to the Creator only one major injury occurred that night and we pray that she recovers to full health speedily.

All in all the attack was a complete and miserable failure as far as Iran is concerned. With the largest missile attack in history being launched against us, our defenses stood up to the test and humiliated the aggressor.

In the ensuing days the aircraft have resumed their patrols and attacks on targets inside Lebanon, but the noise of their passage still grates on my nerves.

Even though I know the commitment of our brave soldiers and pilots, their skill, dedication and commitment continually amaze me but above all I give thanks to the Eternal for his mercy and guidance.

I am also grateful to my wife, Ariella and dear friends for their encouragement and support. Lastly, my sweet puppy Simcha, I know it’s time to play–Again!

Un Segundo Exodo: ¿qué tiene que ver esta guerra contra Israel?

Han llegado tiempos difíciles para nosotros. Los judíos y los creyentes de la Biblia en todas partes están conteniendo la respiración, inseguros de lo que está sucediendo en términos de sus creencias y de lo que dice la Biblia sobre los eventos del fin de los tiempos. ¡Especialmente los acontecimientos que incluso ahora están fuera de control en Tierra Santa! ¿Pero de qué se trata?

Israel ha estallado en una guerra catastrófica justo en el momento en que los judíos están regresando a su tierra en masa. Es casi como un segundo Éxodo y esta vez el Faraón parece estar EN LA TIERRA así como en las fronteras tratando de destruir a cualquiera que quiera regresar. Ahora no es sólo Egipto, sino todas las naciones limítrofes las que se han unido a los ataques diarios para robar la tierra de Israel y matar a sus habitantes. ¿Porqué ahora?

Ok, los judíos han celebrado el primer día de Pesaj de 2024, y en la mayoría de los seders, al menos se contempla, si no se discute, la cuestión de por qué los judíos parecen sufrir eternamente, como si fuera nuestro destino sufrir. Este año la celebración de nuestra libertad es cuestionable. ¡Cómo podemos celebrar la libertad cuando las naciones quieren acabar con nosotros, otra vez! — ¿Esta vez desde nuestra propia tierra dada por Dios? ¡Seguramente Hashem no debe estar mirando! ¿Por qué está pasando esto? ¡Pensábamos que el fin de los tiempos se trataba de regresar a la tierra, terminar el exilio y darle la bienvenida al Mesías! Quizás haya algo más que no hayamos visto. ¡Quizás el pueblo de Dios necesite una transformación!

Quizás podamos sacar fuerzas de las cosas negativas que están sucediendo. Miremos más allá de la realidad de lo que está pasando.

De acuerdo a un Artículo del Times of Israel con fecha de El 23 de diciembre de 2023, más de 2600 personas se mudaron a Israel entre el 7 de octubre y la fecha del artículo. De acuerdo con lacrónica judía, más de 6.500 judíos emigraron a Israel antes del 14 de febrero y se han presentado muchas solicitudes de aliá.

¿Qué se puede deducir de esto? Hasta el momento de la declaración en Times of Israel (23/12) no se habían producido muchas protestas anti israel en todo el mundo, al menos no como las ha habido recientemente. Entonces, ¿qué las motivó? ¿Culpa por no estar en la tierra para sustentarlo? ¿Un sentimiento de querer permanecer juntos, pase lo que pase? ¿O hay algo más?

Durante la seder en la casa de unos amigos aquí en los Altos del Golán, conocimos a algunas personas nuevas que acababan de mudarse de Estados Unidos. Todavía no han establecido residencia pero afirman que Israel es el único lugar para los judíos. ¡Vendieron todo y se apresuraron aquí, con o sin beneficios de aliá! ¡Definitivamente esta no es la primera vez que escucho a gente afirmar esto!

¿Es realmente Israel el lugar más seguro para los judíos, como sugiere el artículo anterior? Bien puede serlo, pero no lo parece en este momento. Dejando a un lado los sentimientos, ¿cuál es el plan de Hashem para Israel? ¿Existe un plan? ¿Los judíos serán perseguidos y atacados para siempre? ¿Será porque son el Pueblo de Alianza? ¿Es porque de alguna manera se extraviaron hace miles de años? Bueno, tal vez, pero no veo a un Dios amoroso y misericordioso castigando eternamente a un pueblo con persecución cuando no tienen idea de por qué. Estoy seguro de que hay algo más involucrado en el abrumador impulso de regresar a la tierra de nuestros antepasados. ¿Por qué estamos aquí, de hecho?

Otra cosa, ¿por qué las organizaciones cristianas, especialmente las evangélicas, creen que los judíos deben regresar a su tierra?

Según la declaración cristiana sionista en Wikipedia::

“Dios Padre, El Todopoderoso, eligió a la antigua nación y pueblo de Israel, los descendientes de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, para revelar Su plan de redención para el mundo. Siguen siendo elegidos de Dios, y sin la nación judía Sus propósitos redentores para el mundo no se completarán”.

Por supuesto, detrás de esta declaración está la premisa de que el mesías cristiano (Jesús) debe regresar a Jerusalén y, como algunos han dicho, “convencer a los judíos de su misión divina y de su posicion de Mesias”.

Aunque sea tan falso como afirmamos la mayoría de nosotros, el resultado es que se está ayudando a muchos judíos a regresar. ¿Condenaremos su buena voluntad y nos negaremos a aceptar sus regalos, aunque estén motivados por razonamientos erróneos? Votemos al bebe junto con el agua del baño? No creo. Hashem ha trabajado con las naciones para hacer realidad su voluntad a lo largo de milenios y no lo veo cambiando de planes ahora. Entonces, ¿cuál podría ser Su propósito al llevar a los judíos a experimentar una horrible guerra contra Israel en lo que muchos de nosotros creemos que es el fin de los tiempos? ¿Vamos a ver algo espectacular?

Algunos ven esta guerra como completamente controlada por un gobierno secular que no está dirigido por YHVH. ¿Algunos han declarado que Dios no está entre nosotros y no puede trabajar con este gobierno? ¡Esperar!

¿Trabajó Dios con Ciro de Babilonia para enviar a los judíos de regreso a la tierra? ¿No significa eso que todo está en Manos del Eterno Arquitecto de la Historia?

Otra cosa, además del atentado del 7 de octubre (ver mi artículo Bailando con el Diablo aquí, pronto lo tendrá en español), se han disparado muchos misiles, drones, cohetes y bombas contra Israel desde todos lados. Además de que muchos de nuestros queridos soldados murieron en la lucha con Hamás, Hezbolá y todos los representantes de Irán, ha habido muy pocas víctimas civiles. Como por ejemplo lo que ocurrió la noche del sábado 13 de abril cuando más de 300 proyectiles fueron disparados contra Israel desde Irán y nadie resultó herido excepto una niña beduina que resultó herida. ¿Es la fuerza de nuestra cúpula de hierro? ¿O es posible que alguien allá arriba nos esté cuidando? Es cierto que nuestro gobierno en su mayor parte se considera la única protección de Israel. Por más malvado que sea, ¿está Hashem ahí trabajando detrás de escena? ¿Puedes decirme que no lo es? Él puede desarraigar a los reyes cuando quiera. ¿Simplemente sucede que Él está trabajando junto a él y logrando lo que Él quiere?

Algunos de nosotros todavía cuestionamos la estúpida estupidez de nuestro gobierno por sorprenderse con el ataque del 7 de octubre, o incluso ignorarlo hasta que fue demasiado tarde. ¿Tenía Dios un propósito al permitirlo? ¿Tenía Él un mensaje para nosotros? ¿Lo usó de alguna manera para comenzar un ataque a mayor escala contra Israel que se desarrollaría para mostrar su mano poderosa al final? Y ahora, ¿qué pasa con nuestros 133 rehenes, que muchos de nosotros creemos que ya están en su mayoría muertos? No puedo entender el motivo de su tortura y muerte, pero no permitiré que mi fe en YHVH falle. He orado por ellos una y otra vez y es hora de dejarlos con el Todopoderoso que protege a los inocentes. ¿Lo hace o no? Algunos dicen que claramente no ha protegido a ninguno de ellos. ¿Asi que que hacemos? ¿Desechar nuestra fe? ¿Podría haber una razón para todo esto? Digo que lo hay, pero no puedo decirte qué es. ¿Echaremos la culpa al gobierno, o el gobierno es sólo una marioneta en manos de Hashem?

Si leemos las profecías de Ezequiel 37-39, queda bastante claro que algo corresponde con lo que está pasando.

Sé que estoy argumentando para salvar la reputación de Di-s. Algunos podrán afirmar que soy un fanático religioso. Puede que lo sea. Pero tengo claras un par de cosas.

  1. Esta guerra es necesaria para cumplir el Plan Divino y está insinuada en la Biblia.
  2. El pueblo siempre ha sufrido, especialmente el Pueblo de Alianza.
  3. La Biblia promete traer de vuelta a los que han muerto (¿rehenes?) en la resurrección. (Ver Isaías 26, Daniel 12, Ezequiel 37).
  4. La Tierra de Israel pertenece a YHVH y Él promete acabar con Edom (Isaías 63). Dice que lo hará solo (Isaías 63:3).
  5. Debe haber una separación entre los justos y los malvados. (La maldad está mostrando su rostro especialmente ahora. Esta guerra está revelando las actitudes y motivaciones secretas de la gente. Algunos judíos se aferran a su dinero como lo más importante que tienen. Algunos están vendiendo todo y mudándose a Israel, cueste lo que cueste. Muchos no- Los judíos hacen fila para ayudar, mientras que otros se tapan los oídos para no oír. Algunos buscan la ascendencia de sus padres y hacen búsquedas de ADN para ver si pueden ser judíos o de las 10 tribus perdidas.

Entonces, sí, hay mucho que contemplar y lo mejor que podemos hacer es confiar en que Dios hará Su voluntad. Sólo él está a cargo, sin importar lo que estén haciendo los gobiernos y las organizaciones. ¡No nos interponemos en Su camino!

Mi esperanza es una fe mayor mientras vemos que las montañas se desmoronan y las torres caen. ¡Que seamos fieles a través de todo!


¡Por favor, comparte, comenta y sigue si te gusta alguno de mis artículos!

Purim–Queen of Chutzpah–What about Hamas?

Purim 2024! The Middle East war is bombarding us on every side, is there anything significant for us in Purim and the book of Esther? Right or wrong, this time we are handling the sneaky Haman (Hamas) differently. Maybe because we do not have a covert Jewish woman sitting as queen in Iran’s palace. Esther prayed and fasted and knew how to don her most beautiful garments to be attractive enough to break the King’s rules about illegal entrance into the throne room. She had no invitation but she took a chance and went before the king. What Chutzpah! Really? She sounds a lot like a normal Israeli once you know the culture. Nobody takes no for an answer here, nor do we always follow protocol. How did we learn this? And did Esther (Hadassah) teach us something about rules that make no sense and the right to refuse something that does us harm? 

Some Biblical scholars say that the book of Esther is a myth. Even if it is, there are lessons we can learn from its teaching about Jews in exile. Must Jews always take things into their own hands to be able to defend themselves? Is the Most High Eternal God of the Universe somehow gone on leave of absence? Or is He trying to get us to use our God-given wisdom and cunning to run the enemy out of our Promised Land? Is He somewhere in the shadows standing alongside us as we fight? Does He bring circumstances about so that even corrupt leaders are forced to make right choices about how and where to fight and whom to resist, even if it be the United States and Great Britain? Can we trust that things will go well in the long run? I often wonder what will happen when the United States decides to cut off all military aid to Israel–aid that they promised to their greatest ally in the Middle East. It is a horrifying thought and one that our leaders are trying to avoid by what appears to be stupid agreements with mediators who have betrayed Israel. And many of these mediators are actually Jewish!

So, Israel has offered 700 terrorists, some of them murderers, in exchange for 40 hostages! That is more than 17 to 1!  Are we serious? But as we watch, I wonder if something will happen that will change the circumstances.. Are we really alone in this? Is the Great YHWH absent from this war? Or is He working behind the scenes?

