Bombs, Terror and Sweet Simcha

By Binjamin Casey

It’s two fifteen in the morning and the low roar of the F15s flying overhead on their constant patrols wakens me once again. Even with the gentle hum of the window fan we use for “white noise” the deep throated vibration disturbs my slumber and my body tenses from the stress of “is this just another sortie, or is this the real thing?”

The airplane banks overhead and begins its wide turn that takes it over the Hermon Mountain Range, across the Jordan valley and then down the Lebanese border back into central Israel across the Kinneret or Sea of Galilee.

Ever since October’s Black Sabbath, just over six months ago, aerial patrols and strikes into Syria and Lebanon have become a fact of life and a constant physical reminder to those of us in the Golan Heights that we are indeed at war. The noise should be reassuring and logically is, most of the time. During the daylight hours we look upward to see the aircraft as they fly overhead. It’s somewhat difficult spotting the planes as they fly so high and so fast. You have to judge elevation by the noise intensity and then look ahead of where the sound appears to be. Sometimes you are lucky and get a glimpse of an F15, F16 or F35. Other times you are fooled because an aircraft may have made a tight turn and is going back towards the sound.

But, as I said earlier, reassuring as it should be, I find the sound after six months beginning to wear on my war weary mind. This is the eleventh major conflict I have been involved in and it is the longest and most conflicted one.

A few days ago my PTSD damaged mind finally gave into the sound and I broke down in tears from the stress. As I sat in our yard with my head in my hands weeping, my long-haired German Shepherd Simcha, (joy in Hebrew), came and gently laid her massive shaggy head in my lap. She looked up at me with her big doleful eyes and gently licked me. I broke into a torrent of tears and slowly the tension began to subside. Whatever dark recess of my mind that had allowed the ghosts of the past to emerge, slowly closed their doors and the demons receded.

I’m sure many of us in Israel have felt this overwhelming sorrow of late but not all of us have a Simcha to help us through it. Sensing my change in mood it was now her turn for some attention. It was payback time and this two year old bundle of love wanted some serious playtime in return for her affection.

The days rolled on until one morning the news we had expected but dreaded arrived. Iran, the state sponsor of global terror, had finally decided to launch an attack on Israel. We were warned that a massive missile attack had been launched and that we were situated between 1 1⁄2 to two hours before the onslaught depending on which type of projectile was launched. Take your pick; UAVs, ballistic and cruise missiles–so while we waited our erstwhile cousins in Lebanon were upping their quota of Quassam and Katyusha short range rockets.

My eyes caught the view across the valley of the Yarden or River Jordan, which was as always beautiful. Below the massive mound of Mount Canaan the lights of Rosh Pina and Hazor Hagalil twinkled in the night-time darkness whilst the crown of the mountain was lit from the lights of Birya. Hazor which is where the prophet Joshua, the protege of Moses fought his final battle after entering the land some 3500 years ago after the years of exile in Egypt then the saga of the Exodus. This area was about to witness yet another onslaught against the children of Yisrael.

The lights continued to twinkle reassuringly and there was an unusual quiet to the night as if the whole countryside was holding its breath in anticipation. Either the airplanes had gone back to base to rearm and fuel or they were heading eastwards through Syria to meet the coming onslaught.

The attack itself was not entirely unexpected as saber rattling had been going on for days, if not weeks. What did surprise me though was a rush of messages from friends in Britain and even the USA asking if all was well and ensuring us that we were in their thoughts and prayers.

Since I had spent most of the night awake from my adrenaline waiting for whatever would befall us, there was nothing much to do but wait. So as any good Brit would do in a crisis, I went to  make myself a cup of tea and settle down while I waited.

