¡Bombas, terror y mi dulce cachorra Simcha!

Por Binjamin Casey

Son las dos y cuarto de la mañana y el rugido sordo de los F15 que sobrevuelan en constante patrulla me despierta una vez más. Incluso con el suave zumbido del ventilador de ventana que usamos para el “ruido blanco”, la vibración profunda perturba mi sueño y mi cuerpo se tensa por el estrés de “¿Es esto solo otra salida o es algo real?”

El avión se inclina sobre su cabeza y comienza su amplio giro que lo lleva sobre la Cordillera de Hermón, a través del valle del Jordán y luego por la frontera libanesa de regreso al centro de Israel a través del Kinneret o Mar de Galilea.

Desde el Black Sabbath de octubre, hace poco más de seis meses, las patrullas aéreas y los ataques a Siria y el Líbano se han convertido en una realidad y en un recordatorio físico constante para aquellos de nosotros en los Altos del Golán de que, efectivamente, estamos en guerra. El ruido debería ser tranquilizador y lógicamente lo es, la mayor parte del tiempo. Durante las horas del día miramos hacia arriba para ver los aviones mientras sobrevuelan. Es algo difícil detectar los aviones porque vuelan tan alto y tan rápido. Tienes que juzgar la elevación por la intensidad del ruido y luego mirar hacia adelante, donde parece estar el sonido. A veces tienes suerte y vislumbras un F15, F16 o F35. Otras veces te dejas engañar porque es posible que un avión haya dado un giro cerrado y esté regresando hacia el sonido.

Pero, como dije antes, por tranquilizador que sea, encuentro que el sonido después de seis meses comienza a desgastarse en mi mente cansada de la guerra. Este es el undécimo conflicto importante en el que he estado involucrado y es el más largo y conflictivo.

Hace unos días, mi mente dañada por el trastorno de estrés postraumático finalmente cedió al sonido y rompí a llorar por el estrés. Mientras estaba sentada en nuestro jardín con la cabeza entre las manos llorando, mi pastora alemana Simcha (alegría en hebreo), de pelo largo, se acercó y puso suavemente su enorme cabeza peluda en mi regazo. Ella me miró con sus grandes ojos tristes y me lamió suavemente. Estallé en un torrente de lágrimas y poco a poco la tensión empezó a disminuir. Cualquier rincón oscuro de mi mente que había permitido que emergieron los fantasmas del pasado, lentamente cerró sus puertas y los demonios retrocedieron.

Estoy seguro de que muchos de nosotros en Israel hemos sentido este dolor abrumador últimamente, pero no todos tenemos una Simjá que nos ayude a superarlo. Sintiendo mi cambio de humor, ahora era su turno de recibir atención. Era hora de vengarse y esta niña de dos años quería jugar en serio a cambio de su afecto.

Los días transcurrieron hasta que una mañana llegó la noticia que esperábamos pero temíamos. Irán, el Estado patrocinador del terrorismo global, finalmente había decidido lanzar un ataque contra Israel. Nos advirtieron que se había lanzado un ataque masivo con misiles y que estábamos situados entre una hora y media y dos horas antes del ataque, dependiendo del tipo de proyectil que se lanzara. Elige tu opción; UAV, misiles balísticos y de crucero, así que mientras esperábamos, nuestros antiguos primos en el Líbano estaban aumentando su cuota de cohetes Quassam y Katyusha de corto alcance.

Mis ojos captaron la vista del valle del Yarden o río Jordán, que era como siempre hermoso. Debajo del enorme montículo del Monte Canaán, las luces de Rosh Piná y Hazor Hagalil brillaban en la oscuridad de la noche mientras la corona de la montaña estaba iluminada por las luces de Birya. Hazor, que es donde el profeta Josué, el protegido de Moisés, libró su batalla final después de entrar en la tierra hace unos 3500 años, después de los años de exilio en Egipto y luego de la saga del Éxodo. Esta zona estaba a punto de presenciar otro ataque contra los hijos de Israel.

Las luces continuaron parpadeando tranquilizadoramente y había una tranquilidad inusual en la noche, como si todo el campo estuviera conteniendo la respiración con anticipación. O los aviones habían regresado a la base para rearmarse y abastecerse de combustible o se dirigían hacia el este a través de Siria para hacer frente al ataque que se avecinaba.

El ataque en sí no fue del todo inesperado, ya que el ruido de sables se había prolongado durante días, si no semanas. Sin embargo, lo que sí me sorprendió fue una avalancha de mensajes de amigos en Gran Bretaña e incluso en Estados Unidos preguntando si todo estaba bien y asegurándonos que estábamos en sus pensamientos y oraciones.

Como había pasado la mayor parte de la noche despierto por la adrenalina esperando lo que fuera que nos ocurriera, no había mucho que hacer más que esperar. Entonces, como haría cualquier buen británico en una crisis, fui a prepararme una taza de té y me tranquilicé mientras esperaba.

A la 1:45 a. m., la alarma de mi teléfono comenzó a sonar advertencias de ataque tras ataque y esto ahora llegó más rápido de lo que podía leer. Hasta ahora, la mayoría de los ataques se produjeron en el sur, en las extensiones vacías del desierto de Negev. De repente, mis ojos captaron el brillo de una esfera roja que se elevaba lentamente hacia el cielo en dirección a Tiberio, la antigua ciudad romana y bíblica en Kinneret. Supe en ese momento que había comenzado. El orbe se eleva hacia el cielo y recuerda los días más felices de hace mucho tiempo, cuando la gente se sentaba y miraba las velas romanas arrojar sus orbes al cielo nocturno el 4 de julio o la Noche de las Hogueras para el deleite de los niños. Esta vez, sin embargo, el propósito era mucho más mortal, como lo indicó un repentino destello brillante. Al menos un misil ahora no alcanzaría su objetivo gracias al asombroso sistema de defensa aérea Cúpula de Hierro que ha salvado tantas vidas desde su primer despliegue en 2011. Se han disparado miles de cohetes contra Israel desde 2007, cuando Hamás tomó el control de Israel. La Franja de Gaza y Hezbollah, el representante iraní en el Líbano, y desde entonces disparan conjuntamente cohetes frecuentes e indiscriminados contra Israel. El costo financiero de detener estos cohetes es escandaloso y, sin embargo, sin la Cúpula de Hierro es sólo una suposición calcular el costo en vidas humanas perdidas.

El sonido de las explosiones empezó a resonar por todo el valle y el fuerte estallido de un cohete derribado por nuestras defensas. La Cúpula de Hierro es capaz de rastrear y calcular la velocidad, la dirección y el probable punto de aterrizaje de los misiles entrantes, por lo que sólo dispara a aquellos que considera que probablemente impactarán en áreas pobladas. Aun así, el coste de cada misil ronda los 60.000 dólares. Millones de dólares que podrían haberse gastado en escuelas, hospitales o utilizados en exploraciones científicas en beneficio de la humanidad, se han utilizado en cambio para derribar cohetes lanzados por ultrarreligiosos. musulmanes fanáticos.

Sorprendentemente, el ataque terminó muy rápidamente y comenzaron a llegar los informes iniciales. La única herida reportada fue la de una joven beduina que había sufrido heridas de metralla y algunos edificios fueron alcanzados en una base aérea. Esta noche se estaba presenciando verdaderamente un milagro, pero aún no sabíamos hasta qué punto.

La noche volvió a su solemnidad, los aviones habían regresado a la base y no se oían más explosiones en el valle. Eché un último vistazo por la ventana, asombrado de que se hubieran causado tan pocos daños o lesiones, y finalmente me dirigí a la comodidad de mi cama para dormir un par de horas.

De repente me despertó la estridente sirena antiaérea que subía y bajaba y nos advertía que teníamos 30 segundos para llegar a nuestra habitación segura. Esta vez nosotros éramos el objetivo, habíamos dormido vestidos sabiendo que esta posibilidad podría suceder así que agarramos una bolsa de emergencia y por supuesto a Simcha, quien pensó que esto era solo un juego divertido. Nos dirigimos a nuestro rincón debajo de las escaleras. Esta vez el sonido de las intercepciones de la Cúpula de Hierro fue mucho más fuerte, como un trueno directamente sobre nuestras cabezas, pero mucho más siniestro cuando comprendimos el peligro que podría causar la metralla de estos cohetes. De nuevo, después de lo que pareció muy poco tiempo, todo terminó, y el silencio repentino me recordó las historias que mi abuelo me había contado acerca de cómo después de un bombardeo de artillería en la Primera Guerra Mundial, el silencio repentino fue casi tan opresivo como el ruido del bombardeo mismo. Todo un infierno durante 15 minutos y luego un silencio como una tumba mientras tus oídos volvían a la normalidad. Más tarde esa mañana descubrimos que un cohete, probablemente un Katushkya, había aterrizado en nuestra ciudad. Sin quitarle ningún crédito a los miembros de las FDI y la IAF que habían hecho un trabajo increíble esa noche, el verdadero crédito tiene que ser para el Todopoderoso, sin el cual nuestro país sería un pedazo de tierra humeante con víctimas incalculables.