Yesterday my husband and I attended a Purim Megillah reading. The normal Purim treats and drinks were on the table. Visitors from out of town were present as well as friends from our town in the Golan Heights. The Megillah reading was a normal 2000+ years traditional reading except for the fact that we sat outside and as the chazan was reading the scroll, IAF planes flew over every minute or so, continuing throughout the day in response to hundreds of attacks from the enemy. Many of us had figured in advance that with Ramadan in place, Purim 2024 was going to be under fire from Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria.

The loud sound of the F-15s overhead was enough to make some want another drink of the hard stuff. The Chazan tried to space the reading so that the planes would drown out the name “Haman”. I guess it was meaningful. For me, the service was a reminder that we were in another encounter with Haman, but this time we are in our Holy Land and the looming question is…”Why do we suffer Amalek after we return to our homeland?” Are we still exiles? Did we import some of that mentality from the diaspora? The celebration, if you will call it that, became meaningful to me when I began to contemplate what is happening on a spiritual level. 

I recently questioned the need to continue Purim festivities. Must we remember that we are still in Persia–Iran?  Amalek is, in fact, still in our midst! And 75,000 enemies killed at the command of Esther and Mordechai was still not enough to put an end to the hatred that has generated through the centuries.

Seventy-five thousand is a lot more than the MSM claims as Israel’s victims! Some reports say 32,000 Gazans killed.Maybe it would be better for Israel if this was true! Where is our thinking? Why are we pussyfooting around to save “innocent civilians” when we know what those same “civilians” did to our people on October 7? The old saying “never forget” seems to be forgotten. Why are we trying to make peace with those who have our necks on their chopping block? Where is the Chutzpah of the Queen of Persia? She did not, after all, try to be politically correct when she had Haman and his ten sons hung on the gallows!

When will we realize that something is walking out of step with the Eternal? How can we expect His full intervention? Maybe we should stop fasting to fulfill tradition and start fasting for a renewed vision as to what Hashem expects of us!

And then, we shall ARISE and take back that which was promised to us in the strength of YHWH, the Almighty God of the Universe!

 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH rises upon you.  See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but YHWH rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isa 60:1-3 

Shalom in the Midst of War,


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Gaza, Ramadan, Hezbollah… and We should Make Peace?

Hundreds of Hezbollah rockets are pounding the Northern part of the State of Israel and Ramadan is just around the corner, in fact just a few hours from now! None of us knows whether our towns in the North will be still standing tomorrow. 

I am a Zionist and I hope you are, even if you are not Jewish. But what is the concept of Zionism all about? 

“Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel.” ADL

If I did not believe that Zion (the land of Israel) belongs to the Jews, I would not be here. And when I hear sympathetic Jews in this land expressing a desire to make peace with those who want to murder, rape and burn the Jews and take away their G-d given home, I want to send these people packing back to the nations where they were once exiled. If they love the idea that there will ever be peace coming out of Gaza as long as Gazan’s live there, then, go on back, kiss the feet of Biden, and like-minded leaders of other nations! Perhaps they will welcome another Jew back to where political groups want to string them up while chanting “from the River to the Sea.” (Frankly not many of those who march in these groups even know which river they are talking about!)

Peace activists who lived in some of the kibbutzim near Gaza learned a fatal lesson. For some it was too late to change their minds. The following clip is from Times of Israel (to read the entire article, click here.)

“In the wake of October 7, Lahav and other Israelis who had supported and campaigned for territorial compromises with the Palestinians as a pathway to peace now say they are being forced to reconsider their views. “‘I used to think Palestinians were good people, like you and me. That Hamas were thugs who got in the way of the population’s desire for a good life: a pretty home, a good car, a good job, a nice yard; good schools for the children.’ Lahav said from the temporary home she shares with her daughter Lotus, a new three-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor of a residential project in Kiryat Gat where many Nir Oz survivors have relocated to. ‘After October 7, I realized I was wrong. Just as the Israeli government represents Israelis, Hamas represents the people of Gaza.’”

This is only one testimony. There are many. The idea of Jews making peace with those who have a religious conviction that Jews are blood sucking vampires who have falsely claimed a land that belongs to them (the Palestinian Arabs) makes no logical sense. 

But how will the Jews rise to become a light to the nations? Can they ever become a light when they are bowing their own knees to America and giving away that which belongs to the Creator of the Universe to those who have no respect for that One who made His Covenant with Israel and His People? Why do we keep trying to please the nations? Is there no faith in the G-d of Israel anymore? Have our politicians no respect for the promises made to our forefathers? We keep selling out to those who have no respect for us over and over again.

We gave away the Temple Mount which belongs to our G-d. How did we dare? And we will pay with blood to get it back. We gave away Gaza, which was not ours to give and look at what has happened? Perhaps we could calculate the cost in lives and money over the years, let alone the fact that the Gazans took that paradise that we turned over to them in 2005 and turned it into a garbage heap run by slum lords named Hamas. Now what do we expect will happen with Judea and Samaria? How in Heaven’s Name did anybody let those crooked politicians give our land away? And now, only by G-d’s coming alongside will we ever get it back, let alone have a nation of our own. And how will we get Heaven to listen to us now? Does G-d even believe us anymore?

No, it boils my blood to listen to long-time Israelis and Jews from America and England spout off with their liberal rant about learning to be more peace loving, about helping the poor hungry Gazans. Better they get out of Dodge!–Better they leave before the same thing that happened to Be’eri happens to the towns in the North. After all, Hezbollah has a lot more rockets than Hamas in Gaza ever dreamed of having. 

One thing is clear, this war is separating between those who believe in Israel as the land of the Jewish people and those who do not. There are a lot of other issues that are revealing who is who, if you will, separating the “sheep from the wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

There is one way only to gain the respect of the nations and to become a light to the world. The world stands in awe of power. When they see a warrior who is invincible they applaud. When they see that people cannot “mess with Texas”, so to speak, they respect. Now may Israel rise to “the brightness of our calling”, there should be no weakness shown in dealing with murderers and rapists. There is no room to accommodate those who support those who are bent on doing evil. 

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isa 60:1-3 

עם הנצח ינצח

May we see a better day for the Land of Israel! Standing together we will win. 

Ariella Golani

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Journey into the Horrors of October 7

By Guest Contributor: Binjamin (Ben) Casey

A few weeks ago, I decided to join the Bear Witness Tour, a group that was organized in Katzrin for those who wanted to visit some of the war ravaged communities in the South of Israel. I admit that I had serious doubts about going after I read an article about how some of the residents of the communities on the Gaza envelope were feeling that their privacy was being invaded. I certainly had no goulish desires having seen more than enough death throughout my many years working in Africa. What finally convinced me to go was that already a short three months after the atrocities of October 7, people were denying it had taken place even with the huge amount of video, audio and personal testimonies given by those who witnessed, were affected and the perpetrators themselves.

People who had vociferously campaigned for peace and a “Two State solution” such as 74-year-old Vivian Silver from Be’eri who was brutally slain alongside those who have now realized that peace cannot happen until the ridiculous refugee saga is finally put to rest and the Arabs are absorbed into their own cultures and countries.

I realized finally that I needed to see and to feel the atmosphere of the towns and villages and hear from those who have been involved. I wanted to understand the financial as well as the tragic human aspects.

During the three years I have been in Israel, I have noticed the remains of rockets that have been fired into Israel over the years. My curiosity led me to consider the monetary cost above and beyond the cost of human lives. On October 7th around 8,500 rockets were fired at Israel. At an average cost of $600 a piece, this comes to approximately $5,100,000 (USD). Around 10% of these rockets either failed, landed in the sea or fell inside of Gaza. That means that roughly 7,650 made it into Israel. If the Iron Dome fired at 90% of the rockets, then we have a figure of 6,885 interceptions by that means. Each interception costs around 60,000 USD, we come to a cost of $413,000,000. Adding that together with the cost of the Hamas rockets ($5,100,000) and you get a cost of roughly $418,100,000. The difference between the cost of the rockets and the cost of the interceptions by the iron dome is 413 million dollars.

According to Fresh Books, the cost of a 50-bed hospital averages from 25 to 75 million USD. Considering that the cost of the rockets and interceptions comes to 418,100,000, if we now take the cost of the hospital divided into the cost of rockets using the high-end cost we could have built five and a half, fifty bed hospitals in one day!

The above figures allow for only one iron dome to intercept one rocket. What brought these figures to mind was that on every stop of our tour to the Gaza envelope there were rocket parts scattered everywhere.

The terrorist groups have consistently fired rockets into Israel–murdering, maiming, and disrupting our lives. These attacks create a feeling of hopelessness among many Israelis. I have to admit that our trip made me angry but why was I angry? What was the anger about?

I guess one of the big points is why. Why are we spending millions upon millions of dollars on developing, manufacturing, maintaining, and ultimately, using these defense systems? Why does the EU the USA and other so-called developed countries continue to aid and abet these terror organizations so that we have to counter their murderous plans?

Oil was obviously a huge incentive to get the Arabs incentivized back in the forties and fifties but apart from having the Black Gold, what else have the Arab nations contributed to the world? Where are their great leaders? Writers? Inventors? Nobel laureates? They don’t exist–not because the Arab is unintelligent but because instead of using the vast wealth they’ve gained to educate and move their people forward they’ve developed a system that is medieval in it’s concept. Surfdom. The Arab people are taught by their rulers that their low level of existence is because of Zionist aggression, oppression, and imperialism. But who is really guilty of these things? Their own rulers live in gilded palaces, leading sumptuous lifestyles instead of sharing the wealth and educating their people.

If the common people could see this they would soon realize that their misery comes not from the Zionist regime but from their own overlords and rulers.

Our tour started on a cold and rainy morning. However as we descended down from the Golan heights into the widest part of the Jordan valley to the sea of Galilee the rain stopped and lasted that way until after we left Ashkelon that evening. Traveling down route 6 we passed Tulkarm in Judea and Samaria, a veritable hotbed of the Palestinian terror groups, who after October 7th have begun to flex their muscles and try to enter into the struggle begun by Hamas and the Gazan Arabs. There is a very high protective fence along this section of route 6 which was built to stop terrorists from firing on to the highway. Of course Tulkarm and Qalqilya both on route 6 are in area a of the Oslo accords and are therefore under the direct control of the so-called Palestinian authority. The fact that Israel had to erect the security fence speaks volumes in itself.

We eventually arrived in Ashkelon where we picked up Eliyahu McClean, our guide. We then continued South until we reached the Erez crossing into Gaza itself. As we passed by the army base we noticed the approximately 6 meter high concrete wall. This wall is now pot-marked with bullet holes. The army base watchtowers also bear witness with bullet holes still visible in the glass windows. The crossing itself is very similar in looks and function to Ben Gurion airport and this is not surprising as it was designed and built by the same company. Even with all of its high-tech tools, the crossing was easily overcome by the terrorists. Before the war, around 6,000 Gazans traveled through the crossing daily to work in Israel, now it is known that a majority of these workers were actively involved in spying on the communities they were working in. They looked for information such as who owned guns and how many people lived in each house. What were the ages and did they have dogs. All of this intelligence helped to make the job of the terrorists easier. There were a number of vehicles at the crossing that had been destroyed in the attack. Riddled with bullet holes and half burned out, these vehicles are a stark reminder of how those who tried to escape the murderous rampage were gunned down or blown up in their vehicles. To me, these vehicles were a very sobering start to what would prove to be a very moving day.

As we were leaving the crossing we made a small detour to see what remained of the village station and railroad bridge at Deir Sneed. Although not directly involved with our tour, Deir Sneed was an Arab village located on the ancient Via Maris. It is mentioned in Exodus 13 as the road to the land of the Philistines. In one regard this stop was very significant as the so-called Palestinians claim this village as one of the starting points for the Nakba or catastrophe.

Many claim that the name Palestine comes from the word Philistine but archaeological evidence has shown this to be dubious. The Philistines or sea peoples originated in the Aegean sea and were very possibly Minoan in origin. The term Palestinian was very likely used to blot out the memory of Judea in the second century CE and as such, the British name in their “Palestine Mandate” almost succeeded.