At 1:45 a.m. the home front alarm on my phone started blaring out warnings of attack after attack and this now came faster than I could read them. So far, the majority of the strikes were in the south in the empty expanses of the Negev desert. Suddenly my eye caught the glow of a red orb slowly rising into the sky in the direction of Tiberius, the ancient Roman and biblical city on the Kinneret. I knew at that moment that it had started. The orb rises into the sky reminiscent of happier days long ago when people would sit and watch Roman Candles throw their orbs into the night sky on July Fourth or Bonfire Night to the delight of the children. This time though the purpose was far more deadly as a sudden bright flash indicated. At least one missile would not now reach its target thanks to the amazing Iron Dome system of air defense that has saved so many lives since its first deployment in 2011. Countless thousands of rockets have been fired into Israel since 2007 when Hamas took control of the Gaza strip and Hezbollah the Iranian proxy in Lebanon and since then  jointly fire frequent and indiscriminate rockets into Israel. The financial cost of stopping these rockets is outrageous and yet without the Iron Dome it is only a guess to calculate the cost in lost human lives. 

The sound of explosions began to echo up and down the valley and the loud boom of an exploding rocket knocked out by our defenses. The Iron Dome is able to track and compute the speed, direction and probable landing point of the incoming missiles so only fires at those that it deems are likely to hit populated areas. Even so the cost of each missile is around 60,000 dollars–Millions of dollars that could have been spent on schools, hospitals or used for scientific exploration to the benefit of mankind have been used instead to knock rockets out of the sky launched by ultra religious fanatical muslims.

Surprisingly the attack was over very quickly and the initial reports started to come in. The only reported injury was a young Bedouin girl who had sustained shrapnel injuries and some buildings which were hit on an airbase. Truly a miracle was being witnessed this night but to what extent we still did not know.

The night returned to its solemnity, the aircraft had returned to base and no more explosions were to be heard in the valley. I took one last look out of the window, amazed that so little damage or injury had been caused, then finally headed off to the comfort of my bed for a couple of hours of sleep.

Suddenly I was awakened by the shrill air raid siren rising and falling and warning us we had 30 seconds to get to our safe room. This time we were the target, we had slept in our clothes knowing that this possibility might happen so we grabbed an emergency bag and of course Simcha, who thought this was just a fun game.  We headed for our alcove beneath the stairs. This time the sound of the Iron Dome interceptions were much louder, like a clap of thunder directly over our heads, but much more ominous as we understood the danger that the shrapnel from these rockets could cause. Again after what seemed a very short time it was over, and the sudden silence reminded me of tales my Grandfather had told me about how after an artillery barrage in WW1 the sudden silence was almost as oppressive as the noise of the bombardment itself. All hell for 15 minutes then silence like the grave as your ears returned to normal. Later that morning we found out that a rocket, probably a Katushkya, had indeed landed in our town. Without taking any of the credit away from the members of the IDF and IAF who had all done an amazing job that night the real credit has to go to the Almighty without whom our country would lay a smoking patch of land with untold casualties.

The rocket that had landed in the town had impacted about two meters from a concrete and rock wall topped by an iron fence into the only patch of soft dirt in the vicinity. The rock wall directed the blast away from the houses across the street and threw small clods of dirt and small stones some two blocks away. There were several fruit trees on the piece of ground and it was easy to see how the roots of the trees also helped to contain the blast and direct it away from the houses some ten to fifteen meters away. All around the point of impact there were multi story dwellings that could easily have been hit and destroyed. Had the rocket landed on the other side of the brick wall it would have buried itself into a cobblestone road made with three kilo bricks. Each one of those bricks could have become missiles themselves and the damage they would have caused is not hard to imagine. However, the only damage and it was slight, was to a nearby car, the railing on top of the wall and several solar panels damaged by clods of dirt thrown into the air by the impact. 

Since that night, it has been confirmed that some three hundred projectiles were fired at Israel on that occasion. The vast majority were either shot down by the armed forces of Israel and the Iron Dome and possibly some of our so-called allies, while others were allowed to fall into open areas.

Thanks to the Creator only one major injury occurred that night and we pray that she recovers to full health speedily.

All in all the attack was a complete and miserable failure as far as Iran is concerned. With the largest missile attack in history being launched against us, our defenses stood up to the test and humiliated the aggressor.