El cohete que había caído en la ciudad había impactado a unos dos metros de un muro de hormigón y roca coronado por una valla de hierro en la única zona de tierra blanda de los alrededores. La pared de roca dirigió la explosión lejos de las casas al otro lado de la calle y arrojó pequeños terrones de tierra y piedras pequeñas a unas dos cuadras de distancia. En el terreno había varios árboles frutales y se pudo ver cómo las raíces de los árboles también ayudaron a contener la explosión y alejarla de las casas a unos diez o quince metros de distancia. Alrededor del punto de impacto había viviendas de varios pisos que fácilmente podrían haber sido impactadas y destruidas. Si el cohete hubiera aterrizado al otro lado de la pared de ladrillos, se habría enterrado en un camino adoquinado hecho con ladrillos de tres kilos. Cada uno de esos ladrillos podría haberse convertido en misiles y el daño que habrían causado no es difícil de imaginar. Sin embargo, los únicos daños, aunque leves, fueron los de un coche cercano, la barandilla de la parte superior de la pared y varios paneles solares dañados por los terrones de tierra lanzados al aire por el impacto.

Desde esa noche se ha confirmado que en aquella ocasión se dispararon unos trescientos proyectiles contra Israel. La gran mayoría fueron derribados por las fuerzas armadas de Israel y la Cúpula de Hierro y posiblemente por algunos de nuestros supuestos aliados, mientras que a otros se les permitió caer en áreas abiertas.

Gracias al Creador, esa noche solo ocurrió una lesión grave y oramos para que se recupere rápidamente y recupere su plena salud.

Considerándolo todo, el ataque fue un completo y miserable fracaso en lo que respecta a Irán. Con el mayor ataque con misiles de la historia lanzado contra nosotros, nuestras defensas resistieron la prueba y humillaron al agresor.

En los días siguientes, los aviones han reanudado sus patrullas y ataques contra objetivos dentro del Líbano, pero el ruido de su paso todavía me irrita los nervios.

Aunque conozco el compromiso de nuestros valientes soldados y pilotos, su habilidad, dedicación y compromiso continuamente me sorprenden pero sobre todo doy gracias al Eterno por su misericordia y guía.

También agradezco a mi esposa Ariella y a mis queridos amigos por su aliento y apoyo. Por último, mi dulce cachorrito Simcha, sé que es hora de jugar… ¡otra vez!

A Second Exodus–What does this War have to do with It?

Difficult times are here for us. Jews and Bible believers everywhere are holding their breath unsure of what is going on in terms of their beliefs and what the Bible says about end time events–especially events that are even now spiraling out of control in the Holy Land! But what is it all about? 

Israel has broken into a catastrophic war just at the time when Jews are returning to the land en masse. It is almost like a second Exodus and this time Pharoah seems to be IN THE LAND as well as on the borders trying to destroy anyone who wants to return. Now it is not only Egypt, but all the bordering nations who have joined in on the daily attacks to steal the land of Israel and kill its inhabitants. Why now?

Ok so Jews have celebrated the first day of Pesach of 2024, and at most seders the question is at least contemplated if not discussed as to why Jews seem to suffer eternally, as if it is our destiny to suffer. This year the celebration of our freedom is questionable. How can we celebrate freedom when the nations want to wipe us out, again! — this time from our own G-d given land? Surely Hashem must not be watching! Why is this happening? We thought the end times was about returning to the land, ending the exile and welcoming the Messiah! Maybe there is something else that we  have not seen. Maybe God’s people need a transformation! Maybe returning to the Land is a test!

Perhaps we can draw strength from the negative things that are happening. Let’s look behind the reality of what is going on.

According to a Times of Israel article dated December 23, 2023, more than 2600 people moved to Israel between October 7 and the date of the article. According to the Jewish Chronicle, over 6500 Jews emigrated to Israel by February 14 and many applications for aliyah have been made.

What can be deducted from this? As of the time of the statement in Times of Israel (12/23) not a lot of anti-Israel protests had taken place around the world– at least not like there have been recently.. So what motivated those who came? Guilt for not being in the land to support it? A feeling of wanting to stand together, come what may? Or is there something else?

During the seder at some friends’ house here in the Golan Heights, we met some new people who had just moved from the United States. They still have not established residency but they claim that Israel is the only place for Jews. They sold everything and high-tailed it over here, with or without aliyah benefits! This is definitely not the first time I have heard people claim this! 

Is Israel really the safest place for Jews as the above article suggests? It may well be, but it does not feel like it at the moment. Feelings aside, what is Hashem’s plan for Israel? Is there a plan? Are Jews going to be forever persecuted and targeted? Is it because they are the Covenant People? Is it because they somehow went astray way back thousands of years ago? Well, maybe, but I don’t see a loving and gracious G-d eternally punishing a people with persecution when they have no idea why. I am sure there is something else involved in the overwhelming drive to return to the land of our forefathers. Why are we here, indeed? 

Another thing, why do Christian organizations, especially evangelicals, believe that the Jews must return to the land?
According to the the Zionist Christian statement in Wikipedia:
“God the Father, Almighty, chose the ancient nation and people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to reveal His plan of redemption for the world. They remain elect of God, and without the Jewish nation His redemptive purposes for the world will not be completed.”
Of course underlying this statement is the premise that the Christian Messiah (Jesus) must return to Jerusalem and as some have stated, “convince the Jews of his “divine mission and Messiahship.”  

Be that false as most of us claim, the outcome is that many Jews are being helped to return. Shall we condemn their good will and refuse to accept their gifts, even though they are motivated by wrong reasoning? Do we throw the baby out with the bath water? I am not so sure. Hashem has worked with nations to bring about his will over the millennia  and I don’t see Him changing plans now. So what could be His purpose in bringing Jews to experience a horrible war against Israel at what many of us believe to be the end times? Are we to see something spectacular?

Some see this war as being completely controlled by a secular government that is not directed by YHVH. Some have stated that G-d is not in our midst and cannot work with this government? Wait!

Did G-d work with Cyrus of Babylon to send the Jews back to the land. Does that not mean that all is in the Hands of the Eternal Architect of History? 

Another thing, besides the attack on October 7 (see my article Dancing with the Devil here), there have been many missiles, drones, rockets, and bombs fired at Israel from all sides. Besides many of our dear soldiers being killed in the fight with Hamas, Hezbollah and other proxies of Iran, there have been very few civilian casualties. Like for example what happened on Saturday night April 13 when over 300 projectiles were fired at Israel from Iran and nobody was hurt except one bedouin girl who was injured. One missile landed in our town between a couple of apartment buildings and left a 10 foot hole in the yard and some structural damage. But curiously, it did not hurt anyone! Is the secret in the strength of our defense forces and our Iron dome? Or is it possible that Somebody Up There is watching out for us? It is true that our government for the most part looks to themselves as the sole protection of Israel. Evil as that may be, is Hashem there working behind the scenes? Is it possible that He alone is guiding the movements of the war? Can you tell me He is not? He can uproot kings whenever He wants to. It just happens that He is working alongside and bringing about what He wants?

Some of us still question the apparent stupidity of our government for being surprised at the October 7 attack, or even ignoring it until it was too late. Did G-d have a purpose in  allowing it? Did He have a message for us? Did He use it somehow to begin a bigger scale attack on Israel that would play out to show His Mighty Hand at the last? And now, what about our 133 hostages which many of us believe are mostly dead by now? I cannot fathom the reason for their torture and death, but I will not allow my faith in YHVH to fail. I have prayed for them over and over and it is time to leave them with the Almighty who protects the innocent. Does He or does He not? Some say He clearly has not protected any of them. So what do we do? Throw out our faith? Could there be a reason for all of this? I say there is, but I cannot tell you what it is. Shall we place the blame on the government, or is the government just a puppet in Hashem’s hands? 

If we read the prophecies of Ezekiel 37-39, it is pretty clear that something corresponds with what is going on. 

I know I am arguing to save G-d’s reputation. Some may claim that I am a religious fanatic. I may be. But a couple of things are clear to me.

  1. This war is necessary to fulfill the Divine Plan and is hinted at in the Bible.
  2. People have always suffered, especially the Covenant People.
  3. The Bible promises to bring back those who have died (hostages?) in the resurrection. (See Isaiah 26, Daniel 12, Ezek 37).
  4. The Land of Israel belongs to YHVH and He promises to wipe out Edom (Isaiah 63). He says he will do it alone (Isaiah 63:3).
  5. There is to be a separation between the righteous and the wicked. (Wickedness is showing its face especially now. This war is revealing people’s attitudes and secret motivations. Some Jews are hanging onto their money as the most important thing they have. Some are selling everything and moving to Israel, whatever the cost. Many non-Jews are lining up to help, while others are covering their ears so that they do not hear. Some are searching the ancestry of their parents and doing DNA searches  to see if they may be Jewish or from the 10 lost tribes. 