The railway bridge station and village are hidden in the midst of a Grove of Sabra cacti, a bit difficult to get to.

From Deir Sneed we traveled south to the town of Sderot. Sderot was founded in 1951 as a refuge city for 80 families from Kurdistan and Iran. Interestingly, the first Arab refugee camp was opened in Gaza in 1948. It’s noteworthy that Sderot grew and became recognized as an Israeli city in 1996 with a thriving economy and diverse citizenships including immigrants from North Africa the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. By comparison, the Al Shabti camp in Gaza is still considered a refugee camp and receives huge funding from the UN, USA and the European commission.

Al Shabti, one of eight refugee camps in Gaza is home to some 90,000 Arabs while Sderot has grown from the original 80 families into a thriving commercial city of 30,000, and has inaugurated 15 factories in the past few years. Most of this work was done with Israeli government funds. Al Shabti on the other hand is home to the AlQuds, the “holy” University and many miles of terror tunnels. Many of its residents worked in Israel, many of whom, according to reports were complicit in gathering information about the surrounding Jewish communities outside of the camp. The average Gazan Arab earned in Israel up to 10 times what he could earn in Gaza.

According to Wiki between September 2000 through March 2013 nearly 9,000 rockets and 5,000 mortar shells were fired at Sderot alone. Yet even in this trying period Sderot continued to grow.
As we were driving towards Sderot along the same route as the railway it was pointed out that the banks and trees between Gaza and the road / railroad were erected as a screen to help protect vehicles from RPG attacks. The bus shelters are bomb proof with safe rooms inside them. We saw the actual bomb shelter where the British Israeli hero Aner Shapiro ZTL managed to throw back seven grenades before the 8th blew up in his hand killing him. These bomb shelter type bus stops are a common sight throughout Israel but what is unique to Sderot is the train station. It boasts the only bomb-proof roof in the world. Also unique to Sderot are the playgrounds. They boast giant concrete play equipment in the form of caterpillars or “snakes’ ‘ designed as bomb proof shelters for the children playing there.

Sderot which is Hebrew for boulevard, is a small but pretty city sitting off of Highway 34 a third of the way between Ashkelon and Beer Sheva. It was named by Israel’s first prime minister David ben Gurion for the Eucalyptus trees that line its main avenue. The major employer in Sderot is the Osem plant according to Wiki. Osem is a food processing plant that produces items such as Bamba, Bisli instant noodles and rice dishes. The Menorah candle factory which produces Hanukkah candles that are shipped all over the world is also located here.
Besides its industries, Sderot, despite it’s s proximity to Gaza and the constant barrage of rockets, is a growing town with a young community. Many musicians and poets have come from Sderot and boast that they practiced their music in bomb shelters! Many of the traffic circles are decorated with poetical and musical themes.

On October 7th the town was invaded by some 200 Gazan terrorists according to the Jerusalem Post. There were some 50 civilians massacred in the city streets and police officers in the police station. The attack on Sderot began at 6:30 a.m. with a barrage of rockets exactly 50 years to the day of the Yom Kippur war. The barrage was followed by an infiltration by Gazan terrorists.

When we entered the town we passed the place where a minibus carrying a group of elderly tourists were gunned down after the bus got stranded with a flat tire.

We viewed the remains of the Sderot police station where the terrorist gained control and murdered some 20 police officers. After a fierce fight the IDF and police regained control using bulldozers and tanks. The building is now completely demolished and a memorial Hanukkia has been placed on the site. The basic message of the sign is: “By Hashem’s Grace we are able to stand together.” People from different countries have left flags and other memorials at the site. A beautiful painting adorns the wall of the adjacent building—a depiction of the flag of Israel, the police force and the IDF. A tank is shown firing at the station with a Torah scroll above it and several Hebrew letters flying Heavenward, presumably representing the holy souls of those murdered there.
The town, although still very quiet, is slowly coming back to life with stores beginning to reopen for business.

We drove around the town, past the Chabad house and the caterpillar bomb shelters to the Hesder yeshiva. The yeshiva according to wiki is the largest Hesder or Talmudic military yeshiva in Israel. It boasts some 800 students who returned to their studies on January the 8th despite the ongoing conflict in nearby Gaza city. The yeshiva is also built as a bomb-proof structure. On the roof of the yeshiva, where one can see  a beautiful view of the city, we came across two stark reminders of the ongoing attacks against Israel since the start of the second intifada in 2000. The first was a magnificent Hanukkah Menorah whose candle holders are made from the spent casings of 8 Qassam rockets. Also on the roof is a tree of life, which has its roots made from the casings of rockets. This menorah depicts the trails the rockets leave in the sky as they fly from Gaza to Israel.

From the yeshiva we drove to the Givati Kobi overlook. From here we could view from the Erez crossing down through Jabalia into Gaza City proper. While we were there we witnessed an explosion–possibly a terrorist tunnel being eradicated which put a huge plume of smoke into the sky. I felt no sympathy for the destruction in Gaza. Having watched numerous videos of toddlers being trained to grow into terrorists I find it very difficult to have sympathy for a group of people who train their children from birth to kill Jews and especially after October 7th when the same civilians followed behind their Hamas overlords and actively took part in the slaughter rape and looting along the Gaza border. These same barbarians did nothing to stop the violent kidnappings of the hostages but used sticks to beat them as they were driven through the city right into the area I was looking at. Sympathy should be reserved for the victims not the perpetrators.

From there, we traveled further south to Kfar Alumim with a first stop at at the original site of Saad, Maoz mul Aza (Stronghold opposite Gaza).

As soon as we turned off the main road at Saad we began to see signs from the October 7th incursion. All along the road the asphalt was either scarred or burned from the vehicles that had been shot up or blown up by RPGs. The grass and bushes at the side of the road were still black from the fires caused by the burning vehicles. It was a vivid picture of how people had tried to escape the mayhem at the Nova festival and the carnage inside the kibbutzim and moshavim.

Although we did not enter Kfar Aza where some 50 people had been brutally murdered, we did see the remains of the original village at Ma’oz Mul- Azar just next door to the kibbutz: Ma’oz Mul-Aza (Stronghold Opposite Gaza). The only building left of the kibbutz is the stronghold fortress which stands some four stories high and gives excellent views towards Gaza from its roof. Bullet holes—some at least 15 cm in diameter, pockmark the concrete. Seeing what the bullets did to the concrete gave a vivid picture of the grotesque damage they did to human flesh and bone. Unfortunately, the museum was closed but we did see the remains of a rest area for visitors that had pictorial images of what the original kibbutz looked like. The structure had received an almost direct hit from a Qasam rocket and now it is barely standing.

Next to the structure is a shed that had an intact fire kite inside. The kite was a crude affair of three sticks one and a half meters long tied together with string and a sail made from clear plastic stapled to it. At the tail were strips of newspaper to act as combustible material and on the stabilizer of the tail there was a wad of material presumably soaked in kerosene and lit before launch. Kites although crude are a very effective method of causing widespread arson and damage at a negligible cost to the terrorist.

In June of 2018, Times of Israel reported that some 6,200 acres or 25,000 dunnam of agricultural and recreational land had been destroyed causing tens of millions of shekels worth of damage. Balloons and kites conceptually are a brilliant weapon of terror. They are cheap and simple to build, difficult to spot until after launch, difficult to bring down once launched and can cause an immense amount of damage at a cost of a few dollars. For eight months of the year the prevailing wind is from the West at speeds between 5 to 8 mph. Gaza City is 4 miles away so it takes around an hour for the kites to cross that distance. Most of the kites were launched from areas a lot closer to the border meaning a shorter flight with less time to track and destroy them.

We drove from there to Kibbutz Alumim where we were met by two very alert guards carrying assault rifles who checked our reason for being there. We parked the mini bus and started walking towards the kibbutz synagogue as it was almost time for afternoon mincha prayers. On the way to the synagogue we came upon a shrine. The shrine was the remains of rusted and crumpled Qassam rockets alongside the gleaming remains of Iron Dome missiles which had helped to bring the Qassams down. The site was poignant showing the twisted iron remains of the Qassam rockets which to me represent the evil Hamas lying next to the surgically clean and gleaming remains of the Iron Dome. The fight against evil by good.

The synagogue in Alumim is a beautiful airy place with Windows all around. One of the miracles of Alumim was that not one of the windows in the building was broken during the attack. As we entered the sanctuary we were reminded of the fact that the kibbutz had been celebrating Simchat Torah the Celebration of the Joy of Torah which marks the ending of the annual cycle of the Torah reading. Holiday siddurim and children’s pictures and flags were where they were left as people ran for shelter. After mincha we headed across to the kibbutz community meeting hall. Outside is a huge banyan tree and pathways lined with flowers and bushes. A pair of peacocks strutted away from our rude intrusion into their new found privacy. In the meeting hall we met with one of the defenders of that horrible day. He told us how some 60 terrorists had infiltrated the kibbutz through the rear gate. He told us that the kibbutz’ automatic weapons were kept in an armory for “security’ ‘ and how they had to fight their way to the armory to get them using hand guns. He told how the terrorists knew this because some of them had worked at the kibbutz and were familiar with security arrangements.

He told how the Thai and Nepalese workers were gunned down in cold blood as they held up their passports screaming that they were not Israeli. He told how the Slotky Brothers Yishai and Noam ZTL perished near Alumim trying to keep the Invaders at bay. We left the meeting hall and went to see the living quarters of the foreign nationals. This was a scene of utter devastation. Everything inside the dormitory was completely burned. The twisted remains of the bunk beds showed no sign of ever having had a mattress or a blanket on them. The heat had been so intense that virtually nothing remained. The floor was covered in a thick layer of ash and the roof was buckled and collapsed in places from the intense heat. Here and there lay personal items that had somehow survived intact. A boot, a coffee mug, a beer bottle and everywhere an overwhelming stench of burned and charred fabric and wood. We left the living quarters and made our way to what had been the silos and equipment sheds. The remains of the sheds stood precariously with the roofs collapsing in and the steel I-beam wall supports bent outwards from the force of an explosion as if they were made of plastic and not steel.

From Alumim we drove to the site of the Nova festival massacre. The area of the festival was muddy from the recent rains. A coach that was stuck was being pulled out of a deep mud hole by a huge wrecker.

As we drove into the area we saw how the poppies were blooming after the rain storm eerily reminding me of the World War I battlefields of France and of John Mcrae’s famous ode “In Flanders Fields the Poppies Blow.” Suddenly we came upon a site which impressed all of us very deeply–the main area of the festival, where some three hundred and fifty 20 to 40 year old youngsters were mercilessly gunned down, raped and mutilated and some 40 others kidnapped and hauled off to Gaza. There was a sea of memorial photos. Each picture was of a young person at the start of their adult lives who had been defiled in ways that no words can convey. Seeing the pictures bought the full horror of the body cam footage of one of the police officers who got to the scene shortly after the atrocity occurred. These people had come to party and listen to their music and generally have a good time but had their dreams dashed, their bodies cruelly broken and their lives cut short by merciless savages who screamed the name of their sick god in their faces as they carried out their nefarious scheme. Each picture represented a life. A life destroyed because of some supposed nationalistic inequity. And as I stood in this forest of pictures, I realized again that there are sick and depraved morons who claim that it never happened or that those who suffered did so because they were occupiers and oppressors in some mythical kingdom that had never existed. And all of this is aided and abetted by the criminal United Nations organization.

The bodies have been removed and buried and a garden of flowers has been planted, one for each of the victims, but their blood screams out from the ground for justice to account for the agony of the relatives and friends who suffer nightmares that should not even be portrayed by Hollywood. Do the pictures and flowers and trees placate us or do they move us to support the fight against the pure evil that is Hamas, Palestinian jihad, Hezbollah and all the other obnoxious radical Muslim groups? Not one of these youngsters was given any way out. There was no quarter given and indeed written orders were found on some of the terrorists explicitly telling the perpetrators to kill, rape, behead, burn and mutilate as many as possible. Sound recordings of sick individuals calling their parents on WhatsApp to brag about the number of Jews they had just killed and their parents glorying in their accomplishments. The visage comes to mind of children running alongside a pickup truck with the semi nude beheaded corpse of a young woman spitting on her and beating her broken body with sticks. And now, a world gone insane screams at the knights who avenge them for being the protagonists of murderers.