In the ensuing days the aircraft have resumed their patrols and attacks on targets inside Lebanon, but the noise of their passage still grates on my nerves.

Even though I know the commitment of our brave soldiers and pilots, their skill, dedication and commitment continually amaze me but above all I give thanks to the Eternal for his mercy and guidance.

I am also grateful to my wife, Ariella and dear friends for their encouragement and support. Lastly, my sweet puppy Simcha, I know it’s time to play–Again!

Un Segundo Exodo: ¿qué tiene que ver esta guerra contra Israel?

Han llegado tiempos difíciles para nosotros. Los judíos y los creyentes de la Biblia en todas partes están conteniendo la respiración, inseguros de lo que está sucediendo en términos de sus creencias y de lo que dice la Biblia sobre los eventos del fin de los tiempos. ¡Especialmente los acontecimientos que incluso ahora están fuera de control en Tierra Santa! ¿Pero de qué se trata?

Israel ha estallado en una guerra catastrófica justo en el momento en que los judíos están regresando a su tierra en masa. Es casi como un segundo Éxodo y esta vez el Faraón parece estar EN LA TIERRA así como en las fronteras tratando de destruir a cualquiera que quiera regresar. Ahora no es sólo Egipto, sino todas las naciones limítrofes las que se han unido a los ataques diarios para robar la tierra de Israel y matar a sus habitantes. ¿Porqué ahora?

Ok, los judíos han celebrado el primer día de Pesaj de 2024, y en la mayoría de los seders, al menos se contempla, si no se discute, la cuestión de por qué los judíos parecen sufrir eternamente, como si fuera nuestro destino sufrir. Este año la celebración de nuestra libertad es cuestionable. ¡Cómo podemos celebrar la libertad cuando las naciones quieren acabar con nosotros, otra vez! — ¿Esta vez desde nuestra propia tierra dada por Dios? ¡Seguramente Hashem no debe estar mirando! ¿Por qué está pasando esto? ¡Pensábamos que el fin de los tiempos se trataba de regresar a la tierra, terminar el exilio y darle la bienvenida al Mesías! Quizás haya algo más que no hayamos visto. ¡Quizás el pueblo de Dios necesite una transformación!

Quizás podamos sacar fuerzas de las cosas negativas que están sucediendo. Miremos más allá de la realidad de lo que está pasando.

De acuerdo a un Artículo del Times of Israel con fecha de El 23 de diciembre de 2023, más de 2600 personas se mudaron a Israel entre el 7 de octubre y la fecha del artículo. De acuerdo con lacrónica judía, más de 6.500 judíos emigraron a Israel antes del 14 de febrero y se han presentado muchas solicitudes de aliá.

¿Qué se puede deducir de esto? Hasta el momento de la declaración en Times of Israel (23/12) no se habían producido muchas protestas anti israel en todo el mundo, al menos no como las ha habido recientemente. Entonces, ¿qué las motivó? ¿Culpa por no estar en la tierra para sustentarlo? ¿Un sentimiento de querer permanecer juntos, pase lo que pase? ¿O hay algo más?

Durante la seder en la casa de unos amigos aquí en los Altos del Golán, conocimos a algunas personas nuevas que acababan de mudarse de Estados Unidos. Todavía no han establecido residencia pero afirman que Israel es el único lugar para los judíos. ¡Vendieron todo y se apresuraron aquí, con o sin beneficios de aliá! ¡Definitivamente esta no es la primera vez que escucho a gente afirmar esto!

¿Es realmente Israel el lugar más seguro para los judíos, como sugiere el artículo anterior? Bien puede serlo, pero no lo parece en este momento. Dejando a un lado los sentimientos, ¿cuál es el plan de Hashem para Israel? ¿Existe un plan? ¿Los judíos serán perseguidos y atacados para siempre? ¿Será porque son el Pueblo de Alianza? ¿Es porque de alguna manera se extraviaron hace miles de años? Bueno, tal vez, pero no veo a un Dios amoroso y misericordioso castigando eternamente a un pueblo con persecución cuando no tienen idea de por qué. Estoy seguro de que hay algo más involucrado en el abrumador impulso de regresar a la tierra de nuestros antepasados. ¿Por qué estamos aquí, de hecho?