So, yes, there is a lot to contemplate and the best thing we can do is trust G-d to work out His will. He alone is in charge no matter what governments and organizations are doing. Let’s not get in His way!

My hope is for a greater faith while we see mountains crumble and towers fall. May we be faithful through it all!


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A Second Exodus–What does this War have to do with It?

Difficult times are here for us. Jews and Bible believers everywhere are holding their breath unsure of what is going on in terms of their beliefs and what the Bible says about end time events. Especially events that are even now spiraling out of control in the Holy Land! But what is it all about? 

Israel has broken into a catastrophic war just at the time when Jews are returning to the land en masse. It is almost like a second Exodus and this time Pharoah seems to be IN THE LAND as well as on the borders trying to destroy anyone who wants to return. Now it is not only Egypt, but all the bordering nations who have joined in on the daily attacks to steal the land of Israel and kill its inhabitants. Why now?

Ok so Jews have celebrated the first day of Pesach of 2024, and at most seders the question is at least contemplated if not discussed as to why Jews seem to suffer eternally, as if it is our destiny to suffer. This year the celebration of our freedom is questionable. How can we celebrate freedom when the nations want to wipe us out, again! — this time from our own G-d given land? Surely Hashem must not be watching! Why is this happening? We thought the end times was about returning to the land, ending the exile and welcoming the Messiah! Maybe there is something else that we  have not seen. Maybe God’s people need a transformation!

Perhaps we can draw strength from the negative things that are happening. Let’s look behind the reality of what is going on.

According to a Times of Israel article dated December 23, 2023, more than 2600 people moved to Israel between October 7 and the date of the article. According to the Jewish Chronicle, over 6500 Jews emigrated to Israel by February 14 and many applications for aliyah have been made.

What can be deducted from this? As of the time of the statement in Times of Israel (12/23) not a lot of anti-Israel protests had taken place around the world– at least not like there have been recently.. So what motivated them? Guilt for not being in the land to support it? A feeling of wanting to stand together, come what may? Or is there something else?

During the seder at some friends’ house here in the Golan Heights, we met some new people who had just moved from the United States. They still have not established residency but they claim that Israel is the only place for Jews. They sold everything and high-tailed it over here, with or without aliyah benefits! This is definitely not the first time I have heard people claim this! 

Is Israel really the safest place for Jews as the above article suggests? It may well be, but it does not feel like it at the moment. Feelings aside, what is Hashem’s plan for Israel? Is there a plan? Are Jews going to be forever persecuted and targeted? Is it because they are the Covenant People? Is it because they somehow went astray way back thousands of years ago? Well, maybe, but I don’t see a loving and gracious G-d eternally punishing a people with persecution when they have no idea why. I am sure there is something else involved in the overwhelming drive to return to the land of our forefathers. Why are we here, indeed? 

Another thing, why do Christian organizations, especially evangelicals, believe that the Jews must return to the land?

According to the the Zionist Christian statement in Wikipedia::

“God the Father, Almighty, chose the ancient nation and people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to reveal His plan of redemption for the world. They remain elect of God, and without the Jewish nation His redemptive purposes for the world will not be completed.”

Of course underlying this statement is the premise that the Christian Messiah (Jesus) must return to Jerusalem and as some have stated, “convince the Jews of his divine mission and Messiahship.”  

Be that false as most of us claim, the outcome is that many Jews are being helped to return. Shall we condemn their good will and refuse to accept their gifts, even though they are motivated by wrong reasoning? Do we throw the baby out with the bath water? I am not so sure. Hashem has worked with nations to bring about his will over the millennia  and I don’t see Him changing plans now. So what could be His purpose in bringing Jews to experience a horrible war against Israel at what many of us believe to be the end times? Are we to see something spectacular?

Some see this war as being completely controlled by a secular government that is not directed by YHVH. Some have stated that G-d is not in our midst and cannot work with this government? Wait!

Did G-d work with Cyrus of Babylon to send the Jews back to the land. Does that not mean that all is in the Hands of the Eternal Architect of History? 

Another thing, besides the attack on October 7 (see my article Dancing with the Devil here), there have been many missiles, drones, rockets, and bombs fired at Israel from all sides. Besides many of our dear soldiers being killed in the fight with Hamas, Hezbollah and all the proxies of Iran, there have been very few civilian casualties. Like for example what happened on Saturday night April 13 when over 300 projectiles were fired at Israel from Iran and nobody was hurt except one bedouin girl who was injured. Is it the strength of our Iron dome? Or is it possible that Somebody Up There is watching out for us? It is true that our government for the most part looks to themselves as the sole protection of Israel. Evil as that may be, is Hashem there working behind the scenes? Can you tell me He is not? He can uproot kings whenever He wants to. It just happens that He is working alongside and bringing about what He wants?

Some of us still question the lame stupidity of our government for being surprised at the October 7 attack, or even ignoring it until it was too late. Did G-d have a purpose in  allowing it? Did He have a message for us? Did He use it somehow to begin a bigger scale attack on Israel that would play out to show His Mighty Hand at the last? And now, what about our 133 hostages which many of us believe are mostly dead by now? I cannot fathom the reason for their torture and death, but I will not allow my faith in YHVH to fail. I have prayed for them over and over and it is time to leave them with the Almighty who protects the innocent. Does He or does He not? Some say He clearly has not protected any of them. So what do we do? Throw out our faith? Could there be a reason for all of this? I say there is, but I cannot tell you what it is. Shall we place the blame on the government, or is the government just a puppet in Hashem’s hands? 

If we read the prophecies of Ezekiel 37-39, it is pretty clear that something corresponds with what is going on. 

I know I am arguing to save G_d’s reputation. Some may claim that I am a religious fanatic. I may be. But a couple of things are clear to me.

  1. This war is necessary to fulfill the Divine Plan and is hinted at in the Bible.
  2. People have always suffered, especially the Covenant People.
  3. The Bible promises to bring back those who have died (hostages?) in the resurrection. (See Isaiah 26, Daniel 12, Ezek 37).
  4. The Land of Israel belongs to YHVH and He promises to wipe out Edom (Isaiah 63). He says he will do it alone (Isaiah 63:3).
  5. There is to be a separation between the righteous and the wicked. (Wickedness is showing its face especially now. This war is revealing people’s attitudes and secret motivations. Some Jews are hanging onto their money as the most important thing they have. Some are selling everything and moving to Israel, whatever the cost. Many non-Jews are lining up to help, while others are covering their ears so that they do not hear. Some are searching the ancestry of their parents and doing DNA searches  to see if they may be Jewish or from the 10 lost tribes. 

So, yes, there is a lot to contemplate and the best thing we can do is trust G-d to work out His will. He alone is in charge no matter what governments and organizations are doing. Let’s not get in His way!

My hope is for a greater faith while we see mountains crumble and towers fall. May we be faithful through it all!


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Strong as a Dead Lion–Then What?

Painting by a Highschooler named Uri in Katzrin, Israel

At the time before there was a king in Israel, Samson arose as a judge and spent his life wiping out the Philistines, one episode after another. After having killed a lion with his bare hands, he later came upon the carcass and it was full of bees which had made honeycomb and was dripping with the sweet honey. From this experience he thought of a riddle with which to trick the Philistines that should attend his wedding to a beautiful Philistine woman.

“…Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness…” Judges 14:14

Do we remember that the Philistines occupied in part what today is called Gaza? The town of Timnah, where the wedding was to take place, was located a few miles east of what today is Gaza.  

It comes to mind that Judah was called a lion in the blessing given to him by his father, Jacob. Judah was to hold the kingship of Israel and rule like a lion. But what we see today is appearing to be an almost dead lion. What will happen if the lion is killed? What then? Will sweetness come from the carcass? Let’s look a little deeper. 

What we see in modern Israel is a political government that is not concerned with its mandates from its covenant the God of Heaven. This is the lion we see trying to fight with all the worldly power it can muster, trying to satisfy the different nations that supply weapons and yet subjugate themselves to the foreign policy of nations who care nothing for Israel–those who wield world power at the touch of a switch, and we see our nation “going along to get along.” Perhaps this lion will die. Then what?

Could we even imagine that something could happen then to help Israel in its most trying time? Is there Anyone watching this struggle? Anyone in the Heavens who might just be ready to take the reins when all seems lost? Will there yet be a sweetness that exudes from this dead lion? Wouldn’t it be better if we were not looking to might and power but to something else?