The final stop on our tour was to the car graveyard. We drove up to the field outside of Netivot as the sun was beginning to set. We were told there were some 3,000 vehicles of both Israeli victims and Hamas terrorists. It was a surreal ending to a heart wrenching day. There was razor wire around the field to keep out souvenir hunters. With the sun dipping below the Gaza horizon and the quiet of the yard itself, I realized that many of these vehicles had and still contain blood, ashes and body parts that the incredible ZAKA volunteers could either not find or could not clean out of the burnt and bullet riddled hulks that had at one time been someone’s prized possession. The vehicles piled up in rows and in the twilight of the dusk appeared eerily reminiscent of a neat peaceful cemetery giving no hint to the confusion, noise and terror that had marked their final moments.

According to the Jerusalem Post, because of the impossibility of extracting all of the human remains the vehicles will be crushed or shredded and buried in special plots around the country. It’s hard for a rational person to look at this monument of human suffering caused by a hatred that has no logical basis. It’s difficult to imagine the stark terror and suffering that happened as young people were gunned down, blown up by RPGs and burnt to death inside their vehicles as they tried to escape from the carnage that was going on around them.

I’m sure many of us offered silent prayers for these murdered victims and also for those still among the kidnapped and the family members who lost loved ones on that awful day or whose loved ones were violently kidnapped into the subterranean rat holes of Gaza. I think of the medical teams and first responders and the ZAKA volunteers who had the sickening task of removing and identifying the almost unrecognizable human remains.

We remember the families, not only in the Gaza envelope but in the northern border villages and towns who cannot return to their homes or communities due to the ongoing rocket fire from the terrorist regimes that are not only maintaining but trying to escalate the monstrosity that is being perpetrated on the people of Israel.

May Hashem bless the names of those who perished that day. May Hashem bless the memory of those who work tirelessly and endlessly to resolve who the body parts belong to and our soldiers who look for the hostages. And be with those who are left and suffer from awful nightmares of what happened that day.

May Hashem bless the memory of all the soldiers who have perished since this awful war began and may he bring peace back to Israel and let us please say “amen”.

Whose is the Land anyway?

The war in Israel raises many questions and I switch back and forth in my views that Israel is winning the war and creating a safe place for Jews to live and be at peace, but then, on the other hand, I have reason to suspect that some evil agenda started this war and that leading politicians and globalists are somehow involved in creating a footstool for their agenda. The second idea is very troubling and I know there are many who see suspicious things that happened at the start of the war. Questions are raised about a lot of things that happen in the ongoing alliances of countries who are sworn to fight against us while a few others opt to support us.

It all can be very worrying, or should I say, crazy making? Planes turn on their afterburners over our heads as they fly in the direction of Lebanon or Syria, missiles find their targets in nearby cities, the news tells us what we are supposed to believe or not believe. With all the confusion, those who believe in the Bible or even have the slightest inkling of a God in Heaven are asking how this all fits into any Divine plan for the Land that belongs only to the Eternal who claims Israel as His own. Is there anything that makes sense? I hear my own thoughts and others asking where is Hashem? Does He not see? Has He removed His Hand? Some say God is punishing the Jews with this war for their ongoing belief in tradition rather than the Bible. But I don’t think any of what people are thinking is one hundred percent accurate.

I believe that the land of Israel belongs to the God of the Universe. I believe He will place and protect the people of the Eternal Covenant—that is, those who obey their part of the covenant, in the land. There may be a lot of mopping up that has to happen before it is over.

I believe that Hashem, YHVH, the Eternal is still involved, even when we don’t understand how.

And I believe that in the long run and at the end of the battle, all will be made clear and that nobody, not Gorge Soros, Not Klaus Schwab, not the UN or UNWRA–nobody will stand in the way of what Heaven wants for the Holy Land.

I do not doubt that it will get ugly and still uglier. But can we recommit ourselves to the Covenant that we once made with our Creator and stop following the doctrines of mere men? Can we cling to Hashem throughout this very rough time that is probably going to get very messy soon? Do we have enough faith to stand while the towers fall around us and we see blood flowing in the streets?

So let’s imagine that Israel is somehow destined to become a stronghold for the New World Order! And supposedly a lot of stuff gets blown up and goes away. Ok, perhaps it all seems to be destined to total destruction, and maybe that is what is needed. Maybe the Eternal Covenant Maker even then will execute his plan and all those who came against Israel will be dead on the mountains of Israel and therre will be months and months of burying corpses or burning the bones of those who come against the Land! See Ezekiel 39.

“11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there for burial in Israel, the valley of the passers-by to the east of the sea; and it shall stop the way of the passers-by; and there shall they bury Gog and all the multitude; and they shall call it, Valley of Hamon-Gog. 12 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying them, that they may cleanse the land; 13 and all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them for renown in the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord YHVH.” Eze 39:11-13

People tell me that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews. Not so fast! Who does the Land belong to? The Covenant Maker and He is going to clean it up so that those who keep His Covenant will have a safe place to live so that they will finally be a light to the nations. Do we really think that it doesn’t matter how we live? That it doesn’t matter what we do if we just learn to repeat certain prayers over and over, light Shabbat and Holiday candles, avoid mixing meat and dairy and wear wigs or scarves? Is this stuff even mentioned in the Bible? What is in our hearts? Do we have a clear conscience or do we do all this external stuff to cover up what we really are? I know these are hard questions, but Hashem is watching and He is making His list and checking it twice or three times to see who really deserves to be part of His Covenant People who live in the land of the Covenant.

So how do we fight the war? I do not mean we shouldn’t support the war effort, by no means! But at the same time, we need to fight the personal war of renewing our covenant with our Creator, making sure we are ready to be among those who finally win the right to the Land.

Yours for a final victory, both personal and for Israel!


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He Cursed Israel? What Next?

This past week something unthinkable happened. A Turkish MP cursed Israel, had an instant heart attack and died in the hospital. (link) Coincidence? Maybe…Maybe not. I wonder, especially in the light of the ongoing woke acceptance of anti-Israel hate mongering. Is it possible that the Almighty is having a say about those who hate His Land and His People? I tell you, He is going to have more than a say! He is going to have a Field Day!

What will happen next?

There are a few texts in the Bible that point out consequences of blessing and cursing Israel, and for those who believe that a Covenant keeping God stands behind His word, it is a fearsome thing to realize what will happen when He takes action. At the call of Abram in Genesis 12 El Shaddai made a promise:

Gen 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

When Balaam was hired to curse Israel, he actually tried to do so several times and could not get any cursing words out of his mouth. He claimed that God was not allowing him to curse Israel. And the words of prophecy that he poured forth were some of the most beautiful things ever said about the people of Israel. Check out this part of his speech:

Num 24:5-9 ” How lovely are your tents, O Jacob! Your dwellings, O Israel! 6 Like valleys that stretch out, Like gardens by the riverside, Like aloes planted by the LORD, Like cedars beside the waters. 7 He shall pour water from his buckets, And his seed shall be in many waters. “His king shall be higher than Agag, And his kingdom shall be exalted. 8 “God brings him out of Egypt; He has strength like a wild ox; He shall consume the nations, his enemies; He shall break their bones And pierce them with his arrows. 9 ‘He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him?’ “Blessed is he who blesses you, And cursed is he who curses you.”

Have we forgotten that Hashem keeps His Word? For so long the People of the Promise have been weakened by the nations, slaughtered, oppressed, cursed, and now when we return to our homeland, we are pressured by the nations to give it all up and let ourselves be annihilated! We have now close to 50 per cent of the world’s Jews living in Israel. The nations have no right to continue their mocking humiliation of us! If Israel stands up and won’t take it any longer, will the Mighty God of the Universe come alongside? For sure! And when we run out of money to buy weapons?

This past week a Senior Hamas terrorist was killed and in his house was found the equivalent of 1.4 million US Dollars (see link). Maybe that will help us with supplies for the war? And what about the piles of weapons the enemy is abandoning as they surrender! This may seem like small fish in light of what Heaven could do, but let me say something! Heaven hasn’t even started! And Israel has every reason to thumb their nose at the nations that try to stop them. At a similar time in history when threatened by Assyria, the prophet Isaiah said:

Isa 37:22-23 “this is the word which YHVH has spoken concerning him (the King of Assyria): “The virgin, the daughter of Zion, Has despised you, laughed you to scorn; The daughter of Jerusalem has shaken her head behind your back! 23 “Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice, And lifted up your eyes on high? Against the Holy One of Israel.”

And in Psalms:

Psa 2:1-5 “Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the YHVH and against His Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” 4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; YHVH shall hold them in derision. 5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:”

And this has only just begun to happen! May Israel arise under the shining light of the mighty power of her God who does not forsake His Covenant! For He has said regarding His People Israel:

Jer 31:35-37 “Thus says YHVH, Who gives the sun for a light by day, The ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, Who disturbs the sea, And its waves roar (YHVH of hosts is His name): 36 “If those ordinances depart From before Me, says YHVH, Then the seed of Israel shall also cease From being a nation before Me forever.” 37 Thus says YHVH: “If heaven above can be measured, And the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel For all that they have done, says YHVH.”

Multitudes of sincere lovers of Israel in every nation on the globe are praying for the salvation of Israel from the hands of Hamas and all the affiliates who even now move forward to destroy us from every side, I believe those prayers are even now being answered decisively! May the ground open and swallow up those who would eat us alive! Oh yes, and may our eyes be opened to see the Mighty Hand that is fighting along with our soldiers!

Awaiting the fulfillment of our Covenant Keeping God!


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¡Gog y Magog AHORA!

Un Estudio sobre Ezequiel 38-39

El profeta Ezequiel habla de una guerra horrible donde muchas naciones atacan a Israel. Ha habido varios intentos de destruir el Estado de Israel desde que se convirtió en nación. Esta profecía retrata un poco más de lo que hemos visto hasta ahora. Habla del fin de los tiempos y varios aspectos de la guerra actual parecen coincidir.
¡Veremos lo siguiente!

Ezequiel 38:14-16: “Por tanto, hijo de hombre, profetiza y di a Gog: Así dice el Señor DIOS; En aquel día, cuando mi pueblo de Israel habite seguro, ¿no lo sabrás? Subirás desde tu lugar, desde el lejano norte, tú y muchos pueblos contigo, todos ellos a caballo, una gran compañía y un ejército poderoso. Subirás contra mi pueblo Israel como una nube para cubrir la tierra. Será en los últimos días”.

¡La confusión y la ansiedad oprimen nuestras almas a medida que el juego de la guerra cambia cada pocas horas y nos vemos obligados a ceder ante la presión que las naciones imponen implacablemente sobre nosotros! Muchos luchan por encontrar un ancla de esperanza a la que aferrarse en esta lucha. Mientras luchamos por mantener la cordura, tomemos un pequeño desvío: un breve estudio que compare los detalles de la actual guerra de Hamás contra Israel, con esta profecía de Ezequiel. Quizás algo de esto encaje con la imagen. Pero para entenderlo, necesitamos algunas definiciones de la Biblia, de mapas antiguos y otras profecías sobre Gog y Magog.

Génesis 10 es la primera mención de Magog como hijo de Japeth, hijo de Noé. Sus hijos se enumeran aquí:

Génesis 10:2 “Los hijos de Jafet; Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javán, Tubal, Mesec y Tiras”.