Otra cosa, ¿por qué las organizaciones cristianas, especialmente las evangélicas, creen que los judíos deben regresar a su tierra?

Según la declaración cristiana sionista en Wikipedia::

“Dios Padre, El Todopoderoso, eligió a la antigua nación y pueblo de Israel, los descendientes de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, para revelar Su plan de redención para el mundo. Siguen siendo elegidos de Dios, y sin la nación judía Sus propósitos redentores para el mundo no se completarán”.

Por supuesto, detrás de esta declaración está la premisa de que el mesías cristiano (Jesús) debe regresar a Jerusalén y, como algunos han dicho, “convencer a los judíos de su misión divina y de su posicion de Mesias”.

Aunque sea tan falso como afirmamos la mayoría de nosotros, el resultado es que se está ayudando a muchos judíos a regresar. ¿Condenaremos su buena voluntad y nos negaremos a aceptar sus regalos, aunque estén motivados por razonamientos erróneos? Votemos al bebe junto con el agua del baño? No creo. Hashem ha trabajado con las naciones para hacer realidad su voluntad a lo largo de milenios y no lo veo cambiando de planes ahora. Entonces, ¿cuál podría ser Su propósito al llevar a los judíos a experimentar una horrible guerra contra Israel en lo que muchos de nosotros creemos que es el fin de los tiempos? ¿Vamos a ver algo espectacular?

Algunos ven esta guerra como completamente controlada por un gobierno secular que no está dirigido por YHVH. ¿Algunos han declarado que Dios no está entre nosotros y no puede trabajar con este gobierno? ¡Esperar!

¿Trabajó Dios con Ciro de Babilonia para enviar a los judíos de regreso a la tierra? ¿No significa eso que todo está en Manos del Eterno Arquitecto de la Historia?

Otra cosa, además del atentado del 7 de octubre (ver mi artículo Bailando con el Diablo aquí, pronto lo tendrá en español), se han disparado muchos misiles, drones, cohetes y bombas contra Israel desde todos lados. Además de que muchos de nuestros queridos soldados murieron en la lucha con Hamás, Hezbolá y todos los representantes de Irán, ha habido muy pocas víctimas civiles. Como por ejemplo lo que ocurrió la noche del sábado 13 de abril cuando más de 300 proyectiles fueron disparados contra Israel desde Irán y nadie resultó herido excepto una niña beduina que resultó herida. ¿Es la fuerza de nuestra cúpula de hierro? ¿O es posible que alguien allá arriba nos esté cuidando? Es cierto que nuestro gobierno en su mayor parte se considera la única protección de Israel. Por más malvado que sea, ¿está Hashem ahí trabajando detrás de escena? ¿Puedes decirme que no lo es? Él puede desarraigar a los reyes cuando quiera. ¿Simplemente sucede que Él está trabajando junto a él y logrando lo que Él quiere?

Algunos de nosotros todavía cuestionamos la estúpida estupidez de nuestro gobierno por sorprenderse con el ataque del 7 de octubre, o incluso ignorarlo hasta que fue demasiado tarde. ¿Tenía Dios un propósito al permitirlo? ¿Tenía Él un mensaje para nosotros? ¿Lo usó de alguna manera para comenzar un ataque a mayor escala contra Israel que se desarrollaría para mostrar su mano poderosa al final? Y ahora, ¿qué pasa con nuestros 133 rehenes, que muchos de nosotros creemos que ya están en su mayoría muertos? No puedo entender el motivo de su tortura y muerte, pero no permitiré que mi fe en YHVH falle. He orado por ellos una y otra vez y es hora de dejarlos con el Todopoderoso que protege a los inocentes. ¿Lo hace o no? Algunos dicen que claramente no ha protegido a ninguno de ellos. ¿Asi que que hacemos? ¿Desechar nuestra fe? ¿Podría haber una razón para todo esto? Digo que lo hay, pero no puedo decirte qué es. ¿Echaremos la culpa al gobierno, o el gobierno es sólo una marioneta en manos de Hashem?