“Then he answered and spoke unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” – Zec 4:6

Few know what it means to depend on El Shaddai, and even those may wring their hands in fear of what is coming upon the world and especially what will happen to those in this land given and  promised to God’s people. It is mandatory that we take heart at this time. 

It will get very ugly before it gets over. Maybe it should get over, the sooner the better. We need to stop being led by those who think like the world thinks, however wise that may seem. What if we had pure faith (Emunah if you will) in YHVH and His great power? Will He let us down? Where are we in the line up of what is happening to bring about the Divine plan for this world? How does Israel play a part in this? Do we fight like the nations, or do we march out with trumpets blowing when we hear a sound in the mulberry trees? 

“And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly. For then the LORD will go out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines.” – 2Sa 5:24.

But we are a long way from that type of trust. Why do we tremble? Is it because we have never seen the Hand of Providence guiding our lives? Is it because we remember pogroms, Holocaust, and the Kristanacht? Where was God during those times? Maybe somehow we were in the wrong places or worse yet, that we were not listening to Him? 

Maybe these terrible tragedies should tell us something. Maybe we need to step back and ask who we are following in our religion? Who wrote the instructions? When did we deny our Creator to go after a strange doctrine? 

The way I see it is that we follow the nations because we believe there is more wisdom and skill than that offered by the ONE who made a Covenant with us about land and protection and about raising us up to be a Holy Nation. 

What would happen if we really knew the God of Israel? Would He come alongside and win the war for us so that we could go out with tambourines and march (dance perhaps) to the sound in the myrtle trees?

Judah, “you’ve come a long way, Baby” but maybe in the wrong direction. 

In hopes of a new day after the storm…


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A Hostage Crisis and Hotel California

We in Israel find ourselves sitting in the dark tunnels of the lying media wars that accuse Israel of war crimes and excuse those who kill and rape and burn people alive. And we are supposed to feel sorry for terrorists? Really? We have all been taken hostage…How?

Illustrative art from students of Katzrin highschool gallery

The stress among many in Israel is getting out of hand and it is turning into anger for some of us. Unfortunately, that anger has nowhere to go so let me tell you about it! Just now another two planes are circling overhead with their deafening roar shutting out the normal sounds of small town life. We believe that it is our IAF planes. We trust it to be so. But in our subconscious we ask, what if? And we know that even though they are Israeli planes, they are responding to sudden attacks by missiles from outside.

All of nature has gone away. It seems the birds have hidden and the flowers hide their brilliant colors.

We honestly don’t know what the HELL is going on. If we read the news, we see things that make no sense. There are lies inside and outside of this war, we see our own diplomats and statesmen telling us things we can’t fathom—things we would never support. And another cliffhanger is that Israel has scrambled our GPS so that if we need to travel to a town an hour away, we open our apps and find ourselves in Beirut or Cairo. We don’t know where in G-ds green earth we are. And I said we feel like hostages. Except we still have enough to eat and we are not being raped physically, not yet. BUT, it feels like betrayal from within and without. It feels like our souls have been raped. And we are actually starving for words of hope. Words we can trust.

We tell our friends that going back to America or Europe would be much worse, that Iran or Russia will nuke America first. Shall we kid ourselves?

No I don’t want to leave Israel, but it really seems like we have been taken hostage. Or should I say Israel has become Hotel California. We hear that we have to prepare the bombshelters for three days. We hear that they are going to cut off our electricity and water. Ok so it may happen and then what?

We look for comfort watching right wing YouTubers who used to support Israel. One by one they are turning their backs on Israel! Almost everyone says we are starving the “poor Gazan children” and that we are killing them along with their mothers. Good grief! Doesn’t everyone know that Terrorists kill their own people? Doesn’t everyone know that the women and children, yes Gazan civilians also participated in the horrendous October 7 massacre and afterwards? It is the civilians that have housed our hostages and forced them to work without food, some raping them as often as they desire.

Should there be no consequence to a people who not only allowed this but are aiding and abetting it?

Terrorists have no consideration for civilian women and children when they place their armaments under hospitals and kindergartens and push the kids and women out in front of their war machines? What do people say about the terrorists who have shot children for “stealing” food from the multitudinous trucks that bring them “free food?” Just imagine, if we laid out tables filled with all the food that is coming into Gaza they would be lined up all the way to the Nile and back! We know they are not starving, but many of our cousins in America and England think otherwise…Why? Because they believe what they hear. Because they refuse to be upset by anything. When will the stupidity stop? When will people stop believing the propaganda on the News and mainstream media? When was it ever a crime to tell the truth? When will people realize that perhaps, going to church or synagogue to hear words of comfort is “blue pill” that puts them to sleep as they ignore the very real threats that stare them in the face?

Back in the Covid days, the propaganda in the media was nauseating, as if the vaccine was saving lives and “you will probably die without it!” Didn’t people learn from this? Unfortunately there are many who still believe they were protected by a triple dose of big pharma, even though they still have side effects. And for those who did learn, why don’t they realize that this is the same hired media that is covering and promoting this propaganda to please whatever powers are paying them to do it?

What we need is smarter people. People who ask what is NOT being said. Who when they hear the same lines repeated, conclude that there is an agenda and that they are being played.

Why don’t they ask us here in Israel what is really happening? Maybe they are afraid to know the truth? Maybe it is easier to sit back and let the world take care of itself. And maybe they will still be in their comfortable recliners when all hell breaks loose for them as well.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~~author unknown

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Gaza, Ramadan, Hezbollah… and We should Make Peace?

Hundreds of Hezbollah rockets are pounding the Northern part of the State of Israel and Ramadan is just around the corner, in fact just a few hours from now! None of us knows whether our towns in the North will be still standing tomorrow. 

I am a Zionist and I hope you are, even if you are not Jewish. But what is the concept of Zionism all about? 

“Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel.” ADL

If I did not believe that Zion (the land of Israel) belongs to the Jews, I would not be here. And when I hear sympathetic Jews in this land expressing a desire to make peace with those who want to murder, rape and burn the Jews and take away their G-d given home, I want to send these people packing back to the nations where they were once exiled. If they love the idea that there will ever be peace coming out of Gaza as long as Gazan’s live there, then, go on back, kiss the feet of Biden, and like-minded leaders of other nations! Perhaps they will welcome another Jew back to where political groups want to string them up while chanting “from the River to the Sea.” (Frankly not many of those who march in these groups even know which river they are talking about!)

Peace activists who lived in some of the kibbutzim near Gaza learned a fatal lesson. For some it was too late to change their minds. The following clip is from Times of Israel (to read the entire article, click here.)

“In the wake of October 7, Lahav and other Israelis who had supported and campaigned for territorial compromises with the Palestinians as a pathway to peace now say they are being forced to reconsider their views. “‘I used to think Palestinians were good people, like you and me. That Hamas were thugs who got in the way of the population’s desire for a good life: a pretty home, a good car, a good job, a nice yard; good schools for the children.’ Lahav said from the temporary home she shares with her daughter Lotus, a new three-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor of a residential project in Kiryat Gat where many Nir Oz survivors have relocated to. ‘After October 7, I realized I was wrong. Just as the Israeli government represents Israelis, Hamas represents the people of Gaza.’”

This is only one testimony. There are many. The idea of Jews making peace with those who have a religious conviction that Jews are blood sucking vampires who have falsely claimed a land that belongs to them (the Palestinian Arabs) makes no logical sense. 

But how will the Jews rise to become a light to the nations? Can they ever become a light when they are bowing their own knees to America and giving away that which belongs to the Creator of the Universe to those who have no respect for that One who made His Covenant with Israel and His People? Why do we keep trying to please the nations? Is there no faith in the G-d of Israel anymore? Have our politicians no respect for the promises made to our forefathers? We keep selling out to those who have no respect for us over and over again.

We gave away the Temple Mount which belongs to our G-d. How did we dare? And we will pay with blood to get it back. We gave away Gaza, which was not ours to give and look at what has happened? Perhaps we could calculate the cost in lives and money over the years, let alone the fact that the Gazans took that paradise that we turned over to them in 2005 and turned it into a garbage heap run by slum lords named Hamas. Now what do we expect will happen with Judea and Samaria? How in Heaven’s Name did anybody let those crooked politicians give our land away? And now, only by G-d’s coming alongside will we ever get it back, let alone have a nation of our own. And how will we get Heaven to listen to us now? Does G-d even believe us anymore?

No, it boils my blood to listen to long-time Israelis and Jews from America and England spout off with their liberal rant about learning to be more peace loving, about helping the poor hungry Gazans. Better they get out of Dodge!–Better they leave before the same thing that happened to Be’eri happens to the towns in the North. After all, Hezbollah has a lot more rockets than Hamas in Gaza ever dreamed of having. 