Los hijos de Japeth se asentaron en diferentes regiones geográficas las cuales se muestran en el siguiente mapa bíblico. Incluyen lugares como Turquía e Irán, Irak, Armenia, la punta de Rusia, Grecia e Italia. Muchos de estos lugares son países que en la antigüedad e incluso en la actualidad han preocupado a Israel. A continuación se muestra un mapa donde se identifican las áreas en donde se asentaron los hijos de Noé. Los hijos se convirtieron en tribus y luego en naciones. Japeth y sus hijos figuran en la profecía. El desafío es localizarlos con sus nombres modernos.

Hay tres lugares en el Tanakh donde se menciona a Magog:

Ezequiel 38:2 “Hijo de hombre, vuelve tu rostro hacia Gog, tierra de Magog, príncipe principal de Mesec y Tubal, y profetiza contra él”.

Números 24:5-7: “¡Cuán hermosas son tus tiendas, oh Jacob, tus moradas, oh Israel! 6 Como valles se extienden, como jardines junto al río, como áloes que plantó Jehová, y como cedros junto a las aguas. 7 Derramará el agua de sus cántaros, y su descendencia será en muchas aguas, y su rey será más alto que Agag (Magog), y su reino será exaltado”.

Números 24:7 usa la palabra hebrea מֵֽאֲגַג magag, que se traduce “de Agag”. Y aunque es cierto que el prefijo mem “מֵֽ” antes de una palabra significa “de”, la palabra real puede ser escrita sin el prefijo. Si es correcto, entonces con las tres letras que siguen a mem, אֲגַג (agag) se leería correctamente “de” Agag. Sin embargo, debido a la ubicación de la palabra en la profecía de Balaam sobre Israel en

Números, creo que la interpretación se ha aplicado erróneamente a la historia del rey Agag y el correspondiente descenso de Amalec, cuando en realidad puede estar hablando de un futuro levantamiento de Israel sobre Magog. Ahora bien, ¿por qué se escribe Magag sin la letra hebrea de O? Miremos más de cerca el hebreo. A la palabra מֵֽאֲגַג le podría faltar el jolem vav “וֹ” que aparece en Génesis 10 y más tarde en Ezequiel, donde se traduce Magog מָּגוֹג. El hecho de que falte la letra vav entre las dos consonantes es común en el uso hebreo, ya que la o El sonido se puede significar sin vav colocando un punto vocal antes de la siguiente letra, que estaría entre los dos gimmels (גַג -gg), para aquellos que saben hebreo bíblico, esto es común.

Según Wikipedia (fuente), “La Septuaginta de Números 24:7 dice “Gog” en lugar de “Agag”. Pero ¿cómo ayudaría eso a la historia? Mostraría que el rey de Israel se elevará más alto que Magog en el último día. Esto no se refiere principalmente a los descendientes de Amalec que no descienden de Japeth, y de este rey, aún no sabemos quién es. La mayoría cree que es el Mashíaj. O quizás los dirigentes israelíes en ese momento. Esto va bien con lo que dice Ezequiel 38:2 אֶרֶץ הַמָּגוֹג –la tierra de Magog.

Además, en la historia de la captura de Agag, el rey de Amalec (1 Sam 15), el momento no es el mismo: no sería el mismo Agag en la profecía de Balaam. La profecía cubrió la historia de Israel hasta el fin de los tiempos. De ahí mi afirmación de que la palabra magag debería haberse escrito מָּגוֹג Magog en Números 24.

La última referencia a Magog está en Ezequiel 39, a lo largo del capítulo:

Eze 39:-6 “Y enviaré fuego sobre Magog y sobre los que habitan descuidadamente en las islas, y sabrán que yo soy Jehová”.

¿Quién es Gog? “El príncipe principal de Mesac y Tubal”. Algunos comentaristas presentan a Rusia como Gog y a Magog como China. Según el mapa, Magog está al norte de Israel, entre el Mar Negro y el Mar Caspio. Mesec parece ser la Turquía moderna. Es muy posible que Rusia sea la cabeza de la serpiente en esta batalla (o, como se le llama bíblicamente, “el príncipe principal”), pero China no parece ser Magog.

El capítulo 38 de Ezequiel es la descripción más extensa de lo que sucede con Gog y Magog con respecto a Israel en “los últimos días”. Puede parecer un poco largo, pero hay mucha información que parece encajar con lo que está pasando en el mundo. ¡Veamos! Iré comentando según encuentre cosas que encajen.

Eze 38:1-23: 1 Y vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo: 2 Hijo de hombre, vuelve tu rostro hacia Gog, tierra de Magog, príncipe principal de Mesec y Tubal, y profetiza contra él,

Según nuestro mapa (arriba), Mesac y Tubal se encuentran en la actual Turquía. También aquí hay una cita de Wikipedia:

La mayoría de los libros de referencia, siguiendo a Flavio Josefo, identifican a Tubal en la época de Ezequiel como un área que ahora se encuentra en Turquía. (Fuente)

Entonces, ¿quién sería Gog, el príncipe principal de Magog? ¿Irán? ¿O es Rusia quien habilita a Irán y a todos estos países?

3. Y di: Así dice el Señor DIOS; He aquí, yo estoy contra ti, oh Gog, príncipe principal de Mesec y de Tubal: 4 y te haré volver atrás, y pondré garfios en tus quijadas, y te sacaré a ti y a todo tu ejército, caballos y gente de a caballo, a todos, de ellos vestidos con toda clase de armas, un gran grupo con broqueles y escudos, todos ellos empuñando espadas: 5 Persia, Etiopía y Libia con ellos; todos ellos con escudo y yelmo: 6 Gomer y todas sus tropas; la casa de Togarma de las regiones del norte, y todas sus tropas, y mucho pueblo contigo. 7 Prepárate y prepárate para ti y para toda tu compañía que está reunida contigo, y sé tu guardia para ellos.

8. Después de muchos días serás visitada: en los postreros años vendrás a la tierra salvada de la espada y reunida de muchos pueblos, contra los montes de Israel, que siempre han sido desiertos; pero son sacados de las naciones, y habitarán seguros todos ellos.

Las siguientes frases de que se menciona arriba parecen hablar de esta guerra:

En los últimos años,
la tierra salvada de la espada,
reunida de muchos pueblos,
Israel siempre ha sido desolada.
La reunión ha surgido de entre las naciones
y es un tiempo en que los de Israel habitarán seguros.

Vemos a los judíos regresar en masa a Israel.
“De los 15,2 millones de judíos que hay en el mundo, el 47% reside en Israel”. (Haga clic en Biblioteca virtual judía).
Esto se ha convertido en una realidad para el pueblo judío en los años transcurridos desde el Holocausto. Las ciudades (sin muros) en su mayor parte han sido seguras para vivir. Quizás por eso no ha habido en Israel el grado de vigilancia que debería haber. (Mantenga este pensamiento cuando veamos el versículo 11.)

9 Tú (Gog, Magog) ascenderás y vendrás como tormenta, serás como nube para cubrir la tierra,

¿En qué medida se presenta gran parte de la guerra? ¿Desde el aire? Cohetes, misiles, parapentes vienen en el cielo, a veces como una nube que cubre la tierra.

“…tú, y todas tus tropas, y mucho pueblo contigo. 10 Así dice el Señor DIOS; También sucederá que en el mismo tiempo vendrán cosas a tu mente, y tendrás un mal pensamiento: 11 Y dirás: Subiré a la tierra de las aldeas no amuralladas; Iré a los que están en reposo, a los que habitan seguros, todos los que habitan sin muros, y sin cerrojos ni puertas,

La mayoría de las ciudades y pueblos de Israel no tienen puertas ni muros, y las ventanas no tienen rejas en muchos lugares. Nos hemos sentido contentos y seguros en nuestras viviendas, tal como lo describe el profeta.

12 “Para tomar botín y tomar presa (secuestro); para volver tu mano sobre los lugares desolados que ahora están habitados, y sobre los pueblos que están reunidos de las naciones (otra vez, la reunión de los exiliados de muchas naciones) que han adquirido ganado y bienes, que habitan en medio de la tierra”.

13 Seba, y Dedán, y los mercaderes de Tarsis, con todos sus cachorros de leoncillo, te dirán: ¿Has venido a tomar botín? ¿Has reunido tu compañía para tomar presa? ¿Para llevarte plata y oro, para llevarte ganados y bienes, para tomar un gran botín?

14 Por tanto, hijo de hombre, profetiza y di a Gog: Así dice el Señor DIOS; En aquel día, cuando mi pueblo de Israel habite seguro, ¿no lo sabrás?

15 Y vendrás de tu lugar, de las partes del norte, tú y mucho pueblo contigo, todos ellos a caballo (transporte militar), una gran compañía y un ejército poderoso; 16 y subirás contra mi pueblo de Israel, como nube para cubrir la tierra; será en los postreros días, y te traeré contra mi tierra, para que las naciones me conozcan, cuando sea santificado en ti, oh Gog, delante de sus ojos. Te traeré contra mi tierra”: Gog claramente está liderando el ataque desde el Norte. Sin embargo, ¿es el Dios de Israel quien lidera el ataque porque el versículo dice “Te traeré contra mi tierra”, y afirma que el propósito es que el Eterno sea “santificado en ti, oh Gog”?

Santificar en hebreo significa apartar, limpiar o santificar. Entonces, ¿cómo es santificado el Dios de Israel a través de Gog? Hay una referencia a esta santificación del Dios de Israel en el ejemplo de Nadab y Abiú en Levítico:

Levítico 10:1-3 “Y Nadab y Abiú, hijos de Aarón, tomaron cada uno de ellos su incensario, y pusieron en ellos fuego, y pusieron sobre ellos incienso, y ofrecieron un fuego extraño delante de Jehová, lo cual él no les mandó. Y salió fuego de parte de Jehová, que los devoró, y murieron delante de Jehová. Entonces Moisés dijo a Aarón: Esto es lo que habló Jehová, diciendo: Seré santificado en los que se acercan a mí, y delante de todo el pueblo seré glorificado. Y Aarón guardó silencio”.

En este caso, la muerte de Nadab y Abiú limpió el campamento de la locura de desobedecer las instrucciones directas de Hashem con respecto al servicio del tabernáculo. El Eterno fue glorificado (¿podríamos decir que quedó claro a través de la muerte de estos hijos de Aarón, que Dios quiere decir lo que dice?) Y en el caso de que Gog fuera destruido ante todas las naciones, creo que es el mismo contexto. No te metas con Su Tierra ni con Su pueblo que está apartado para la Santidad: los hijos de Jacob.

En los últimos versículos del capítulo 38, el acto final: el Dios de Israel se levanta enojado para destruir a Gog y Magog. Terremotos, fuego, azufre, sangre, granizo, lluvias torrenciales, montañas caen y los enemigos se volverán unos contra otros. Esto magnificará y santificará al Eterno YHVH. ¿Cómo? ¡Limpiando el campamento de los malvados!

17 “Así dice YHVH Elohim; ¿Eres tú aquel de quien hablé en otro tiempo por medio de mis siervos los profetas de Israel, que profetizaron en aquellos días, por muchos años, que yo te traería contra ellos? 18 Y sucederá que en el mismo tiempo, cuando Gog venga contra la tierra de Israel, dice YHVH Elohim, mi ira subirá a mi rostro. 19 Porque en mi celo y en el fuego de mi ira he hablado: Ciertamente en aquel día habrá gran estremecimiento en la tierra de Israel; 20 De modo que los peces del mar, las aves del cielo, las bestias del campo, y todos los reptiles que se arrastran sobre la tierra, y todos los hombres que están sobre la faz de la tierra, temblarán ante mi presencia, y los montes serán derribados, y los escarpados se derrumbarán, y todo muro caerá a tierra.

21 Y llamaré espada contra él en todos mis montes, dice el Señor DIOS: la espada de cada uno será contra su hermano. 22 Y litigaré contra él (Gog y Magog) con pestilencia y con sangre; y haré llover sobre él, y sobre sus tropas, y sobre el pueblo que está con él, una lluvia torrencial, y granizo grande, fuego y azufre. 23 Así me engrandeceré y me santificaré; y seré conocido a los ojos de muchas naciones, y sabrán que yo soy YHVH.