Si leemos las profecías de Ezequiel 37-39, queda bastante claro que algo corresponde con lo que está pasando.

Sé que estoy argumentando para salvar la reputación de Di-s. Algunos podrán afirmar que soy un fanático religioso. Puede que lo sea. Pero tengo claras un par de cosas.

  1. Esta guerra es necesaria para cumplir el Plan Divino y está insinuada en la Biblia.
  2. El pueblo siempre ha sufrido, especialmente el Pueblo de Alianza.
  3. La Biblia promete traer de vuelta a los que han muerto (¿rehenes?) en la resurrección. (Ver Isaías 26, Daniel 12, Ezequiel 37).
  4. La Tierra de Israel pertenece a YHVH y Él promete acabar con Edom (Isaías 63). Dice que lo hará solo (Isaías 63:3).
  5. Debe haber una separación entre los justos y los malvados. (La maldad está mostrando su rostro especialmente ahora. Esta guerra está revelando las actitudes y motivaciones secretas de la gente. Algunos judíos se aferran a su dinero como lo más importante que tienen. Algunos están vendiendo todo y mudándose a Israel, cueste lo que cueste. Muchos no- Los judíos hacen fila para ayudar, mientras que otros se tapan los oídos para no oír. Algunos buscan la ascendencia de sus padres y hacen búsquedas de ADN para ver si pueden ser judíos o de las 10 tribus perdidas.

Entonces, sí, hay mucho que contemplar y lo mejor que podemos hacer es confiar en que Dios hará Su voluntad. Sólo él está a cargo, sin importar lo que estén haciendo los gobiernos y las organizaciones. ¡No nos interponemos en Su camino!

Mi esperanza es una fe mayor mientras vemos que las montañas se desmoronan y las torres caen. ¡Que seamos fieles a través de todo!


¡Por favor, comparte, comenta y sigue si te gusta alguno de mis artículos!

A Second Exodus–What does this War have to do with It?

Difficult times are here for us. Jews and Bible believers everywhere are holding their breath unsure of what is going on in terms of their beliefs and what the Bible says about end time events–especially events that are even now spiraling out of control in the Holy Land! But what is it all about? 

Israel has broken into a catastrophic war just at the time when Jews are returning to the land en masse. It is almost like a second Exodus and this time Pharoah seems to be IN THE LAND as well as on the borders trying to destroy anyone who wants to return. Now it is not only Egypt, but all the bordering nations who have joined in on the daily attacks to steal the land of Israel and kill its inhabitants. Why now?

Ok so Jews have celebrated the first day of Pesach of 2024, and at most seders the question is at least contemplated if not discussed as to why Jews seem to suffer eternally, as if it is our destiny to suffer. This year the celebration of our freedom is questionable. How can we celebrate freedom when the nations want to wipe us out, again! — this time from our own G-d given land? Surely Hashem must not be watching! Why is this happening? We thought the end times was about returning to the land, ending the exile and welcoming the Messiah! Maybe there is something else that we  have not seen. Maybe God’s people need a transformation! Maybe returning to the Land is a test!

Perhaps we can draw strength from the negative things that are happening. Let’s look behind the reality of what is going on.

According to a Times of Israel article dated December 23, 2023, more than 2600 people moved to Israel between October 7 and the date of the article. According to the Jewish Chronicle, over 6500 Jews emigrated to Israel by February 14 and many applications for aliyah have been made.

What can be deducted from this? As of the time of the statement in Times of Israel (12/23) not a lot of anti-Israel protests had taken place around the world– at least not like there have been recently.. So what motivated those who came? Guilt for not being in the land to support it? A feeling of wanting to stand together, come what may? Or is there something else?