One thing is clear, this war is separating between those who believe in Israel as the land of the Jewish people and those who do not. There are a lot of other issues that are revealing who is who, if you will, separating the “sheep from the wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

There is one way only to gain the respect of the nations and to become a light to the world. The world stands in awe of power. When they see a warrior who is invincible they applaud. When they see that people cannot “mess with Texas”, so to speak, they respect. Now may Israel rise to “the brightness of our calling”, there should be no weakness shown in dealing with murderers and rapists. There is no room to accommodate those who support those who are bent on doing evil. 

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isa 60:1-3 

עם הנצח ינצח

May we see a better day for the Land of Israel! Standing together we will win. 

Ariella Golani

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Journey into the Horrors of October 7

By Guest Contributor: Binjamin (Ben) Casey

A few weeks ago, I decided to join the Bear Witness Tour, a group that was organized in Katzrin for those who wanted to visit some of the war ravaged communities in the South of Israel. I admit that I had serious doubts about going after I read an article about how some of the residents of the communities on the Gaza envelope were feeling that their privacy was being invaded. I certainly had no goulish desires having seen more than enough death throughout my many years working in Africa. What finally convinced me to go was that already a short three months after the atrocities of October 7, people were denying it had taken place even with the huge amount of video, audio and personal testimonies given by those who witnessed, were affected and the perpetrators themselves.

People who had vociferously campaigned for peace and a “Two State solution” such as 74-year-old Vivian Silver from Be’eri who was brutally slain alongside those who have now realized that peace cannot happen until the ridiculous refugee saga is finally put to rest and the Arabs are absorbed into their own cultures and countries.

I realized finally that I needed to see and to feel the atmosphere of the towns and villages and hear from those who have been involved. I wanted to understand the financial as well as the tragic human aspects.

During the three years I have been in Israel, I have noticed the remains of rockets that have been fired into Israel over the years. My curiosity led me to consider the monetary cost above and beyond the cost of human lives. On October 7th around 8,500 rockets were fired at Israel. At an average cost of $600 a piece, this comes to approximately $5,100,000 (USD). Around 10% of these rockets either failed, landed in the sea or fell inside of Gaza. That means that roughly 7,650 made it into Israel. If the Iron Dome fired at 90% of the rockets, then we have a figure of 6,885 interceptions by that means. Each interception costs around 60,000 USD, we come to a cost of $413,000,000. Adding that together with the cost of the Hamas rockets ($5,100,000) and you get a cost of roughly $418,100,000. The difference between the cost of the rockets and the cost of the interceptions by the iron dome is 413 million dollars.

According to Fresh Books, the cost of a 50-bed hospital averages from 25 to 75 million USD. Considering that the cost of the rockets and interceptions comes to 418,100,000, if we now take the cost of the hospital divided into the cost of rockets using the high-end cost we could have built five and a half, fifty bed hospitals in one day!

The above figures allow for only one iron dome to intercept one rocket. What brought these figures to mind was that on every stop of our tour to the Gaza envelope there were rocket parts scattered everywhere.

The terrorist groups have consistently fired rockets into Israel–murdering, maiming, and disrupting our lives. These attacks create a feeling of hopelessness among many Israelis. I have to admit that our trip made me angry but why was I angry? What was the anger about?

I guess one of the big points is why. Why are we spending millions upon millions of dollars on developing, manufacturing, maintaining, and ultimately, using these defense systems? Why does the EU the USA and other so-called developed countries continue to aid and abet these terror organizations so that we have to counter their murderous plans?

Oil was obviously a huge incentive to get the Arabs incentivized back in the forties and fifties but apart from having the Black Gold, what else have the Arab nations contributed to the world? Where are their great leaders? Writers? Inventors? Nobel laureates? They don’t exist–not because the Arab is unintelligent but because instead of using the vast wealth they’ve gained to educate and move their people forward they’ve developed a system that is medieval in it’s concept. Surfdom. The Arab people are taught by their rulers that their low level of existence is because of Zionist aggression, oppression, and imperialism. But who is really guilty of these things? Their own rulers live in gilded palaces, leading sumptuous lifestyles instead of sharing the wealth and educating their people.

If the common people could see this they would soon realize that their misery comes not from the Zionist regime but from their own overlords and rulers.

Our tour started on a cold and rainy morning. However as we descended down from the Golan heights into the widest part of the Jordan valley to the sea of Galilee the rain stopped and lasted that way until after we left Ashkelon that evening. Traveling down route 6 we passed Tulkarm in Judea and Samaria, a veritable hotbed of the Palestinian terror groups, who after October 7th have begun to flex their muscles and try to enter into the struggle begun by Hamas and the Gazan Arabs. There is a very high protective fence along this section of route 6 which was built to stop terrorists from firing on to the highway. Of course Tulkarm and Qalqilya both on route 6 are in area a of the Oslo accords and are therefore under the direct control of the so-called Palestinian authority. The fact that Israel had to erect the security fence speaks volumes in itself.

We eventually arrived in Ashkelon where we picked up Eliyahu McClean, our guide. We then continued South until we reached the Erez crossing into Gaza itself. As we passed by the army base we noticed the approximately 6 meter high concrete wall. This wall is now pot-marked with bullet holes. The army base watchtowers also bear witness with bullet holes still visible in the glass windows. The crossing itself is very similar in looks and function to Ben Gurion airport and this is not surprising as it was designed and built by the same company. Even with all of its high-tech tools, the crossing was easily overcome by the terrorists. Before the war, around 6,000 Gazans traveled through the crossing daily to work in Israel, now it is known that a majority of these workers were actively involved in spying on the communities they were working in. They looked for information such as who owned guns and how many people lived in each house. What were the ages and did they have dogs. All of this intelligence helped to make the job of the terrorists easier. There were a number of vehicles at the crossing that had been destroyed in the attack. Riddled with bullet holes and half burned out, these vehicles are a stark reminder of how those who tried to escape the murderous rampage were gunned down or blown up in their vehicles. To me, these vehicles were a very sobering start to what would prove to be a very moving day.

As we were leaving the crossing we made a small detour to see what remained of the village station and railroad bridge at Deir Sneed. Although not directly involved with our tour, Deir Sneed was an Arab village located on the ancient Via Maris. It is mentioned in Exodus 13 as the road to the land of the Philistines. In one regard this stop was very significant as the so-called Palestinians claim this village as one of the starting points for the Nakba or catastrophe.

Many claim that the name Palestine comes from the word Philistine but archaeological evidence has shown this to be dubious. The Philistines or sea peoples originated in the Aegean sea and were very possibly Minoan in origin. The term Palestinian was very likely used to blot out the memory of Judea in the second century CE and as such, the British name in their “Palestine Mandate” almost succeeded.

The railway bridge station and village are hidden in the midst of a Grove of Sabra cacti, a bit difficult to get to.

From Deir Sneed we traveled south to the town of Sderot. Sderot was founded in 1951 as a refuge city for 80 families from Kurdistan and Iran. Interestingly, the first Arab refugee camp was opened in Gaza in 1948. It’s noteworthy that Sderot grew and became recognized as an Israeli city in 1996 with a thriving economy and diverse citizenships including immigrants from North Africa the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. By comparison, the Al Shabti camp in Gaza is still considered a refugee camp and receives huge funding from the UN, USA and the European commission.

Al Shabti, one of eight refugee camps in Gaza is home to some 90,000 Arabs while Sderot has grown from the original 80 families into a thriving commercial city of 30,000, and has inaugurated 15 factories in the past few years. Most of this work was done with Israeli government funds. Al Shabti on the other hand is home to the AlQuds, the “holy” University and many miles of terror tunnels. Many of its residents worked in Israel, many of whom, according to reports were complicit in gathering information about the surrounding Jewish communities outside of the camp. The average Gazan Arab earned in Israel up to 10 times what he could earn in Gaza.

According to Wiki between September 2000 through March 2013 nearly 9,000 rockets and 5,000 mortar shells were fired at Sderot alone. Yet even in this trying period Sderot continued to grow.
As we were driving towards Sderot along the same route as the railway it was pointed out that the banks and trees between Gaza and the road / railroad were erected as a screen to help protect vehicles from RPG attacks. The bus shelters are bomb proof with safe rooms inside them. We saw the actual bomb shelter where the British Israeli hero Aner Shapiro ZTL managed to throw back seven grenades before the 8th blew up in his hand killing him. These bomb shelter type bus stops are a common sight throughout Israel but what is unique to Sderot is the train station. It boasts the only bomb-proof roof in the world. Also unique to Sderot are the playgrounds. They boast giant concrete play equipment in the form of caterpillars or “snakes’ ‘ designed as bomb proof shelters for the children playing there.