Una mirada más cercana a Gog:

Ezequiel dice que Gog es el príncipe principal de Mesac y Tubal, hijos de Japeth. Gog no puede ser una nación árabe porque los árabes originalmente vinieron de Sem (y tal vez mezclados con Cam), no de Japet. Tanto Ismael como Esaú eran de Sem. Entonces, ¿quién sería hoy el “príncipe principal o líder de los turcos (la zona de la antigua Magog)? Mesac y Tubal, cuando se estudian los mapas antiguos, se encuentran en Turquía. ¿Podría ser que Gog sea Irán? ¿Quién financia e inspira sus misiones militares? Irán patrocina organizaciones terroristas, incluidas Hezbollah y Hamas. ¿Pero quién dirige Irán? ¿Es Rusia? ¿Y es Irán siquiera una posibilidad cuando miramos los mapas? En realidad, sí, Irán alguna vez fue Persia y la ubicación está en el área de Japeth. Pero ese sería Magog ya que Magog era hijo de Japeth y se estableció allí. Y Gog que recordamos es del extremo norte, Gog también significa techo en hebreo, lo que significa la cima del mundo.

Y hablando de los turcos:

“Casi todos los historiadores otomanos del siglo XV afirmaron que la dinastía otomana surgió de Japeth, el hijo de Noé. Japeth fue generalmente considerado como el antepasado de los turcos en la historiografía musulmana. Por eso los historiadores otomanos aceptaron a Japeth como su antepasado, aunque los descendientes de Japeth eran menos respetados que los de Sem, de quien se originaron los Profetas”. Para fuente (clic): Jstage

Según otro mapa bíblico antiguo (haga clic aquí), y el que se muestra arriba, Gomer (hijo de Jafet), Tubal, Madai, todos están asentados cerca de las montañas del Cáucaso (Siria e Irak), Turquía y el área cercana al Mar Negro y al Caspio. mares, incluidos los actuales Georgia y Armenia. La punta de Rusia también está ahí. Pero tal como se están desarrollando las cosas, parece que Irán tiene una función clave, tal vez parte de la profecía. ¿Es Irán Gog? ¿O está Rusia patrocinando a Irán mientras Irán provoca la guerra, utilizando a Hamas y Hezbolla?

¿Quién se une a la batalla?

Ezequiel 38: 5, 6, 13 “Persia (actual Irán), Etiopía y Libia con ellos; todos ellos con escudo y yelmo: 6. Gomer y todas sus tropas; la casa de Togarmah…13. Seba, Dedán y los mercaderes de Tarsis…” Podemos verlos en el primer mapa.

Miremos nuevamente a los descendientes de Japeth en Génesis:

Génesis 10:2, 4 “Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javán (Grecia), Tubal, Mesec (Turquía) y Tiras. (Italia)…Y los hijos de Javan; Eliseo, Tarsis, Kittim (Chitim) y Dodanim”.

La profecía de Balaam habla del fin de los tiempos; para los barcos de Chittim o Kittim, consulte esta lista: (Aquí)

Números 24:23-24 “Y tomando su parábola, dijo: ¡Ay, quién vivirá cuando Dios haga esto! 24 Y vendrán naves de la costa de Chittim (Chipre, ver aquí), y afligirán a Asur (Asiria, ver más abajo), y afligirán a Eber (Persia/Irán, ver más abajo), y él también perecerá para siempre.

“Los asirios son los pueblos indígenas del norte de Irak, el noroeste de Irán, el sureste de Turquía y el este de Siria. Hoy en día hay más de 5 millones de asirios en todo el mundo y hablan la lengua aramea, también conocida como siríaca. A estos pueblos también se les conoce como caldeos, arameos y siríacos. Los asirios modernos son descendientes de los antiguos imperios asirio y babilónico, una de las primeras civilizaciones que surgieron en Medio Oriente”. Para referencia, (haga clic aquí.)

Los musulmanes afirman que Eber, el área donde se estableció uno de sus hijos, Qahtan, es la tierra de Ismael (ver Wikipedia, ver Mapa). La antigua Persia, como vimos, se encuentra en la ubicación del Irán actual.

Chitim: Como se menciona en la profecía de Balaam es Chipre, ver (clic) Britannica. Chitim se menciona en varios pasajes bíblicos:

Isaías 23:1, 12 “La carga de Tiro. Aullad, naves de Tarsis; porque está arrasada, de modo que no queda casa ni entrada: desde la tierra de Chittim les es revelado. 12 Y él dijo: Nunca más te alegrarás, oh virgen oprimida, hija de Sidón; levántate, pasa a Quitim; Allí tampoco tendrás descanso”.

Números 24:23-24 “Y tomando su parábola, dijo: ¡Ay, quién vivirá cuando Dios haga esto! 24 Y vendrán naves de la costa de Chittim, y afligirán a Asur, y afligirán a Eber, y él también perecerá para siempre.”

En el tiempo transcurrido desde el 7 de octubre, ha habido muchos barcos de otras naciones esperando en el Mediterráneo cerca de Chipre (Chittim). La pregunta es; ¿Vendrán contra Israel?

Dan 11:30 “Porque las naves de Quitim vendrán contra él; por tanto, se entristecerá y se volverá, y se indignará contra el santo pacto; así hará; incluso volverá y tendrá inteligencia con los que abandonan el santo pacto”.
¿De quién habla esto? ¿Los líderes de Israel? ¿Consultan a los que abandonan el pacto?”

¿Quién es Hamás según la profecía?

Recientemente varias personas me han recordado que en hebreo bíblico, la palabra violencia (Hamas) en Génesis 6 y otros lugares, es un secreto que apunta a nuestro tiempo. Echemos un vistazo a qué más dice la Biblia:

Génesis 6:13 “Y dijo Dios a Noé: He decidido acabar con toda carne; porque la tierra está llena de violencia a través de ellos; he aquí, los destruiré junto con la tierra.”

יג וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים לְנֹחַ, קֵץ כָּל-בָּשָׂר בָּא לְפָנַי–כִּי- מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ חָמָס, מִפְּנֵיהֶם; וְהִנְנִי מַשְׁחִיתָם, אֶת-הָאָרֶץ

¿El “fin de toda carne”? ¿Puede el principio ser un reflejo del final? Ahora vemos el final frente a nosotros. Si las bombas nucleares llegan en este momento, a menos que el Creador del mundo intervenga, ¡no quedará nadie vivo para ver otro día!

“La Tierra está llena de violencia (Hamas)”… Bueno, eso es lo que Dios le dijo a Noé y la situación hoy es la misma, incluye a todos los terroristas alrededor del mundo ¡y lo ha sido desde hace algún tiempo!

“Los destruiré con la tierra”. ¡Veremos con esperanza que sea así!

¡Nuestra esperanza es que Hamás sea destruido y que no sea necesario destruir la Tierra! Que muchas personas serán salvadas de la destrucción a través del Pacto que Hashem hizo con El Pueblo del Pacto.

¿Podría ser una coincidencia el uso de la palabra hebrea חֲמַס en la Biblia? Se destacó como una señal para mí que en el momento en que el terror de Hamás golpeó a Israel, el Shabat 7 de octubre, los judíos religiosos estaban programados para comenzar la Parashá Bereshit, capítulos 1-6 del Génesis a partir del día siguiente; este pasaje incluye el versículo anterior.

¿Hay algún otro lugar en el que se utilice la palabra Hamás en el Tanakh? De hecho, existen 44 referencias que lo utilizan. Aquí hay algunos, todos ellos se refieren a violencia física.

Abadías 1:10: (hablando de Esaú): “Por la violencia hecha a tu hermano Jacob, la vergüenza te cubrirá, y serás cortado para siempre”.

מֵחֲמַס אָחִיךָ יַעֲקֹב, תְּכַסְּךָ בוּשָׁה; וְנִכְרַתָּ, לְעוֹלָם.

Jueces 9:24: “para que viniera la violencia hecha a los setenta hijos de Jeroba’al y su sangre fuera puesta sobre Abimelec su hermano, que los mató, y sobre los hombres de Siquem, que fortalecieron sus manos para matar a sus hermanos.”

לָבוֹא, חֲמַס שִׁבְעִים בְּנֵי-יְרֻבָּעַל; וְדָמָם, לָשׂוּם עַל-אֲבִימֶלֶךְ אֲחִיהֶם אֲשֶׁר הָרַג אוֹתָם, וְ עַל בַּעֲלֵי שְׁכֶם, אֲשֶׁר-חִזְּקוּ אֶת-יָדָיו לַהֲרֹג אֶת-אֶחָיו.

Echa un vistazo al libro de Habacuc (cuya tumba, por cierto, está cerca de nosotros aquí, en realidad en las afueras de Tiberíades). El profeta hablaba de un ataque asesino por parte de los enemigos de Israel, enviado como castigo por la codicia y otros pecados. Utiliza la palabra Hamás una y otra vez a lo largo del libro. A continuación se muestran algunos de los versos:

Hab 1:2 “¿Hasta cuándo, oh Jehová, clamaré y no me escucharás? Clamo a Ti violencia, y Tú no salvarás”.

עַד-אָנָה יְהוָה שִׁוַּעְתִּי, וְלֹא תִשְׁמָע: אֶזְעַק אֵלֶיךָ חָ מָס, וְלֹא תוֹשִׁיעַ.

Hab 1:9 “Todos ellos vienen por violencia; sus rostros están ansiosos como el viento del este; y juntan cautivos (secuestro) como la arena.

כֻּלֹּה לְחָמָס יָבוֹא, מְגַמַּת פְּנֵיהֶם קָדִימָה; וַיֶּאֱסֹף כַּחוֹל, שֶׁבִי.

Hab 2:17 “Porque te cubrirá la violencia del Líbano, y el despojo de las bestias que las aterrorizaron, a causa de la sangre de los hombres, y por la violencia de la tierra, de la ciudad y de todos los que en ella habitan”.

כִּי חֲמַס לְבָנוֹן יְכַסֶּךָּ, וְשֹׁד בְּהֵמוֹת יְחִיתַן, מִדְּמ ֵי אָדָם וַחֲמַס-אֶרֶץ, קִרְיָה וְכָל-יֹשְׁבֵי בָהּ.

A pesar de esta deprimente descripción en Habacuc de los ataques de nuestros enemigos, vemos en la última parte de Ezequiel 38 el fin de Hamás y sus cohortes.

Ezequiel 39 muestra la destrucción final de todas las naciones que vienen contra Israel. A continuación se encuentran los primeros 12 versículos del capítulo 39. ¡Tómese el tiempo para leer la descripción gráfica continua en el resto del capítulo!

Ezequiel 39:1-12 (Clic: Biblia Koren de Jerusalén):

“Y tú, hijo de hombre, profetiza contra Gog, y di: Así dice el Señor Dios; He aquí, estoy contra ti, oh Gog, príncipe principal de Meshec y Tuval; y te haré girar, y te atraeré, y te haré subir desde los lados lejanos del norte, y te llevaré contra los montes de Israel:
y arrancaré tu arco de tu mano izquierda, y haré caer tus flechas de tu mano derecha. Caerás sobre los montes de Israel, tú y todas tus tropas y los pueblos que están contigo: te entregaré a las aves rapaces de toda especie, y a las bestias del campo para que sean devoradas.
Caerás en campo abierto, porque yo lo he hablado, dice el Señor Dios.
Y enviaré fuego sobre Magog y entre los que habitan seguros en las costas, y sabrán que yo soy el Señor.
Así daré a conocer mi santo nombre en medio de mi pueblo Yisra᾽el; y no permitiré que mi santo nombre sea profanado más: y las naciones sabrán que yo soy el Señor, el Santo en Israel. He aquí viene, y se cumple, dice el Señor Dios; éste es el día del que he hablado.
Y los que habitan en las ciudades de Israel saldrán y prenderán fuego a las armas y las quemarán, escudo y broquel, arco y flechas, palos y lanzas, y harán fuego con ellos durante siete años.
De modo que no sacarán leña del campo, ni talarán nada del bosque; porque encenderán fuego con las armas, y saquearán a los que los saquearon, y robarán a los que les robaron, dice Jehová el Señor. Y sucederá que en aquel día le daré a Gog un lugar para sepultura en Israel, el valle de los que viajan al este del mar, y bloqueará el camino de los viajeros; y allí enterrarán a Gog y a toda su multitud; y lo llamarán Valle de Hamon-gog (la multitud de Gog). Y la casa de Israel los estará enterrando durante siete meses para limpiar la tierra”.