During the seder at some friends’ house here in the Golan Heights, we met some new people who had just moved from the United States. They still have not established residency but they claim that Israel is the only place for Jews. They sold everything and high-tailed it over here, with or without aliyah benefits! This is definitely not the first time I have heard people claim this! 

Is Israel really the safest place for Jews as the above article suggests? It may well be, but it does not feel like it at the moment. Feelings aside, what is Hashem’s plan for Israel? Is there a plan? Are Jews going to be forever persecuted and targeted? Is it because they are the Covenant People? Is it because they somehow went astray way back thousands of years ago? Well, maybe, but I don’t see a loving and gracious G-d eternally punishing a people with persecution when they have no idea why. I am sure there is something else involved in the overwhelming drive to return to the land of our forefathers. Why are we here, indeed? 

Another thing, why do Christian organizations, especially evangelicals, believe that the Jews must return to the land?
According to the the Zionist Christian statement in Wikipedia:
“God the Father, Almighty, chose the ancient nation and people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to reveal His plan of redemption for the world. They remain elect of God, and without the Jewish nation His redemptive purposes for the world will not be completed.”
Of course underlying this statement is the premise that the Christian Messiah (Jesus) must return to Jerusalem and as some have stated, “convince the Jews of his “divine mission and Messiahship.”  

Be that false as most of us claim, the outcome is that many Jews are being helped to return. Shall we condemn their good will and refuse to accept their gifts, even though they are motivated by wrong reasoning? Do we throw the baby out with the bath water? I am not so sure. Hashem has worked with nations to bring about his will over the millennia  and I don’t see Him changing plans now. So what could be His purpose in bringing Jews to experience a horrible war against Israel at what many of us believe to be the end times? Are we to see something spectacular?

Some see this war as being completely controlled by a secular government that is not directed by YHVH. Some have stated that G-d is not in our midst and cannot work with this government? Wait!

Did G-d work with Cyrus of Babylon to send the Jews back to the land. Does that not mean that all is in the Hands of the Eternal Architect of History? 

Another thing, besides the attack on October 7 (see my article Dancing with the Devil here), there have been many missiles, drones, rockets, and bombs fired at Israel from all sides. Besides many of our dear soldiers being killed in the fight with Hamas, Hezbollah and other proxies of Iran, there have been very few civilian casualties. Like for example what happened on Saturday night April 13 when over 300 projectiles were fired at Israel from Iran and nobody was hurt except one bedouin girl who was injured. One missile landed in our town between a couple of apartment buildings and left a 10 foot hole in the yard and some structural damage. But curiously, it did not hurt anyone! Is the secret in the strength of our defense forces and our Iron dome? Or is it possible that Somebody Up There is watching out for us? It is true that our government for the most part looks to themselves as the sole protection of Israel. Evil as that may be, is Hashem there working behind the scenes? Is it possible that He alone is guiding the movements of the war? Can you tell me He is not? He can uproot kings whenever He wants to. It just happens that He is working alongside and bringing about what He wants?

Some of us still question the apparent stupidity of our government for being surprised at the October 7 attack, or even ignoring it until it was too late. Did G-d have a purpose in  allowing it? Did He have a message for us? Did He use it somehow to begin a bigger scale attack on Israel that would play out to show His Mighty Hand at the last? And now, what about our 133 hostages which many of us believe are mostly dead by now? I cannot fathom the reason for their torture and death, but I will not allow my faith in YHVH to fail. I have prayed for them over and over and it is time to leave them with the Almighty who protects the innocent. Does He or does He not? Some say He clearly has not protected any of them. So what do we do? Throw out our faith? Could there be a reason for all of this? I say there is, but I cannot tell you what it is. Shall we place the blame on the government, or is the government just a puppet in Hashem’s hands? 

If we read the prophecies of Ezekiel 37-39, it is pretty clear that something corresponds with what is going on. 