Sderot which is Hebrew for boulevard, is a small but pretty city sitting off of Highway 34 a third of the way between Ashkelon and Beer Sheva. It was named by Israel’s first prime minister David ben Gurion for the Eucalyptus trees that line its main avenue. The major employer in Sderot is the Osem plant according to Wiki. Osem is a food processing plant that produces items such as Bamba, Bisli instant noodles and rice dishes. The Menorah candle factory which produces Hanukkah candles that are shipped all over the world is also located here.
Besides its industries, Sderot, despite it’s s proximity to Gaza and the constant barrage of rockets, is a growing town with a young community. Many musicians and poets have come from Sderot and boast that they practiced their music in bomb shelters! Many of the traffic circles are decorated with poetical and musical themes.

On October 7th the town was invaded by some 200 Gazan terrorists according to the Jerusalem Post. There were some 50 civilians massacred in the city streets and police officers in the police station. The attack on Sderot began at 6:30 a.m. with a barrage of rockets exactly 50 years to the day of the Yom Kippur war. The barrage was followed by an infiltration by Gazan terrorists.

When we entered the town we passed the place where a minibus carrying a group of elderly tourists were gunned down after the bus got stranded with a flat tire.

We viewed the remains of the Sderot police station where the terrorist gained control and murdered some 20 police officers. After a fierce fight the IDF and police regained control using bulldozers and tanks. The building is now completely demolished and a memorial Hanukkia has been placed on the site. The basic message of the sign is: “By Hashem’s Grace we are able to stand together.” People from different countries have left flags and other memorials at the site. A beautiful painting adorns the wall of the adjacent building—a depiction of the flag of Israel, the police force and the IDF. A tank is shown firing at the station with a Torah scroll above it and several Hebrew letters flying Heavenward, presumably representing the holy souls of those murdered there.
The town, although still very quiet, is slowly coming back to life with stores beginning to reopen for business.

We drove around the town, past the Chabad house and the caterpillar bomb shelters to the Hesder yeshiva. The yeshiva according to wiki is the largest Hesder or Talmudic military yeshiva in Israel. It boasts some 800 students who returned to their studies on January the 8th despite the ongoing conflict in nearby Gaza city. The yeshiva is also built as a bomb-proof structure. On the roof of the yeshiva, where one can see  a beautiful view of the city, we came across two stark reminders of the ongoing attacks against Israel since the start of the second intifada in 2000. The first was a magnificent Hanukkah Menorah whose candle holders are made from the spent casings of 8 Qassam rockets. Also on the roof is a tree of life, which has its roots made from the casings of rockets. This menorah depicts the trails the rockets leave in the sky as they fly from Gaza to Israel.

From the yeshiva we drove to the Givati Kobi overlook. From here we could view from the Erez crossing down through Jabalia into Gaza City proper. While we were there we witnessed an explosion–possibly a terrorist tunnel being eradicated which put a huge plume of smoke into the sky. I felt no sympathy for the destruction in Gaza. Having watched numerous videos of toddlers being trained to grow into terrorists I find it very difficult to have sympathy for a group of people who train their children from birth to kill Jews and especially after October 7th when the same civilians followed behind their Hamas overlords and actively took part in the slaughter rape and looting along the Gaza border. These same barbarians did nothing to stop the violent kidnappings of the hostages but used sticks to beat them as they were driven through the city right into the area I was looking at. Sympathy should be reserved for the victims not the perpetrators.

From there, we traveled further south to Kfar Alumim with a first stop at at the original site of Saad, Maoz mul Aza (Stronghold opposite Gaza).

As soon as we turned off the main road at Saad we began to see signs from the October 7th incursion. All along the road the asphalt was either scarred or burned from the vehicles that had been shot up or blown up by RPGs. The grass and bushes at the side of the road were still black from the fires caused by the burning vehicles. It was a vivid picture of how people had tried to escape the mayhem at the Nova festival and the carnage inside the kibbutzim and moshavim.

Although we did not enter Kfar Aza where some 50 people had been brutally murdered, we did see the remains of the original village at Ma’oz Mul- Azar just next door to the kibbutz: Ma’oz Mul-Aza (Stronghold Opposite Gaza). The only building left of the kibbutz is the stronghold fortress which stands some four stories high and gives excellent views towards Gaza from its roof. Bullet holes—some at least 15 cm in diameter, pockmark the concrete. Seeing what the bullets did to the concrete gave a vivid picture of the grotesque damage they did to human flesh and bone. Unfortunately, the museum was closed but we did see the remains of a rest area for visitors that had pictorial images of what the original kibbutz looked like. The structure had received an almost direct hit from a Qasam rocket and now it is barely standing.

Next to the structure is a shed that had an intact fire kite inside. The kite was a crude affair of three sticks one and a half meters long tied together with string and a sail made from clear plastic stapled to it. At the tail were strips of newspaper to act as combustible material and on the stabilizer of the tail there was a wad of material presumably soaked in kerosene and lit before launch. Kites although crude are a very effective method of causing widespread arson and damage at a negligible cost to the terrorist.

In June of 2018, Times of Israel reported that some 6,200 acres or 25,000 dunnam of agricultural and recreational land had been destroyed causing tens of millions of shekels worth of damage. Balloons and kites conceptually are a brilliant weapon of terror. They are cheap and simple to build, difficult to spot until after launch, difficult to bring down once launched and can cause an immense amount of damage at a cost of a few dollars. For eight months of the year the prevailing wind is from the West at speeds between 5 to 8 mph. Gaza City is 4 miles away so it takes around an hour for the kites to cross that distance. Most of the kites were launched from areas a lot closer to the border meaning a shorter flight with less time to track and destroy them.

We drove from there to Kibbutz Alumim where we were met by two very alert guards carrying assault rifles who checked our reason for being there. We parked the mini bus and started walking towards the kibbutz synagogue as it was almost time for afternoon mincha prayers. On the way to the synagogue we came upon a shrine. The shrine was the remains of rusted and crumpled Qassam rockets alongside the gleaming remains of Iron Dome missiles which had helped to bring the Qassams down. The site was poignant showing the twisted iron remains of the Qassam rockets which to me represent the evil Hamas lying next to the surgically clean and gleaming remains of the Iron Dome. The fight against evil by good.

The synagogue in Alumim is a beautiful airy place with Windows all around. One of the miracles of Alumim was that not one of the windows in the building was broken during the attack. As we entered the sanctuary we were reminded of the fact that the kibbutz had been celebrating Simchat Torah the Celebration of the Joy of Torah which marks the ending of the annual cycle of the Torah reading. Holiday siddurim and children’s pictures and flags were where they were left as people ran for shelter. After mincha we headed across to the kibbutz community meeting hall. Outside is a huge banyan tree and pathways lined with flowers and bushes. A pair of peacocks strutted away from our rude intrusion into their new found privacy. In the meeting hall we met with one of the defenders of that horrible day. He told us how some 60 terrorists had infiltrated the kibbutz through the rear gate. He told us that the kibbutz’ automatic weapons were kept in an armory for “security’ ‘ and how they had to fight their way to the armory to get them using hand guns. He told how the terrorists knew this because some of them had worked at the kibbutz and were familiar with security arrangements.

He told how the Thai and Nepalese workers were gunned down in cold blood as they held up their passports screaming that they were not Israeli. He told how the Slotky Brothers Yishai and Noam ZTL perished near Alumim trying to keep the Invaders at bay. We left the meeting hall and went to see the living quarters of the foreign nationals. This was a scene of utter devastation. Everything inside the dormitory was completely burned. The twisted remains of the bunk beds showed no sign of ever having had a mattress or a blanket on them. The heat had been so intense that virtually nothing remained. The floor was covered in a thick layer of ash and the roof was buckled and collapsed in places from the intense heat. Here and there lay personal items that had somehow survived intact. A boot, a coffee mug, a beer bottle and everywhere an overwhelming stench of burned and charred fabric and wood. We left the living quarters and made our way to what had been the silos and equipment sheds. The remains of the sheds stood precariously with the roofs collapsing in and the steel I-beam wall supports bent outwards from the force of an explosion as if they were made of plastic and not steel.

From Alumim we drove to the site of the Nova festival massacre. The area of the festival was muddy from the recent rains. A coach that was stuck was being pulled out of a deep mud hole by a huge wrecker.

As we drove into the area we saw how the poppies were blooming after the rain storm eerily reminding me of the World War I battlefields of France and of John Mcrae’s famous ode “In Flanders Fields the Poppies Blow.” Suddenly we came upon a site which impressed all of us very deeply–the main area of the festival, where some three hundred and fifty 20 to 40 year old youngsters were mercilessly gunned down, raped and mutilated and some 40 others kidnapped and hauled off to Gaza. There was a sea of memorial photos. Each picture was of a young person at the start of their adult lives who had been defiled in ways that no words can convey. Seeing the pictures bought the full horror of the body cam footage of one of the police officers who got to the scene shortly after the atrocity occurred. These people had come to party and listen to their music and generally have a good time but had their dreams dashed, their bodies cruelly broken and their lives cut short by merciless savages who screamed the name of their sick god in their faces as they carried out their nefarious scheme. Each picture represented a life. A life destroyed because of some supposed nationalistic inequity. And as I stood in this forest of pictures, I realized again that there are sick and depraved morons who claim that it never happened or that those who suffered did so because they were occupiers and oppressors in some mythical kingdom that had never existed. And all of this is aided and abetted by the criminal United Nations organization.