Entonces, ¿qué podemos sacar de esta profecía? Vemos nombres de pueblos antiguos que se convirtieron en naciones que encajan geográficamente con muchos de los que han sido enemigos de Israel, naciones cuyo deseo es que Israel sea arrojado al mar. Vemos ataques aéreos representados por versos que hablan de cubrir el cielo. Vemos referencias al secuestro (tomar una presa). Vemos barcos esperando fuera de Israel, algunos cerca de Chipre. La guerra en Ezequiel 38 ocurre en los últimos días. La profecía muestra que Israel se eleva por encima de Magog y también se menciona en la profecía de Balaam en Números 24.

El resultado de estas profecías abre un elemento de esperanza. Podemos aferrarnos a la promesa de un día mejor incluso en los momentos oscuros de incertidumbre del presente. Hay esperanza en estos pasajes, esperanza que todos necesitamos en este momento.

¡Que el pueblo de Israel se mantenga fiel a nuestro Pacto con el Altísimo y continúe manteniendo en alto el estándar moral que nuestro Dios ha requerido de Su Pueblo Escogido!


Ariella Golani

(¡Mis Hermanos y Hermanas, Favor de gustar, inscriber y compartir este estudio si vean su importancia!)

Israel en Guerra: ¿Quien Mata a las Inocentes?

¿Estaría mal juzgar a los inocentes junto con los malvados? La semana pasada vimos en la Parashá la súplica de Abram por la ciudad de Sodoma (Génesis 18). Y parecía razonable salvar la ciudad para unos pocos inocentes, pero cuando el Eterno le permitió a Abram reducir los números a 10, inmediatamente salió dejando a Abram pensando que nada iba a pasar. ¡Pero así fue! En la situación actual, ¿podemos utilizar esa historia para definir hasta qué punto Israel tiene derecho a destruir a los palestinos que quedan en Gaza? ¿Y son civiles inocentes?

Veamos otra historia bíblica. Cuando Coré Datán y Abiram (Números 16) codiciaron la posición de liderazgo hasta el punto de querer reemplazar a Moisés y Aarón, ellos y todo lo que poseían fueron tragados por la tierra abriendo su boca. ¡Seguramente hubo inocentes que fueron destruidos! ¿Qué pasa con las esposas y los hijos? Bueno, no nos lo dicen, pero a menudo las familias se mantienen unidas en sus opiniones y, a veces, las esposas incluso obligan a sus maridos a hacer cosas que de otro modo no habrían hecho. Pero no lo sabemos. ¿Y los niños? ¿Por qué ellos? No se nos dice. Ok, entonces Dios lo hizo y Él sabe mejor, ¿verdad?

Así que hoy tenemos una agresión hostil a la tierra de Israel por parte de los enemigos del pueblo judío. Así que hay niños entre ellos, y sí, hemos visto películas de niños entrenados para gritar “¡maten a los judíos!” ¿Son inocentes? ¿No éramos inocentes? ¿Tenemos que proteger a quienes nos odian cuando acaban de asesinar salvajemente a nuestros niños y ancianos, algunos sobrevivientes del holocausto? ¿Qué clase de equivalencia moral es ésta? ¿Y qué pasa con lo que dice la Biblia sobre ojo por ojo y diente por diente (Éxodo 21)?

Aquí hay otro escenario. Supongamos que algunos civiles de Gaza deciden que quieren apoyar a Israel y de alguna manera indican que no quieren apoyar a Hamás. ¿Sería correcto entrar y rescatarlos? ¡Israel realmente ha ofrecido esto! ¿Y el hecho de que no lo expresen? ¿Significa esto que quizás apoyan totalmente lo ocurrido? ¿Y cómo es que no sólo fueron los monstruos de Hamás los que atravesaron la valla, sino que muchos civiles se sumaron a los asesinatos de nuestro pueblo? ¿No son todos culpables?

Es cierto que gran parte del mundo no le da a Israel el derecho a defenderse. Adoptan la teoría de que Israel no debe matar civiles a pesar de que perdimos a más de 1.400 civiles amantes de la paz que no estaban librando ningún tipo de guerra contra Gaza. Por más que intentemos demostrar que los palestinos no son tan inocentes porque hayan apoyado al malvado Hamas, el mundo se une en un grito fuerte y hostil oponiéndose a cualquier cosa que hagamos por considerarla malvada e injusta. Los líderes mundiales trabajan para convencer a nuestro gobierno de que se someta a su idea de justicia. La pregunta es: ¿Israel se doblegará ante estas malas sugerencias?

No importa que todo el grupo de inocentes masacrados en nuestra tierra, todos fueran inocentes, ninguno era combatiente que amenazara a Gaza.

Y no, no importa, dice el mundo, Israel no tiene derecho a eliminar a quienes corean consignas para aniquilar a los judíos y apoderarse de esta hermosa Tierra Prometida para que ya no exista.

¿Por qué Dios en la Biblia le dijo a Israel que eliminara por completo a ciertos grupos de personas que habitaban la tierra? ¿Es esta una cuenta exagerada? La razón exterior tenía que ver con la tentación de adorar a los ídolos de estos pueblos que estaban presentes en Israel. Realizaban sacrificios de niños y otras cosas inhumanas para sus dioses. Debido a que no fueron completamente destruidos, Israel comenzó a participar en estas cosas y finalmente tuvieron que ser expulsados de la tierra de Israel.

¿Cuál es entonces nuestra posición hoy? Digo como muchos más dicen cada vez con más fuerza: ¡Que Israel destruya a sus enemigos! No obstaculices nuestro progreso. Destruir a Hamás y a sus partidarios es darle al mundo entero un poco más de tiempo para desarrollar la justicia y la paz. ¡Vaya delante ejercito Israeli! ¡No te detengas!

Dry Bones and a Wake-Up Call-Part 1

Israel at War, Ezekiel 37

Enlightening prophecies of the Bible have burst into view with current events in Israel. I have watched and learned about the return of the Jewish exiles over the years. In fact the return has increased rapidly since world war II. This is part of biblical prophecy.

But suddenly, with the attacks on Israel during the past three weeks, rather, specifically on the last day of Sukkot this year, October 7, a question faces all of us who follow Bible prophecy. Why suddenly, now that the return of Jews to the Land of Israel is this disastrous war with Hamas blowing our world apart? And why now do we see several surrounding nations starting their engines to come and finish us off? And at the same time the US demanding we compromise in exchange for military aid by accepting a 2-State Solution?

The valley seems to be a place of burial for everywhere Israel and the Jews have been exiled. God asks Ezekiel if the bones can live, and then tells him that He will cause the bones to come together….(are we seeing this? People returning to be together in the Land of Israel with fellow Jews?) But the prophecy continues that even as the tendons appear and the skin covers them, there still is no breath to vivify them. What is this breath sent by the Creator? We see that this breath comes from the four winds. What does breath from the four winds mean?

As the world has received the horrifying news, thousands of young Jews from around the world are coming to support the fight against Hamas and Hezbollah. Peoples in every nation are alarmed and praying for Israel—many, even Christians are sending money to support the war effort.

Dry Bones: Who is this?

Eze 37:1-12: 1 The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, ” LORD God, you alone know.”

4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the LORD God says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am YHVH.’ ” 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. 9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ “

10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet–a vast army.” Woohoo! What is this? and what just happened in Israel?

11 Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the LORD God says: ‘My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel.’”

Why Focus on Ezekiel 37?

Why a valley of bones?—Israel was cut off from the Land:

“Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Eze 37:11.

So this is not a physical death but a spiritual one. Desperation at the apparent cutting off from the covenant with the Eternal… But wait! He has not forgotten His part of the deal!

Mal 3:6-7 “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. 7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?”

Lev 26:44: “Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the LORD their God.”

Jer 31:35-37: Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: 36 If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. 37 Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.”

Why does the House of Israel claim in Ezekiel 37:11 that they are cut off? Apparently God has not cut us off! Does this cutting off have to do with the many abominations that drove them/us into exile? What were the sins that caused Israel to be cut off from being a nation?

Lev 18:24-29: 24 “Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: 27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) 28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. 29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.”

1Ki 9:6-9: 6 But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them: 7 Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people: 8 And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and to this house? 9 And they shall answer, Because they forsook the LORD their God, who brought forth their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have taken hold upon other gods, and have worshiped them, and served them: therefore hath the LORD brought upon them all this evil.

So we were cut off from the Land but not from God’s constant watch care nor the promise that we would return.

Breath to come from the four winds…

What does that mean? In the Book of Daniel the 4 winds represent not only the 4 directions, but strife of nations—nations that may be at the ends of the earth.

Dan 7:2 Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. (then we see the rise of the different nations during times of war represented by the 4 winds on the sea—peoples/nations of the world).

What do we see now with Israel at the very center of the conflict? Ships from other nations parked in the Mediterranean, just waiting…

So if the call is for the winds to come and wake up those who are forming from the dry bones, then a tremendous upheaval, war among nations, war against Israel, brings about life—even though we all fear it will bring death. The love for the Land of Israel and fellow Jews has awakened, the indignation against the atrocities committed against our people has done something to everyone. External divisions are falling off. At this point it is not about a spiritual repentance. It is about saving the life of the Jewish people that they not be obliterated from the face of the earth. Repentance comes later. What happened when our first parents were created? The body was formed and then the breath of life was blown into the nostrils. Do we see the physical body forming now? And we feel the winds of the nations threatening to cut our land in half, to support our enemies and to resupply them that they may continue to fight against us. We dare not compromise with these nations. I don’t care if they are bigger and more powerful. As Elisha said to his servant who was afraid of the Syrians:

2Ki 6:16-17 “And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

The people are returning, the nations are spitting them out with their antisemitism, which is now at an all-time high. Jew hatred rages everywhere. But there is little spiritual life, only a strong desire to unite as one people. That is the first part of the story in Ezekiel 37.

The Eternal promises:

“My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel.” 37:12

The body of Israel is hurting and the Jews are returning en mass to help. Is this a sign? The nations are blaming the Jews for their own tragedy. This is prophecy. Out of the ashes rises a nation stronger than any people on earth.

Isa 11:11: And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. (From everywhere they have been driven?)

Eze 36:24-25: “For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. 25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.”

We are at war with Hamas and Hezbollah at the moment, will a world war, one from the four winds come to fully awaken us? Something is being accomplished by this war! We have been promised more land to be able to house all of Judah and the 10 tribes, lost among the nations. Will we see that happen this time? Or will we again bow to the nations under a compromise which will give away our land? Will we ever learn that the Eternal has promised to restore us?

Extend our borders? How? Who?

Isa 54:2-3 “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; 3 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.” Who is them above? Does this mean someone else is going to restore our borders?

What will happen that will bring a spiritual awakening? And who will lead the majority of religious Jews out of a false belief system established for more than two millennia? Can this happen during wartime? It seems this is later, perhaps at the coming of the true Messiah and the restoration of the Levites and the Temple.

So why do I point to false beliefs (idolatry) as the cause of exile? We were strictly commanded not to add to or take from the commandments of YHVH. But that is what has been done, Talmud, Gemara, Midrash, Zohar replace the written Torah and are believed and practiced as the only guide to Torah Law. “Chain of command” is embraced as authority for the majority of the sages to interpret and define Torah. Original truth has been lost for over two thousand years. A couple of examples are

the keeping of the Shabbat, which has become a burden because of all the rules of melacha and the required series of prayers repeated over and over. The Eternal never meant for the Shabbat to be a burden. And the rules of Kashrut have become so strict that one cannot even eat on a plate or use the same oven where both milk or meat has been used. One cannot eat in a home that does not follow the same rabbinic rules of Kashrut, which has become a huge profit-making enterprise. All this stemming from a simple law to not boil a kid in his mother’s milk (read my thoughts on this here). And these things are part of what has divided the Jewish people and made them like dry bones scattered in a desolate valley. We have not been united.