I know I am arguing to save G-d’s reputation. Some may claim that I am a religious fanatic. I may be. But a couple of things are clear to me.

  1. This war is necessary to fulfill the Divine Plan and is hinted at in the Bible.
  2. People have always suffered, especially the Covenant People.
  3. The Bible promises to bring back those who have died (hostages?) in the resurrection. (See Isaiah 26, Daniel 12, Ezek 37).
  4. The Land of Israel belongs to YHVH and He promises to wipe out Edom (Isaiah 63). He says he will do it alone (Isaiah 63:3).
  5. There is to be a separation between the righteous and the wicked. (Wickedness is showing its face especially now. This war is revealing people’s attitudes and secret motivations. Some Jews are hanging onto their money as the most important thing they have. Some are selling everything and moving to Israel, whatever the cost. Many non-Jews are lining up to help, while others are covering their ears so that they do not hear. Some are searching the ancestry of their parents and doing DNA searches  to see if they may be Jewish or from the 10 lost tribes. 

So, yes, there is a lot to contemplate and the best thing we can do is trust G-d to work out His will. He alone is in charge no matter what governments and organizations are doing. Let’s not get in His way!

My hope is for a greater faith while we see mountains crumble and towers fall. May we be faithful through it all!


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A Second Exodus–What does this War have to do with It?

Difficult times are here for us. Jews and Bible believers everywhere are holding their breath unsure of what is going on in terms of their beliefs and what the Bible says about end time events. Especially events that are even now spiraling out of control in the Holy Land! But what is it all about? 

Israel has broken into a catastrophic war just at the time when Jews are returning to the land en masse. It is almost like a second Exodus and this time Pharoah seems to be IN THE LAND as well as on the borders trying to destroy anyone who wants to return. Now it is not only Egypt, but all the bordering nations who have joined in on the daily attacks to steal the land of Israel and kill its inhabitants. Why now?

Ok so Jews have celebrated the first day of Pesach of 2024, and at most seders the question is at least contemplated if not discussed as to why Jews seem to suffer eternally, as if it is our destiny to suffer. This year the celebration of our freedom is questionable. How can we celebrate freedom when the nations want to wipe us out, again! — this time from our own G-d given land? Surely Hashem must not be watching! Why is this happening? We thought the end times was about returning to the land, ending the exile and welcoming the Messiah! Maybe there is something else that we  have not seen. Maybe God’s people need a transformation!

Perhaps we can draw strength from the negative things that are happening. Let’s look behind the reality of what is going on.

According to a Times of Israel article dated December 23, 2023, more than 2600 people moved to Israel between October 7 and the date of the article. According to the Jewish Chronicle, over 6500 Jews emigrated to Israel by February 14 and many applications for aliyah have been made.

What can be deducted from this? As of the time of the statement in Times of Israel (12/23) not a lot of anti-Israel protests had taken place around the world– at least not like there have been recently.. So what motivated them? Guilt for not being in the land to support it? A feeling of wanting to stand together, come what may? Or is there something else?

During the seder at some friends’ house here in the Golan Heights, we met some new people who had just moved from the United States. They still have not established residency but they claim that Israel is the only place for Jews. They sold everything and high-tailed it over here, with or without aliyah benefits! This is definitely not the first time I have heard people claim this! 

Is Israel really the safest place for Jews as the above article suggests? It may well be, but it does not feel like it at the moment. Feelings aside, what is Hashem’s plan for Israel? Is there a plan? Are Jews going to be forever persecuted and targeted? Is it because they are the Covenant People? Is it because they somehow went astray way back thousands of years ago? Well, maybe, but I don’t see a loving and gracious G-d eternally punishing a people with persecution when they have no idea why. I am sure there is something else involved in the overwhelming drive to return to the land of our forefathers. Why are we here, indeed? 

Another thing, why do Christian organizations, especially evangelicals, believe that the Jews must return to the land?