The bodies have been removed and buried and a garden of flowers has been planted, one for each of the victims, but their blood screams out from the ground for justice to account for the agony of the relatives and friends who suffer nightmares that should not even be portrayed by Hollywood. Do the pictures and flowers and trees placate us or do they move us to support the fight against the pure evil that is Hamas, Palestinian jihad, Hezbollah and all the other obnoxious radical Muslim groups? Not one of these youngsters was given any way out. There was no quarter given and indeed written orders were found on some of the terrorists explicitly telling the perpetrators to kill, rape, behead, burn and mutilate as many as possible. Sound recordings of sick individuals calling their parents on WhatsApp to brag about the number of Jews they had just killed and their parents glorying in their accomplishments. The visage comes to mind of children running alongside a pickup truck with the semi nude beheaded corpse of a young woman spitting on her and beating her broken body with sticks. And now, a world gone insane screams at the knights who avenge them for being the protagonists of murderers.

The final stop on our tour was to the car graveyard. We drove up to the field outside of Netivot as the sun was beginning to set. We were told there were some 3,000 vehicles of both Israeli victims and Hamas terrorists. It was a surreal ending to a heart wrenching day. There was razor wire around the field to keep out souvenir hunters. With the sun dipping below the Gaza horizon and the quiet of the yard itself, I realized that many of these vehicles had and still contain blood, ashes and body parts that the incredible ZAKA volunteers could either not find or could not clean out of the burnt and bullet riddled hulks that had at one time been someone’s prized possession. The vehicles piled up in rows and in the twilight of the dusk appeared eerily reminiscent of a neat peaceful cemetery giving no hint to the confusion, noise and terror that had marked their final moments.

According to the Jerusalem Post, because of the impossibility of extracting all of the human remains the vehicles will be crushed or shredded and buried in special plots around the country. It’s hard for a rational person to look at this monument of human suffering caused by a hatred that has no logical basis. It’s difficult to imagine the stark terror and suffering that happened as young people were gunned down, blown up by RPGs and burnt to death inside their vehicles as they tried to escape from the carnage that was going on around them.

I’m sure many of us offered silent prayers for these murdered victims and also for those still among the kidnapped and the family members who lost loved ones on that awful day or whose loved ones were violently kidnapped into the subterranean rat holes of Gaza. I think of the medical teams and first responders and the ZAKA volunteers who had the sickening task of removing and identifying the almost unrecognizable human remains.

We remember the families, not only in the Gaza envelope but in the northern border villages and towns who cannot return to their homes or communities due to the ongoing rocket fire from the terrorist regimes that are not only maintaining but trying to escalate the monstrosity that is being perpetrated on the people of Israel.

May Hashem bless the names of those who perished that day. May Hashem bless the memory of those who work tirelessly and endlessly to resolve who the body parts belong to and our soldiers who look for the hostages. And be with those who are left and suffer from awful nightmares of what happened that day.

May Hashem bless the memory of all the soldiers who have perished since this awful war began and may he bring peace back to Israel and let us please say “amen”.

Whose is the Land anyway?

The war in Israel raises many questions and I switch back and forth in my views that Israel is winning the war and creating a safe place for Jews to live and be at peace, but then, on the other hand, I have reason to suspect that some evil agenda started this war and that leading politicians and globalists are somehow involved in creating a footstool for their agenda. The second idea is very troubling and I know there are many who see suspicious things that happened at the start of the war. Questions are raised about a lot of things that happen in the ongoing alliances of countries who are sworn to fight against us while a few others opt to support us.

It all can be very worrying, or should I say, crazy making? Planes turn on their afterburners over our heads as they fly in the direction of Lebanon or Syria, missiles find their targets in nearby cities, the news tells us what we are supposed to believe or not believe. With all the confusion, those who believe in the Bible or even have the slightest inkling of a God in Heaven are asking how this all fits into any Divine plan for the Land that belongs only to the Eternal who claims Israel as His own. Is there anything that makes sense? I hear my own thoughts and others asking where is Hashem? Does He not see? Has He removed His Hand? Some say God is punishing the Jews with this war for their ongoing belief in tradition rather than the Bible. But I don’t think any of what people are thinking is one hundred percent accurate.

I believe that the land of Israel belongs to the God of the Universe. I believe He will place and protect the people of the Eternal Covenant—that is, those who obey their part of the covenant, in the land. There may be a lot of mopping up that has to happen before it is over.

I believe that Hashem, YHVH, the Eternal is still involved, even when we don’t understand how.

And I believe that in the long run and at the end of the battle, all will be made clear and that nobody, not Gorge Soros, Not Klaus Schwab, not the UN or UNWRA–nobody will stand in the way of what Heaven wants for the Holy Land.

I do not doubt that it will get ugly and still uglier. But can we recommit ourselves to the Covenant that we once made with our Creator and stop following the doctrines of mere men? Can we cling to Hashem throughout this very rough time that is probably going to get very messy soon? Do we have enough faith to stand while the towers fall around us and we see blood flowing in the streets?

So let’s imagine that Israel is somehow destined to become a stronghold for the New World Order! And supposedly a lot of stuff gets blown up and goes away. Ok, perhaps it all seems to be destined to total destruction, and maybe that is what is needed. Maybe the Eternal Covenant Maker even then will execute his plan and all those who came against Israel will be dead on the mountains of Israel and therre will be months and months of burying corpses or burning the bones of those who come against the Land! See Ezekiel 39.

“11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there for burial in Israel, the valley of the passers-by to the east of the sea; and it shall stop the way of the passers-by; and there shall they bury Gog and all the multitude; and they shall call it, Valley of Hamon-Gog. 12 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying them, that they may cleanse the land; 13 and all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them for renown in the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord YHVH.” Eze 39:11-13

People tell me that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews. Not so fast! Who does the Land belong to? The Covenant Maker and He is going to clean it up so that those who keep His Covenant will have a safe place to live so that they will finally be a light to the nations. Do we really think that it doesn’t matter how we live? That it doesn’t matter what we do if we just learn to repeat certain prayers over and over, light Shabbat and Holiday candles, avoid mixing meat and dairy and wear wigs or scarves? Is this stuff even mentioned in the Bible? What is in our hearts? Do we have a clear conscience or do we do all this external stuff to cover up what we really are? I know these are hard questions, but Hashem is watching and He is making His list and checking it twice or three times to see who really deserves to be part of His Covenant People who live in the land of the Covenant.

So how do we fight the war? I do not mean we shouldn’t support the war effort, by no means! But at the same time, we need to fight the personal war of renewing our covenant with our Creator, making sure we are ready to be among those who finally win the right to the Land.

Yours for a final victory, both personal and for Israel!


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Israel en Guerra: ¿Quien Mata a las Inocentes?

¿Estaría mal juzgar a los inocentes junto con los malvados? La semana pasada vimos en la Parashá la súplica de Abram por la ciudad de Sodoma (Génesis 18). Y parecía razonable salvar la ciudad para unos pocos inocentes, pero cuando el Eterno le permitió a Abram reducir los números a 10, inmediatamente salió dejando a Abram pensando que nada iba a pasar. ¡Pero así fue! En la situación actual, ¿podemos utilizar esa historia para definir hasta qué punto Israel tiene derecho a destruir a los palestinos que quedan en Gaza? ¿Y son civiles inocentes?

Veamos otra historia bíblica. Cuando Coré Datán y Abiram (Números 16) codiciaron la posición de liderazgo hasta el punto de querer reemplazar a Moisés y Aarón, ellos y todo lo que poseían fueron tragados por la tierra abriendo su boca. ¡Seguramente hubo inocentes que fueron destruidos! ¿Qué pasa con las esposas y los hijos? Bueno, no nos lo dicen, pero a menudo las familias se mantienen unidas en sus opiniones y, a veces, las esposas incluso obligan a sus maridos a hacer cosas que de otro modo no habrían hecho. Pero no lo sabemos. ¿Y los niños? ¿Por qué ellos? No se nos dice. Ok, entonces Dios lo hizo y Él sabe mejor, ¿verdad?