We might well ask about the original meaning of any of the commandments instead of letting some book apart from the Tanakh define our Halacha. Where did we get off track when we see clearly that in the chain of transmission from Moses to Joshua, Joshua was clearly commanded not to change anything!

Jos 1:7-8: “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

So, in the midst of suspense about what happens next in this war with Hamas and whomever else, we must encourage one another and pull together to bring people home and support one another. This is the love that unites us and will bring about our healing as a nation. This cannot fail! But in the meantime the war will rage and we must seek our God as an Eternal Refuge!

Ariella Casey

Take Hold the Tzitzit

To be continued in Part 2, “Hamas and who is Gog and Magog?”

Desde el Rio hasta el Mar…

Desde el río hasta el Mar—¿Cual Rio?

Israel fue atacado salvajemente por Hamas a través de las ciudades a lo largo de la frontera de Gaza hace una semana, Shabat 7 de octubre, que coincidió con la última parte de la fiesta de Sucot, casi exactamente 50 años después de la guerra de Yom Kippur; sí, fue en Yom Kippur. el día más santo del año para Israel y los judíos de todo el mundo. La razón expresa que subyace a todas las demás razones fue y sigue siendo que “queremos aniquilar a los judíos” y ellos los arrojarán “al mar, alegando que “reclamarán” toda la tierra “desde el río hasta el mar”, es decir, desde el Jordán. Río al Mediterráneo como tierra de los palestinos, o debería decir, de los árabes que odian a los judíos. Pero no sólo odian a los judíos. Odian a cualquiera que no adore al dios musulmán y así lo han declarado. Los cristianos serán los siguientes si se salen con la suya. Pero ¿por qué existe en el mundo este odio malvado hacia los judíos? ¿Y por qué en particular los judíos? ¿Qué tienen los judíos que los inflama? ¿Es la tierra de Israel? No creo que ese sea el tema central.

¿Por qué Hitler diseñó específicamente la limpieza de los judíos de Europa? ¿Por qué judíos? ¿Por qué hay antisemitismo en el mundo? Éstas y otras son preguntas ancestrales que, en cualquier otro nivel que no sea el religioso o el bíblico, no tienen sentido. Los judíos son diferentes, pero ¿cómo y por qué? No puede ser una cuestión racial porque hay judíos de muchos colores y de casi todos los países del mundo. Quizás lo único que tienen los judíos que otros pueblos no tienen es un Pacto con el Creador del mundo y aquellos que odian el Pacto, odian al pueblo del Pacto. Si odian al Creador, odiarán al pueblo designado por el Creador como Su pueblo. Si aman el pecado, odiarán cualquier ley que condene el pecado.

Entonces, ¿qué pasa con los judíos que odian el Pacto y pretenden no ser judíos? Quizás incluso se asimilaron a otras religiones por miedo o peor aún, para librarse de la responsabilidad de guardar el Pacto. Pero ¿por qué tantos judíos se están volviendo sionistas de repente? ¿Qué hay en la promesa hecha a Abraham de que sus descendientes heredarían la tierra? ¿Y quién es realmente el dueño de la tierra desde el río hasta el mar? ¿Y qué río fue dado en la promesa a Abraham de todos modos? El río Éufrates. Entonces, cuando Israel recupere su tierra según la Promesa, será desde el río Éufrates hasta el mar Mediterráneo. Aquí está la promesa:

“Estableceré tus fronteras desde el mar Rojo hasta el mar Mediterráneo, y desde el desierto hasta el río Éufrates. Entregaré en tus manos al pueblo que habita en la tierra, y tú los expulsarás de delante de ti. No hagas pacto con ellos ni con sus dioses. No los dejéis habitar en vuestra tierra, no sea que os hagan pecar contra mí, porque el culto a sus dioses ciertamente os será una trampa. Éxodo 23: 31-33.

¿Reconocen estos malvados de alguna manera que el Dios de Israel cumple Su Palabra? Parece que simplemente están esperando que los judíos cometan errores para debilitarlos y entonces tal vez su Dios no los defienda. Son como los hijos mimados de Esaú e Ismael, hermanos que odiaban a los elegidos. Actúan como perros celosos que se sientan en el pesebre impidiendo que las vacas coman aunque ellas no comen paja. Más específicamente, esta es la mente contraria al Creador del Universo y Sus leyes. ¡Ésta es la mente del mal y cuando el mal se ha apoderado por completo no hay vuelta atrás! Se vuelve feo… ¡no! Peor que feo: es salvaje, peor que cualquier pelea de animales. Está demasiado cerca para estar cómodo aquí en Israel. La batalla se desarrolla muy cerca: ¡incluso dos horas de camino son demasiado cerca! El mundo ha visto imágenes de los cuerpos de jóvenes y niños inocentes maltratados y sus cadáveres exhibidos para que todos los vean mientras estas bestias malvadas se regocijan por sus muertes.

Pero la pregunta insondable es ¿por qué los hombres fuertes encuentran valor y se regocijan por el asesinato de inocentes? ¡Esto es cobardía! Quizás sea más bien una adicción a la sangre… ¡al asesinato de inocentes! Una cosa es matar combatientes en una guerra, pero ¿niños, jóvenes y mujeres? ¡Esto debería ser algo de lo que avergonzarse, no algo para publicar videos gráficos en el mundo bailando y celebrando a las víctimas de la ira para que todas las naciones lo vean!

¡Lo que más me molesta es ver a nuestro propio gobierno seducido por la propaganda estadounidense y las promesas vacías de ayuda! ¿Dónde está el Dios de Elías? ¿Y qué pasa con Amalec con Moisés levantando sus manos al cielo para ayudar a los soldados de Israel a exterminarlos? Esta es una situación en la que el Dios de Israel dice: “¡no con ejército ni con poder sino con Mi Espíritu”! ¿Quién orará? ¡Podemos hacer esto! ¿Quién formará una cadena de oración y no dejará de orar hasta que Amalec sea completamente destruido?

Según todas las apariencias, este gobierno se pondrá del lado de los consejos de las naciones que prometen ayuda militar. Pero no se trata de caballos y carros, así dice la Palabra del Todopoderoso. ¡Hacer alianzas con las naciones nunca ha sido lo correcto! Puede que seamos como el pequeño grupo de 300 soldados desarmados de Gedeón, pero todo el campamento del enemigo puede ser derrotado y será derrotado si el Dios de Israel se involucra. No tenemos otra esperanza. Habrá un genocidio si no nos aferramos al poder del Único Dios Todopoderoso que nos llamó a salir de la oscuridad, la oscuridad que incluso ahora nos envuelve mientras vemos a nuestros líderes tambaleándose al borde del compromiso con las naciones. controlados por aquellos que nos odian. ¿Cómo es eso? Basta observar a este gobierno cambiar de opinión respecto del aplanamiento de Gaza y aceptar el compromiso de la ayuda militar a costa de una solución de dos Estados. ¡NO necesitamos ningún compromiso! Necesitamos tomar SUS tierras y ampliar NUESTRAS fronteras. Es hora de quienes confían en aquel que prometió salir con nuestros ejércitos. ¡Debemos y DEBEMOS ganar, pero NO será haciendo una alianza con Estados Unidos ni con nadie más! Que los falsos líderes caigan y un espíritu mesiánico de oración traiga a Israel un líder que trabaje mano a mano con El Santo de Israel, ¡Bendito sea!

From the River to the Sea

From the River to the Sea–Which River?

Israel was savagely attacked through the towns along the Gaza border by Hamas a week ago, Shabbat October 7, which coincided with the last part of the feast of Sukkot, almost exactly 50 years after the Yom Kippur war—yes it was on Yom Kippur, the Holiest Day of the year for Israel and Jews everywhere. The express reason underlying all other reasons was and still is that “we want to annihilate Jews” and they will drive Jews “into the sea, claiming they will “reclaim” all the land “from the river to the sea” meaning from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean as the land of the Palestinians, or should I say, Arabs who hate Jews. But it is not only Jews that they hate. They hate anyone who does not worship the Muslim god and they have stated this. Christians will be next if they have their way. But why does this evil hatred of Jews exist in the world? And why in particular Jews? What do Jews have that inflames them? Is it the land of Israel? I don’t think that is the core issue.

Why did Hitler specifically design the cleansing of Jews from Europe? Why Jews? Why is there antisemitism in the world? These and others are age-old questions for which on any other level than a religious or Biblical one, make no sense. Jews are different, but how and why? It cannot be a racial issue because there are Jews of many colors and from almost every country on the globe. Perhaps the only thing that Jews have that other peoples do not have is a Covenant with the Creator of the world and those who hate the Covenant, hate the people of the Covenant. If they hate the Creator, they will hate the people designated by the Creator as His people. If they love sin they will hate any law that condemns sin.

So what about Jews that hate the Covenant and pretend to not be Jewish? Perhaps they even assimilated into other religions because of fear or worse yet, to rid themselves of the responsibility to keep the Covenant. But why are so many Jews suddenly becoming Zionists? What is there about the Promise to Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land? And who really owns the land from the river to the sea anyway? And which river was given in the promise to Abraham anyway? The River Euphrates. So when Israel gets back its land according to the Promise, it will be from the River Euphrates to the Mediterranean Sea. Here’s the promise:

I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you. Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you.” Exo 23: 31-33.

Do these evil ones somehow recognize that the God of Israel keeps His Word? It seems they are just watching for Jews to mess up so they can be weakened and then perhaps their God will not defend them. They are like the spoiled sons of Esau and Ishmael, siblings that hated the chosen ones. They act like jealous dogs who sit in the manger keeping the cows from eating even though they don’t eat straw. More specifically, this is the mind set against the Creator of the Universe and His laws. This is the mind of evil and when evil has taken full hold there is no coming back! It gets ugly—no!–Worse than ugly—it is savage, worse than any animal fight. It is too close for comfort here in Israel. The battle rages very close–even two hours down the road is too close! The world has seen footage of the bodies of innocent youth and children battered and their corpses paraded for all to see as these evil beasts exult in their deaths.

But the unfathomable question is why do strong men find value and rejoice over the killing of the innocent? This is cowardice! It is perhaps more of an addiction to blood—to the murder of innocents! It is one thing to kill fighters in a war, but children and youth and women? This should be something to be ashamed of—not something to post graphic videos to the world of dancing and celebrating over the victims of rage so that all the nations will see!

The element that most upsets me is seeing our own government seduced by American propaganda and empty promises of help! Where is the God of Elijah? And what about Amalek with Moses raising his hands to heaven to help the soldiers of Israel wipe them out? This is a situation where the God of Israel says: “not by might nor by power but by My Spirit,”! Who will pray? We can do this! Who will form a prayer chain and not stop praying until Amalek is completely destroyed?

From all appearances, this government will side with the advice of the nations that promise military aid. But it is not about horses and chariots, so says the Word of the Almighty. Making alliance with the nations has never been the right thing to do! We may be like Gideon’s small band of 300 unarmed soldiers, but the whole camp of the enemy can and will be routed if the God of Israel gets involved. We have no other hope. There WILL be a genocide if we do not take hold of the power of the One and Only Almighty God that called us to come out of darkness—the darkness that even now enfolds us as we see our leaders teetering on the edge of compromise with nations controlled by those who hate us. How so? Just watch this government change its tune about flattening Gaza and accept the compromise of military aid at the cost of a two-state solution. We need NO compromise! We need to take THEIR lands and extend OUR borders. It is time for those who trust the one who promised to go out with our armies. We will and MUST win, but it will NOT be by making alliance with America or anyone else! May the false leaders fall and a messianic spirit of prayer bring a leader to Israel that will work hand in hand with the Holy One, Blessed be He!