According to the the Zionist Christian statement in Wikipedia::

“God the Father, Almighty, chose the ancient nation and people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to reveal His plan of redemption for the world. They remain elect of God, and without the Jewish nation His redemptive purposes for the world will not be completed.”

Of course underlying this statement is the premise that the Christian Messiah (Jesus) must return to Jerusalem and as some have stated, “convince the Jews of his divine mission and Messiahship.”  

Be that false as most of us claim, the outcome is that many Jews are being helped to return. Shall we condemn their good will and refuse to accept their gifts, even though they are motivated by wrong reasoning? Do we throw the baby out with the bath water? I am not so sure. Hashem has worked with nations to bring about his will over the millennia  and I don’t see Him changing plans now. So what could be His purpose in bringing Jews to experience a horrible war against Israel at what many of us believe to be the end times? Are we to see something spectacular?

Some see this war as being completely controlled by a secular government that is not directed by YHVH. Some have stated that G-d is not in our midst and cannot work with this government? Wait!

Did G-d work with Cyrus of Babylon to send the Jews back to the land. Does that not mean that all is in the Hands of the Eternal Architect of History? 

Another thing, besides the attack on October 7 (see my article Dancing with the Devil here), there have been many missiles, drones, rockets, and bombs fired at Israel from all sides. Besides many of our dear soldiers being killed in the fight with Hamas, Hezbollah and all the proxies of Iran, there have been very few civilian casualties. Like for example what happened on Saturday night April 13 when over 300 projectiles were fired at Israel from Iran and nobody was hurt except one bedouin girl who was injured. Is it the strength of our Iron dome? Or is it possible that Somebody Up There is watching out for us? It is true that our government for the most part looks to themselves as the sole protection of Israel. Evil as that may be, is Hashem there working behind the scenes? Can you tell me He is not? He can uproot kings whenever He wants to. It just happens that He is working alongside and bringing about what He wants?

Some of us still question the lame stupidity of our government for being surprised at the October 7 attack, or even ignoring it until it was too late. Did G-d have a purpose in  allowing it? Did He have a message for us? Did He use it somehow to begin a bigger scale attack on Israel that would play out to show His Mighty Hand at the last? And now, what about our 133 hostages which many of us believe are mostly dead by now? I cannot fathom the reason for their torture and death, but I will not allow my faith in YHVH to fail. I have prayed for them over and over and it is time to leave them with the Almighty who protects the innocent. Does He or does He not? Some say He clearly has not protected any of them. So what do we do? Throw out our faith? Could there be a reason for all of this? I say there is, but I cannot tell you what it is. Shall we place the blame on the government, or is the government just a puppet in Hashem’s hands? 

If we read the prophecies of Ezekiel 37-39, it is pretty clear that something corresponds with what is going on. 

I know I am arguing to save G_d’s reputation. Some may claim that I am a religious fanatic. I may be. But a couple of things are clear to me.

  1. This war is necessary to fulfill the Divine Plan and is hinted at in the Bible.
  2. People have always suffered, especially the Covenant People.
  3. The Bible promises to bring back those who have died (hostages?) in the resurrection. (See Isaiah 26, Daniel 12, Ezek 37).
  4. The Land of Israel belongs to YHVH and He promises to wipe out Edom (Isaiah 63). He says he will do it alone (Isaiah 63:3).
  5. There is to be a separation between the righteous and the wicked. (Wickedness is showing its face especially now. This war is revealing people’s attitudes and secret motivations. Some Jews are hanging onto their money as the most important thing they have. Some are selling everything and moving to Israel, whatever the cost. Many non-Jews are lining up to help, while others are covering their ears so that they do not hear. Some are searching the ancestry of their parents and doing DNA searches  to see if they may be Jewish or from the 10 lost tribes. 

So, yes, there is a lot to contemplate and the best thing we can do is trust G-d to work out His will. He alone is in charge no matter what governments and organizations are doing. Let’s not get in His way!

My hope is for a greater faith while we see mountains crumble and towers fall. May we be faithful through it all!


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