Así que hoy tenemos una agresión hostil a la tierra de Israel por parte de los enemigos del pueblo judío. Así que hay niños entre ellos, y sí, hemos visto películas de niños entrenados para gritar “¡maten a los judíos!” ¿Son inocentes? ¿No éramos inocentes? ¿Tenemos que proteger a quienes nos odian cuando acaban de asesinar salvajemente a nuestros niños y ancianos, algunos sobrevivientes del holocausto? ¿Qué clase de equivalencia moral es ésta? ¿Y qué pasa con lo que dice la Biblia sobre ojo por ojo y diente por diente (Éxodo 21)?

Aquí hay otro escenario. Supongamos que algunos civiles de Gaza deciden que quieren apoyar a Israel y de alguna manera indican que no quieren apoyar a Hamás. ¿Sería correcto entrar y rescatarlos? ¡Israel realmente ha ofrecido esto! ¿Y el hecho de que no lo expresen? ¿Significa esto que quizás apoyan totalmente lo ocurrido? ¿Y cómo es que no sólo fueron los monstruos de Hamás los que atravesaron la valla, sino que muchos civiles se sumaron a los asesinatos de nuestro pueblo? ¿No son todos culpables?

Es cierto que gran parte del mundo no le da a Israel el derecho a defenderse. Adoptan la teoría de que Israel no debe matar civiles a pesar de que perdimos a más de 1.400 civiles amantes de la paz que no estaban librando ningún tipo de guerra contra Gaza. Por más que intentemos demostrar que los palestinos no son tan inocentes porque hayan apoyado al malvado Hamas, el mundo se une en un grito fuerte y hostil oponiéndose a cualquier cosa que hagamos por considerarla malvada e injusta. Los líderes mundiales trabajan para convencer a nuestro gobierno de que se someta a su idea de justicia. La pregunta es: ¿Israel se doblegará ante estas malas sugerencias?

No importa que todo el grupo de inocentes masacrados en nuestra tierra, todos fueran inocentes, ninguno era combatiente que amenazara a Gaza.

Y no, no importa, dice el mundo, Israel no tiene derecho a eliminar a quienes corean consignas para aniquilar a los judíos y apoderarse de esta hermosa Tierra Prometida para que ya no exista.

¿Por qué Dios en la Biblia le dijo a Israel que eliminara por completo a ciertos grupos de personas que habitaban la tierra? ¿Es esta una cuenta exagerada? La razón exterior tenía que ver con la tentación de adorar a los ídolos de estos pueblos que estaban presentes en Israel. Realizaban sacrificios de niños y otras cosas inhumanas para sus dioses. Debido a que no fueron completamente destruidos, Israel comenzó a participar en estas cosas y finalmente tuvieron que ser expulsados de la tierra de Israel.

¿Cuál es entonces nuestra posición hoy? Digo como muchos más dicen cada vez con más fuerza: ¡Que Israel destruya a sus enemigos! No obstaculices nuestro progreso. Destruir a Hamás y a sus partidarios es darle al mundo entero un poco más de tiempo para desarrollar la justicia y la paz. ¡Vaya delante ejercito Israeli! ¡No te detengas!

Civil war in Israel? Shema Oh Arm of the LORD!

Haftorah Shoftim

Is Israel merely the land of the Jews, or is it the land of the G-d of Israel, entrusted to the Jews, rather those of Israel who hold as authoritative the written Torah of the Bible? And does it also belong to the soon to be discovered other 10 tribes who will one day return to their patrimonial land, those only who have left their idolatry and embraced not only the Jewish people but the Eternal G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

The events over the past few months have split the country in two if we believe the media, that Israel is in a state of Civil Emergency. Yet is this the truth? Much of what Media channels tell us is inflated or outright lies. Is there indeed a struggle between left and right? Yes, there is a struggle and the extent to which this is a problem has much to do with support from those who hate Israel and deny Israel’s right to a true democracy. The struggle is exaggerated and made bigger by the lies being told. The left is claiming they want democracy but the outcome of what they are clinging to is not at all democracy. Democracy is about a country run by it’s elected officials. Judicial reform is the solution to bring the country under the rule of it’s elected government. But what if that government is not following Torah? That is a big IF!

What if the people do not want to serve One who is the Giver and rightful Owner of the Land? What then? Are we creating another self-governed state elected by a populace that does not hold themselves accountable to obey the Torah? Will we create a state run by the secular Zionists who have no fear of Hashem? Or will, perchance those who wish to form another nation, not “Under G-d”, finally see the Arm of the Lord working and pack their bags and multi-million dollar enterprises and return to what they believe is the “Land of Plenty”?

The Haftorah for this week speaks about this problem and the call to trust and return to righteousness. (Isaiah 51). The chapter begins specifying to whom is the call and the blessing:

“1 Hearken to Me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD; look unto the rock whence ye were hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye were digged.”

Those who follow after righteousness are called to hearken שמעו (Shema in the plural). Again we see this in verse 7 and defined as those “in whose hear is My law.”

“7 Hearken שמעו unto Me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My law; fear ye not the taunt of men, neither be ye dismayed at their revilings. 8 For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool; but My favour shall be for ever, and My salvation unto all generations. 9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the days of old, the generations of ancient times.”

Several people I have spoken with in the past few weeks have reacted negatively to my insistence that Israel does not need the United States anymore (never did really). When I have stated that the Eternal is looking after Israel and that it is time for Israel to rise and shine, they hang their heads and say, “but…”

We saw above that those who know righteousness are not to fear the mocking media and those in the nations and even in Israel who hate the Truth, but rather to trust and watch (שמעו) for the Arm of the Lord. You can see a list of references to who is this Arm in my article: Defining Isaiah 53…An Arm, a Servant and Who is We?

Why is it that the Arm of the Lord is told to awaken and put on strength? Is there someone out there that knows and hearkens to righteousness but is afraid to rise and become strengthened to do the work that he is called to do? Who awoke in times of old, in past generations to lead G-d’s people? If we look at the call of Moses, of Jeremiah, of Isaiah, we will see their timidity in accepting the call to rise and lead. Who will arise and lead today? Are there any agencies who are not paid off by globalists and godless nations and entities that want to divide and destroy this nation and barter it off to those who have no right to it? When we divide the land to make peace (ie the two state solution) we are taking part in the scheme prophesied in Daniel 11:39?

“39 And he shall deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god; whom he shall acknowledge, shall increase glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for a price.” What does it mean to divide the land for a price (profit, bribe, money, etc)?

Perhaps the signing of the Oslo Accords by Yitzhak Rabin had something to do with this. And we know he did not last long. He was assassinated by a zealous Israeli Zionist. See article here. The Oslo Accords was clearly an attempt to get Israel to lie down and drink the kool-aid of the nations desire to divide and destroy the Land of Promise.

But the Haftorah continues its wake up call:

“17 Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, that hast drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of His fury; thou hast drunken the beaker, even the cup of staggering, and drained it. 18 There is none to guide her among all the sons whom she hath brought forth; neither is there any that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up. 19 These two things are befallen thee; who shall bemoan thee? desolation and destruction, and the famine and the sword; how shall I comfort thee? 20 Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets, as an antelope in a net; they are full of the fury of the LORD, the rebuke of thy God.”

The sons of Israel, even the Zionists are afraid, they believe we have to get along with the nations so that we can have our land even when the nations want to take it away and give it to those who never deserved it. And some of those Arabs realize that it does not belong to them. See what Sheikh Ahmad al-Adwan is reported to have said in a publication by MIDA: Read the whole article here.

“ ‘The Palestinians are murderers of children, elderly and women. They attack the Jews, use children as a human shield and hide behind them without mercy, as though they weren’t their own flesh and blood. And all this to deliver a false message, as though the Jews are the hostiles and not them.’ … ‘All should know that the Holy Land is their [the Jews’] land and that Jerusalem is the direction towards which they pray and during their readings and ceremonies, as God said in the Koran; ‘Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque” (in Mecca) [Koran 2:144]. This verse effectively cancels out the prayer towards al-Aqsa (the Temple Mount) and all traditions regarding al-Aqsa for Muslims.’ His unusual statement was published in the pro-Palestinian daily al-Quds al-Arabi, after which it made its way to hundreds of Arabic websites, forums and facebook pages – all of them fiercely attacking and criticizing him.”

But the good news is that there are some out there who trust YHVH and though they are timid and see themselves as unworthy to stand up and do the work that is before them, they are listening. May they see the Hand of Hashem working so that they will arise and do his bidding! The Haftorah ends with the following verse in Isaiah 51:

“22 Thus saith thy Lord the LORD, and thy God that pleadeth the cause of His people: behold, I have taken out of thy hand the cup of staggering; the beaker, even the cup of My fury, thou shalt no more drink it again; 23 And I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; that have said to thy soul: ‘Bow down, that we may go over’; and thou hast laid thy back as the ground, and as the street, to them that go over.”

Perhaps what gives those who seek righteousness strength to arise is when they see Hashem place the cup of staggering into the hand of the enemy. Let us watch and see! Hearken שמעו oh Israel!